// VMemPool.h: interface for the CVMemMan class.
// Virtual Memory Pool Management Class
// by bro (bro@shinbiro.com)
// (Cho,Kyung-min)
// 2002-02-19
// History.
// 2002-02-19 : Fisrt Code.
// 2002-02-20 : vmXXX public Function supported
// DEBUG_NEW supported ( but not impl yet.. )
// 2002-03-08 : New mechanism : alloc bitset, not use std::list is so heavy.
// just i use 'Free-MemoryBlock-Queue'
// Support Helper Function: IsBadPtr.
// Manual
// Usage
class CObj : public CVMemPool<>
CObj* pObj = new CObj; // Virtual Memory Pool 1000 blocks created, allocated 1st block
CObj* pObj2 = new CObj;// allocated second block
delete pObj; // first block deleted
delete pObj2; // second block deleted
#if !defined(AFX_VMEMPOOL_H__BD52675B_6C82_4CDE_8618_0141D7A4653F__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_VMEMPOOL_H__BD52675B_6C82_4CDE_8618_0141D7A4653F__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "BitSet.h"
// CVMemPool<int T> : Virtual Memory Pool Management Class
// Virtual Memory Pool for managing same object block
template <class objT,DWORD _dwPoolSizeT = 1000>
class CVMemPool
// Name : vmInitPool
// Desc : Initilize Pool ( you must call this before 'new',
// if you want to reconfigure Pool. if you don't call
// it, then Pool works with default configuration )
// Param : nPoolSize - Size of Pool (Object Block Total count)
// bAllocNow - Virtual Allocation right now
// nObjSize - bAllocNow is true, then you must give Object size
// cos, i don't know object's size in this time )
// Return : if bAllocNow is true, so pool try to alloc, but it fail
// then it return false.
// Coder Dated Desc
// bro 2002-02-20
static inline BOOL vmInitPool( DWORD dwPoolSize , BOOL bAllocNow = FALSE, DWORD dwObjSize = 0 )
ms_dwPoolSize = dwPoolSize;
if( bAllocNow && dwObjSize > 0 )
ms_dwObjSize = dwObjSize;
if( !AllocPool(ms_dwPoolSize,ms_dwObjSize) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Name : vmCleanUp
// Desc : you should put it on term code
// but, it's optional. cos all freed safely when
// process terminate.
// Param :
// Return :
// Coder Dated Desc
// bro 2002-02-20
static inline void vmCleanUp()
if( ms_pMemPool )
VirtualFree( ms_pMemPool, DWORD(ms_dwPoolSize*ms_dwObjSize), MEM_RELEASE|MEM_DECOMMIT );
DeleteCriticalSection( &ms_csLock );
// Name : vmGetPoolInfo
// Desc : Get Pool information
// If you interest of pool memory usage statistics
// then you can use it for that.
// Param : pdwPoolSize - [out] Pool Object total count( Not bytes )
// pdwAllocObjCount - [out] Current allocated object count
// pdwObjSize - [out] one object bytes size.
// Return :
// Coder Dated Desc
// bro 2002-02-20
static inline BOOL vmGetPoolInfo( DWORD* pdwPoolSize, DWORD* pdwAllocObjCount, DWORD* pdwObjSize )
if( !ms_pMemPool )
bRet = FALSE;
if( pdwPoolSize ) *pdwPoolSize = ms_dwPoolSize;
if( pdwAllocObjCount ) *pdwAllocObjCount = ms_dwAllocObjCount;
if( pdwObjSize ) *pdwObjSize = ms_dwObjSize;
return bRet;
// memory block validation checker
static inline BOOL vmIsBadPtr( void* p )
// is follow basic rule of pool block?
if( p && p>=ms_pData && p<=ms_pData+(ms_dwPoolSize*ms_dwObjSize)&&
((char*)p-ms_pData)%ms_dwObjSize == 0 )
// is really allocated in pool ?
DWORD id = Addr2Id(p);
return (ms_bsAllocSet.Get(id)==0);
return TRUE;
struct CSLock
CSLock(){ InitializeCriticalSection(&cs); }
~CSLock(){ DeleteCriticalSection(&cs); }
void Lock(){ EnterCriticalSection(&cs); }
void Unlock() { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); }
static CBitSet ms_bsAllocSet; // bitset for allocated blocks
static DWORD ms_dwSrtFree; // freeblock start marker in circular queue
static DWORD ms_dwEndFree; // freeblock end marker
static BOOL ms_bEmptyFree; // state value for empry queue
static BOOL ms_bFullFree; // state value for full queue
static DWORD ms_dwFreeQueueSize;
static DWORD ms_dwTotalSize;
static CSLock ms_csLock;
static char* ms_pMemPool; // Virtual memory pool pointer
static char* ms_pData; // real data pointer
static DWORD ms_dwPoolSize; // Total Pool object counter
static DWORD ms_dwObjSize; // one object size (bytes)
static DWORD ms_dwAllocObjCount; // current allocated counts
// translate address to block numer
static inline DWORD Addr2Id( void* p )
return DWORD((char*)p-ms_pData)/ms_dwObjSize;
// translate block number to address
static inline void* Id2Addr( DWORD id )
return ms_pData+(ms_dwObjSize*id);
// add free block number to free-circular queue
static inline BOOL InsertFree( DWORD id )
if( (ms_dwEndFree+1) % ms_dwFreeQueueSize == ms_dwSrtFree )
// OverFlow
return FALSE;
// write newbie free block
*((DWORD*)ms_pMemPool+ms_dwEndFree) = id;
ms_dwEndFree = ++ms_dwEndFree % ms_dwFreeQueueSize;
// free block bit set
ms_bsAllocSet.Set( id, 0 );
return TRUE;
// pop free block from free-circular queue
static inline DWORD PopFree()
if( ms_dwSrtFree == ms_dwEndFree )
// Underflow ( no block for use )
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
// get free id
DWORD id = *((DWORD*)ms_pMemPool+ms_dwSrtFree);
// bit set it is used.
ms_bsAllocSet.Set( id, 1 );
// increment start free marker
return id;
static inline BOOL AllocPool(DWORD dwPoolSize, DWORD dwObjSize)
DWORD dwUsedBytes = ms_bsAllocSet.sCalcUsedBytes(dwPoolSize);
DWORD dwFreeQueue = (dwPoolSize+1)*sizeof(DWORD);
DWORD dwTotalSize = dwUsedBytes + dwFreeQueue + dwPoolSize*dwObjSize;
ms_pMemPool = (char*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, dwTotalSize,
if( !ms_pMemPool)
return FALSE;
ms_dwTotalSize = dwTotalSize;
ms_dwFreeQueueSize = dwPoolSize+1;
ms_pData = ms_pMemPool+dwUsedBytes+dwFreeQueue;
// allocation bitset create
if(!ms_bsAllocSet.Create( dwPoolSize, TRUE, TRUE, ms_pMemPool+dwFreeQueue,dwUsedBytes ) )
return FALSE;
// free circular queue init
ms_dwSrtFree = 0;
ms_dwEndFree = 0;
ms_bEmptyFree = TRUE;
ms_bFullFree = FALSE;
for( DWORD i = 0 ; i < dwPoolSize; i++)
// all block is available when pool is created.
return TRUE;
// DEBUG_NEW support function ( No support memory tracking for MFC )
inline void* operator new(size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine)
return operator new( nSize );
inline void operator delete(void* p, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine)
operator delete( p );
// new operator override
void* operator new( size_t size )
ASSERT( size > 0 );
// pointer for newed free address in pool
void* pNew = NULL;
// if pool isn't init, then init
if( !ms_pMemPool )
if( !ms_dwPoolSize ) ms_dwPoolSize = _dwPoolSizeT;
ms_dwObjSize = size;
if( !AllocPool(ms_dwPoolSize,ms_dwObjSize) )
return NULL;
// get available block in pool
DWORD id = PopFree();
if( id == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return NULL;
pNew = Id2Addr(id);
if( pNew )
;//allocation fail!
return pNew;
// free memory
void operator delete( void* p )
ASSERT( p &&
((char*)p-ms_pData)%ms_dwObjSize == 0 );
if( !p ) return;
// lock pool
// add to 'free-queue'for reusing this block
InsertFree( Addr2Id(p) );
// unlock
// declaration static valuables
template <class T,DWORD F> CBitSet CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_bsAllocSet;
template <class T,DWORD F> DWORD CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_dwSrtFree;
template <class T,DWORD F> DWORD CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_dwEndFree;
template <class T,DWORD F> BOOL CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_bEmptyFree;
template <class T,DWORD F> BOOL CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_bFullFree;
template <class T,DWORD F> DWORD CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_dwTotalSize;
template <class T,DWORD F> DWORD CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_dwFreeQueueSize;
template <class T,DWORD F> char* CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_pData;
template <class T,DWORD F> CVMemPool<T,F>::CSLock CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_csLock;
template <class T,DWORD F> char* CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_pMemPool = NULL;
template <class T,DWORD F> DWORD CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_dwObjSize;
template <class T,DWORD F> DWORD CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_dwAllocObjCount;
template <class T,DWORD F> DWORD CVMemPool<T,F>::ms_dwPoolSize;
#endif // !defined(AFX_VMEMPool_H__BD52675B_6C82_4CDE_8618_0141D7A4653F__INCLUDED_)