A small utility that will generate a flowgraph from x86 code -- similar to IDA's built-in funtionality -- which is capable of graphing non-contigous functions (as created by Microsoft's internal optimization tools).
#include <ida.hpp> #include <idp.hpp> #include <graph.hpp> #include <loader.hpp> #include <kernwin.hpp> typedef std::map<int, areavec_t> cmbnodes_t; static cmbnodes_t cmbnodes; // for each combined node: ranges that it represents //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void removed_block(intseq_t &seq, int m) { for ( int i=0; i < seq.size(); i++ ) if ( seq[i] >= m ) seq[i]--; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void combine_blocks(qflow_chart_t &fc, int n, int m) { // copy successors of m to successors of n qbasic_block_t &bn = fc.blocks[n]; qbasic_block_t &bm = fc.blocks[m]; bn.succ = bm.succ; //因为bn.succ 只有一个成员,所以不用考虑其他成员替换会乱的情况 // remember that n includes m areavec_t &vn = cmbnodes[n]; if ( vn.empty() ) vn.push_back(bn); cmbnodes_t::iterator pm = cmbnodes.find(m); // 把m处的bb 拷贝到 n处的areavec_t里, 这样所有已经合并的bb 都在一起了,这样下面生成txt时候,可以把所有已经合并的bb的txt一起输出 if ( pm == cmbnodes.end() ) { vn.push_back(bm); //n处的所有合并BB的 vector } else { vn.insert(vn.end(), pm->second.begin(), pm->second.end()); cmbnodes.erase(pm); } // update the end address bn.endEA = bm.endEA; // correct the predecessors of successors of m to be n: for ( int j=0; j < bn.succ.size(); j++ ) // 这里应该用bm 好理解,但是应为上面 bn.succ = bm.succ; 所以用bn 也没问题 { int p = bn.succ[j]; //主要把bm的succ中每个元素代表的BB, 更新每个BB的pred, intseq_t &bp = fc.blocks[p].pred; int idx = bp.index(m); QASSERT(idx != -1); bp[idx] = n; } // remove block m fc.nproper--; fc.blocks.erase(fc.blocks.begin()+m); // 移除 m 代表的bb // renumber blocks >= m for ( int i=0; i < fc.size(); i++ ) { removed_block(fc.blocks[i].pred, m); //因为移除了index=m 的node , 所以m后的所有 succ pred 里的node的index要减1 removed_block(fc.blocks[i].succ, m); } cmbnodes_t ninc; // updated ranges for ( cmbnodes_t::iterator p=cmbnodes.begin(); p != cmbnodes.end(); ) { int n = p->first; areavec_t &vec = p->second; //因为移除了 index=m的node,所以 在 cmbnodes这个map里,所有node index 对应已合并bb的 vec,这里 index要减1 if ( n >= m ) { ninc[n-1] = vec; cmbnodes.erase(p++); } else { ++p; } } cmbnodes.insert(ninc.begin(), ninc.end()); //把index-1后生成的map 插入到全局变量map里。 } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void combine_sequential_nodes(qflow_chart_t &fc) { msg("combine_sequential_nodes");msg("\n"); char tmp[20]; // calculate predecessors itoa(fc.size(), tmp, 10); msg("fc.size(): "); msg(tmp);msg("\n"); for ( int n=0; n < fc.size(); n++ ) { int ns = (int)fc.nsucc(n); // 第N个node一共有多少个后继者 itoa(ns, tmp,10); msg("ns: "); msg(tmp);msg("\n"); for ( int j=0; j < ns; j++ ) { itoa(fc.succ(n,j), tmp,10); msg("fc.succ(n,j): "); msg(tmp);msg("\n"); fc.blocks[fc.succ(n,j)].pred.push_back(n); // fc.succ(n,j)是 第N个node第j个后继者 //然后设置这个继承者的pred(qvector),加进去 } } // n -> m, n&m can be combined if // nsucc(n) == 1 //如果n的继承者只有一个 ,m的父辈只有一个,且m的父辈是n,那么这两个node 可以合并 // npred(m) == 1 cmbnodes.clear(); for ( int n=0; n < fc.size(); n++ ) { if ( fc.nsucc(n) != 1 ) continue; int m = fc.succ(n, 0); if ( fc.npred(m) != 1 ) continue; if ( n == m ) continue; // ok, found a sequence, combine the blocks combine_blocks(fc, n, m); n--; // check once more //bug 如果第一个就合并了 这里变成-1了。。 } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool generate_combined_node_text(int n, text_t &text) { cmbnodes_t::iterator p = cmbnodes.find(n); if ( p == cmbnodes.end() ) return false; // this node has not been combined // generate combine node text by generating text for all nodes in it areavec_t &vec = p->second; for ( int i=0; i < vec.size(); i++ ) { char tmp[20]; itoa(vec[i].startEA, tmp, 16); msg("vec[i].startEA: "); msg(tmp);msg("\n"); ea_t ea = vec[i].startEA; gen_disasm_text(ea, vec[i].endEA, text, false); itoa(vec[i].endEA, tmp, 16); msg("vec[i].endEA: "); msg(tmp);msg("\n"); //msg("gen_disasm_text: %s", text); } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int idaapi idp_cb(void *, int code, va_list va) { switch ( code ) { case processor_t::preprocess_chart: // gui has retrieved a function flow chart // in: qflow_chart_t *fc // returns: none // Plugins may modify the flow chart in this callback { qflow_chart_t *fc = va_arg(va, qflow_chart_t *); combine_sequential_nodes(*fc); } break; } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int idaapi ui_cb(void *, int code, va_list va) { switch ( code ) { case ui_gen_idanode_text: // cb: generate disassembly text for a node // qflow_chart_t *fc // int node // text_t *text // Plugins may intercept this event and provide // custom text for an IDA graph node // They may use gen_disasm_text() for that. // Returns: bool text_has_been_generated { /*qflow_chart_t *fc =*/ va_arg(va, qflow_chart_t *); int node = va_arg(va, int); text_t *text = va_arg(va, text_t *); return generate_combined_node_text(node, *text); } } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int idaapi init(void) { // unload us if text mode, no graph are there // warning("我加载了"); if ( callui(ui_get_hwnd).vptr == NULL ) return PLUGIN_SKIP; hook_to_notification_point(HT_IDP, idp_cb, NULL); hook_to_notification_point(HT_UI, ui_cb, NULL); return PLUGIN_KEEP; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void idaapi term(void) { unhook_from_notification_point(HT_IDP, idp_cb, NULL); unhook_from_notification_point(HT_UI, ui_cb, NULL); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void idaapi run(int /*arg*/) { info("This plugin is fully automatic"); } char wanted_name[] = "graph2"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PLUGIN DESCRIPTION BLOCK // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- plugin_t PLUGIN = { IDP_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0, // plugin flags init, // initialize term, // terminate. this pointer may be NULL. run, // invoke plugin NULL, NULL, wanted_name, NULL };