shortcut,命令行创建快捷方式(fasm source)
命令行参数格式: 1.要生成的快捷方式的文件名,包括路径 2.目标文件或文件夹 3.传递的参数 4.图标文件
5.图标索引 6.启动方式 7.快捷键 8.描述
命令行参数按如上的顺序传入,可以只有 1,2 两项,也可以将 3,4,5,6,7,8,的某一项用 "" 留空,但如果存在
意一个键,比如 Alt 键,A 键,注意,这样的快捷键会使得该键的输入被系统外壳程序拦截,所以应该定义如 Ctrl
+Alt+F1(CA|112) 这样的组合快捷按键,快捷键的定义格式为 功能按键|十进制的虚拟键值 ,例如 C|116 (Ctrl+
F5),记得用引号引起来,否则 | 被识别为管道命令,也可以是一个十进制的虚拟键值,如 112 (F1)。第8项"描述"
shortcut $quicklaunch\demo.lnk c:
在快速启动栏(开始键右边)创建一个 C 盘的快捷方式
shortcut $desktop\demo c: "" "C:\windows\explorer.exe" 5 nor "ca|8" demo
在桌面创建一个 C 盘的快捷方式,用 C:\windows\explorer.exe 文件中索引为5的图标,启动方式为常规,快捷键为 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace,描述为 demo
使用 shortcut <name> sho 这样的参数显示真实的"name",如shortcut $desktop sho 显示当前电脑的桌面的路径。
shortcut,creat a shortcut for windows shell.
shortcut .lnk_file target_file [parameters] [icon_file icon_index][start_options] [hotkey] [description]
shortcut $quicklaunch\demo.lnk c:
shortcut $desktop\demo c: "" "c:\windows\explorer.exe" 5 nor "ca|8"
Following variable can be used in shortcut file name:
$desktop $quicklaunch $sendto $startmenu $smprograms $templates
start_options should be one of: nor max min
hotkey use "[modifier flags|]Virtual-Key Codes" format,modifier flags can be a combination of c(CONTROL key)
a(ALT key) s(SHIFT key) e(Extended key),and codes is decimal system
For more help,visit
1 ;
2 ; coded by vinoca
3 ; site:
5 format PE console
6 entry start
8 VERSION equ ''
10 include ''
12 +--102 行: ;sturct and const define ;
115 proc start
116 locals
117 rarg rd 1
118 sho_opt_flag rb 1
119 endl
120 invoke GetCommandLine
121 mov [rarg],eax
122 call argc
123 cmp eax,1
124 jle showhelp
125 cmp eax,2
126 je errarg
127 cmp eax,9
128 ja errarg
129 mov ebx,eax
130 invoke CoInitialize,NULL
131 invoke CoCreateInstance,CLSID_ShellLink,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IShellLink,shll
132 test eax,eax
133 jnz exitapp
134 cominvk shll,QueryInterface,IID_IPersistFile,pf
135 test eax,eax
136 jnz exitapp
137 stdcall argv,[rarg],2,buff1
138 cmp dword[eax],'sho'
139 jne @f
140 mov [sho_opt_flag],1
141 jmp .end_sethk
142 @@:
143 mov esi,eax
144 cominvk shll,SetPath,eax
145 test eax,eax
146 jnz errtar
147 invoke lstrlen,esi
148 mov ecx,esi
149 add esi,eax
150 @@:
151 dec esi
152 mov al,[esi]
153 test al,al
154 jz @f
155 cmp al,'\'
156 jnz @b
157 mov byte[esi],0
158 cominvk shll,SetWorkingDirectory,ecx
159 test eax,eax
160 jnz errtar
161 @@:
162 cmp ebx,7
163 jl .end_showcmd
164 stdcall argv,[rarg],6,buff1
165 cmp byte[eax],0
166 jz .end_showcmd
167 mov esi,eax
168 push eax
169 xor ecx,ecx
170 @@:
171 mov al,[esi]
172 inc esi
173 inc ecx
174 test al,al
175 jnz @b
176 cmp ecx,4
177 jne errshowcmd
178 pop esi
179 and dword[esi],not 00202020h
180 mov eax,[esi]
181 .if eax='NOR'
182 mov eax,1
183 .elseif eax='MAX'
184 mov eax,3
185 .elseif eax='MIN'
186 mov eax,7
187 .else
188 jmp errshowcmd
189 .endif
190 cominvk shll,SetShowCmd,eax
191 test eax,eax
192 jnz errshowcmd
193 .end_showcmd:
194 cmp ebx,8
195 jl .end_sethk
196 stdcall argv,[rarg],7,buff1
197 cmp byte[eax],0
198 jz .end_sethk
199 mov esi,eax
200 mov edx,eax
201 push esi
202 xor edi,edi
203 @@:
204 mov al,[esi]
205 inc esi
206 inc edi
207 test al,al
208 jz @f
209 cmp al,'|'
210 jne @b
211 @@:
212 xor ecx,ecx
213 pop esi
214 cmp al,'|'
215 jne .no_bar
216 @@:
217 dec edi
218 test edi,edi
219 jz @f
220 mov al,[esi]
221 inc esi
222 and al,not 20h
223 .if al='A'
224 add ecx,4
225 .elseif al='C'
226 add ecx,2
227 .elseif al='E'
228 add ecx,8
229 .elseif al='S'
230 add ecx,1
231 .else
232 pop eax
233 jmp errhk
234 .endif
235 jmp @b
236 @@:
237 mov edx,ecx
238 inc esi
239 .no_bar:
240 push ebx
241 call ascii_to_dword
242 pop ebx
243 xor eax,eax
244 mov eax,edx
245 shl ax,8
246 mov al,cl
247 cominvk shll,SetHotkey,eax
248 test eax,eax
249 jnz errhk
251 .end_sethk:
252 @@:
253 cmp ebx,5
254 je errarg
255 cmp ebx,6
256 jl @f
257 stdcall argv,[rarg],4,buff1
258 add eax,260
259 stdcall argv,[rarg],5,eax
260 mov esi,eax
261 push ebx
262 call ascii_to_dword
263 pop ebx
264 cominvk shll,SetIconLocation,buff1,ecx
265 test eax,eax
266 jnz errico
267 @@:
268 cmp ebx,4
269 jl @f
270 stdcall argv,[rarg],3,buff1
271 test al,al
272 jz @f
273 cominvk shll,SetArguments,eax
274 @@:
275 cmp ebx,9
276 jl @f
277 stdcall argv,[rarg],8,buff1
278 cominvk shll,SetDescription,eax
279 @@:
280 stdcall argv,[rarg],1,buff1
281 mov esi,eax
282 mov ecx,eax
283 cld
284 @@:
285 mov al,[esi]
286 inc esi
287 test al,al
288 jz .no_var
289 cmp al,'$'
290 jne @b
291 push esi
292 @@:
293 .if byte[esi]=0
294 mov [sho_opt_flag],2
295 jmp @f
296 .endif
297 and byte[esi],not 20h
298 inc esi
299 cmp byte[esi],'\'
300 jne @b
301 mov byte[esi],0
302 @@:
303 pop eax
304 inc esi
305 push esi
306 mov esi,eax
307 mov edx,esi
308 mov ebx,str_compare
309 mov edi,upper_desktop
310 call ebx
311 jne @f
312 mov eax,CSIDL_DESKTOP
313 jmp .get_sys_var
314 @@:
315 mov esi,edx
316 mov edi,upper_quicklaunch
317 call ebx
318 jne @f
319 mov eax,CSIDL_APPDATA
320 jmp .get_sys_var
321 @@:
322 mov esi,edx
323 mov edi,upper_sendto
324 call ebx
325 jne @f
326 mov eax,CSIDL_SENDTO
327 jmp .get_sys_var
328 @@:
329 mov esi,edx
330 mov edi,upper_startmenu
331 call ebx
332 jne @f
334 jmp .get_sys_var
335 @@:
336 mov esi,edx
337 mov edi,upper_smprograms
338 call ebx
339 jne @f
340 mov eax,CSIDL_PROGRAMS
341 jmp .get_sys_var
342 @@:
343 mov esi,edx
344 mov edi,upper_templates
345 call ebx
346 jne @f
348 jmp .get_sys_var
349 @@:
350 pop eax
351 stdcall argv,[rarg],1,buff1
352 mov ecx,eax
353 jmp .no_var
355 .get_sys_var:
356 mov ebx,eax
357 mov edi,buff_dword
358 invoke SHGetMalloc,edi
359 invoke SHGetSpecialFolderLocation,0,ebx,edi
360 mov esi,buff1
361 add esi,MAX_PATH
362 invoke SHGetPathFromIDList,dword[edi],esi
363 cmp ebx,CSIDL_APPDATA
364 jne @f
365 invoke lstrcat,esi,quick_launch
366 @@:
367 pop edi
368 cmp [sho_opt_flag],2
369 je show_realname
370 mov byte[edi-1],'\'
371 dec edi
372 invoke lstrcat,esi,edi
373 mov ecx,esi
374 .no_var:
375 mov esi,ecx
376 @@:
377 mov al,[esi]
378 inc esi
379 test al,al
380 jnz @b
381 mov eax,[esi-5]
382 and eax,not 20202000h
383 cmp eax,'.LNK'
384 je @f
385 mov dword[esi-1],'.lnk'
386 mov byte[esi+3],0
387 @@:
388 mov esi,ecx
389 cmp [sho_opt_flag],1
390 je show_realname
391 mov ebx,buff1
392 add ebx,512
393 invoke MultiByteToWideChar,CP_ACP,0,ecx,-1,ebx,MAX_PATH
394 cominvk pf,Save,ebx,TRUE
395 test eax,eax
396 jnz errsou
397 jmp exitapp
399 show_realname:
400 cinvoke printf,esi
401 jmp exitapp
403 errarg:
404 cinvoke printf,invalid_arg
405 jmp exitapp
406 errsou:
407 cinvoke printf,invalid_shortcut_name
408 jmp exitapp
409 errtar:
410 cinvoke printf,invalid_target_name
411 jmp exitapp
412 errico:
413 cinvoke printf,invalid_icon_arg
414 jmp exitapp
415 errshowcmd:
416 cinvoke printf,invalid_start_opt
417 jmp exitapp
418 errhk:
419 cinvoke printf,invalid_hotkey
420 jmp exitapp
421 showhelp:
422 cinvoke printf,help
424 exitapp:
425 cmp [pf],0
426 jz @f
427 cominvk pf,Release
428 cominvk shll,Release
429 invoke CoUninitialize
430 @@:
431 invoke ExitProcess,0
432 endp
434 include 'vilib/proc.asm'
436 +-- 23 行: data import ;
460 +-- 41 行: ;variable define
502 +-- 15 行: section '.rsrc' resource data readable ;
518 ; vim: set fdm=marker:
- 标 题:[汇编源码]shortcut,命令行创建快捷方式(fasm source)
- 作 者:supoingo
- 时 间:2010-06-20 23:00:58
- 链 接: