12.1 全局数据
const IOCTL_SET_NOTIFY = (FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN shl 16) or (FILE_WRITE_ACCESS shl 14) or ($800 shl 2) or METHOD_BUFFERED; IOCTL_REMOVE_NOTIFY = (FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN shl 16) or (0 shl 14) or ($801 shl 2) or 0; IOCTL_GET_PROCESS_DATA = (FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN shl 16) or (FILE_READ_ACCESS shl 14) or ($802 shl 2) or METHOD_BUFFERED; IMAGE_FILE_PATH_LEN = 512; type {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} PROCESS_DATA = packed record bCreate: DWORD; dwProcessId: DWORD; { full process's image file path } szProcessName: array[0..IMAGE_FILE_PATH_LEN - 1] of AnsiChar; end;
12.2 ProcessMon的用户管理程序源码:
unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, WinSvc, common; type TForm1 = class(TForm) lvProcessInfo: TListView; procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; g_hEvent: THandle; g_fbExitNow: Boolean; g_hDevice: THandle; implementation uses GetData; var g_hSCManager: THandle; g_hService: THandle; tgd: TGetData; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var acModulePath: string; lpTemp: PChar; dwBytesReturned: DWORD; begin g_hSCManager := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if g_hSCManager <> 0 then begin acModulePath := GetCurrentDir + '\' + ExtractFileName('ProcessMon.sys'); g_hService := CreateService(g_hSCManager, 'ProcessMon', 'Process creation/destruction monitor', SERVICE_START or SERVICE_STOP or _DELETE, SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, PChar(acModulePath), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); if g_hService <> 0 then begin if StartService(g_hService, 0, lpTemp) then begin g_hDevice := CreateFile('\\.\ProcessMon', GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if g_hDevice <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin { No need it to be registered anymore } DeleteService(g_hService); { Create unnamed auto-reset event to be signalled when there is data to read. } g_hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, False, false, nil); { Create thread to wait event signalled. } tgd := TGetData.Create(False); if not DeviceIoControl(g_hDevice, IOCTL_SET_NOTIFY, @g_hEvent, SizeOf(g_hEvent), nil, 0, dwBytesReturned, nil) then begin ShowMessage('无法设置通知!'); end; end else begin ShowMessage('无法打开设备!'); end; end else begin ShowMessage('无法启动驱动!'); end; end else begin ShowMessage('无法注册驱动!'); end; end else begin ShowMessage('无法连接到SCM!'); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var dwBytesReturned: DWORD; _ss: SERVICE_STATUS; begin DeviceIoControl(g_hDevice, IOCTL_REMOVE_NOTIFY, nil, 0, nil, 0, dwBytesReturned, nil); g_fbExitNow := true; { If exception has occured not in loop thread it should exit now. } SetEvent(g_hEvent); Sleep(100); CloseHandle(g_hEvent); CloseHandle(g_hDevice); ControlService(g_hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, _ss); DeleteService(g_hService); CloseServiceHandle(g_hService); CloseServiceHandle(g_hSCManager); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin if(MessageDlg('由于条件所限,本驱动仅在Windows XP sp3上做过测试,是否继续?', mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo], 0, mbYes) = mrNo) then begin Application.Terminate; end; end; end.
if not DeviceIoControl(g_hDevice, IOCTL_SET_NOTIFY, @g_hEvent, SizeOf(g_hEvent), nil, 0, dwBytesReturned, nil) then
12.4 线程对象
unit GetData; interface uses Windows, WinSvc, Classes, common, ComCtrls, SysUtils, Dialogs; type TGetData = class(TThread) private { Private declarations } ProcessData: PROCESS_DATA; procedure FillProcessInfo; protected constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); procedure Execute; override; end; implementation { Important: Methods and properties of objects in visual components can only be used in a method called using Synchronize, for example, Synchronize(UpdateCaption); and UpdateCaption could look like, procedure TGetData.UpdateCaption; begin Form1.Caption := 'Updated in a thread'; end; or Synchronize( procedure begin Form1.Caption := 'Updated in thread via an anonymous method' end ) ); where an anonymous method is passed. Similarly, the developer can call the Queue method with similar parameters as above, instead passing another TThread class as the first parameter, putting the calling thread in a queue with the other thread. } { TGetData } uses main; constructor TGetData.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); begin inherited Create(CreateSuspended); Priority := tpHighest; end; procedure TGetData.FillProcessInfo; var buffer: array[0..1023] of AnsiChar; rtnVal: DWORD; pTmp: PAnsiChar; tlItems: TListItem; iItemCnt: Integer; begin { The path can be it the short form. Convert it to long. } { If no long path is found or path is in long form, GetLongPathName } { simply returns the specified path. } FillChar(buffer, SizeOf(buffer), 0); rtnVal := GetLongPathName(@processData.szProcessName, @buffer, SizeOf(buffer)); if (rtnVal = 0) or (rtnVal >= SizeOf(buffer)) then begin { 1024 bytes was not enough. Just display whatever we've got from the driver. } { I want to keep the things simple. But you'd better to allocate more memory } { and call GetLongPathName again and again until the buffer size will } { satisfy the need. } pTmp := @processData.szProcessName; end else pTmp := @buffer; tlItems := Form1.lvProcessInfo.Items.Add; tlItems.Caption := string(pTmp); tlItems.SubItems.Add(Format('%8.8X', [processData.dwProcessId])); if ProcessData.bCreate <> 0 then tlItems.SubItems.Add('Created') else tlItems.SubItems.Add('Destroyed'); iItemCnt := Form1.lvProcessInfo.Items.Count; Form1.lvProcessInfo.Items[iItemCnt - 1].MakeVisible(True); end; procedure TGetData.Execute; var hThread: THandle; dwBytesReturned: DWORD; begin { Place thread code here } while True do begin if WaitForSingleObject(g_hEvent, INFINITE) <> WAIT_FAILED then begin if g_fbExitNow then Break; if DeviceIoControl(g_hDevice, IOCTL_GET_PROCESS_DATA, nil, 0, @ProcessData, SizeOf(ProcessData), dwBytesReturned, nil) then begin Synchronize(FillProcessInfo); end; end else begin ShowMessage('Wait for event failed. Thread now exits. Restart application.'); Break; end; Sleep(1); end; end; end.
constructor TGetData.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); begin inherited Create(CreateSuspended); Priority := tpHighest; end;
while True do begin if WaitForSingleObject(g_hEvent, INFINITE) <> WAIT_FAILED then begin if g_fbExitNow then Break; if DeviceIoControl(g_hDevice, IOCTL_GET_PROCESS_DATA, nil, 0, @ProcessData, SizeOf(ProcessData), dwBytesReturned, nil) then begin Synchronize(FillProcessInfo); end;
12.5 FillProcessInfo函数
有些时候,驱动程序返回的是短路径名(比如:C: \ PROGRA ~ 1 \ WinZip \ WinZip32.EXE),我也不明白为什么会这样。解决这个问题的方法也很简单,我们只需要调用windows提供的GetLongPathName函数。GetLongPathName的原型如下:
function GetLongPathName(lpszShortPath: PWideChar; lpszLongPath: PWideChar; cchBuffer: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; ◎ lpszShortPath是欲转换的短路径名字符串缓冲区 ◎ lpszLongPath是转换成长路径名的接收缓冲区 ◎ cchBuffer则是接收缓冲区的长度
Var buffer: array[0..1023] of AnsiChar; … … FillChar(buffer, SizeOf(buffer), 0); rtnVal := GetLongPathName(@processData.szProcessName, @buffer, SizeOf(buffer)); if (rtnVal = 0) or (rtnVal >= SizeOf(buffer)) then begin { 1024 bytes was not enough. Just display whatever we've got from the driver. } { I want to keep the things simple. But you'd better to allocate more memory } { and call GetLongPathName again and again until the buffer size will } { satisfy the need. } pTmp := @processData.szProcessName; end else pTmp := @buffer;
unit ProcessMon; {$POINTERMATH ON} interface uses nt_status, common; function _DriverEntry(p_DriverObject: PDRIVER_OBJECT; pusRegistryPath: PUNICODE_STRING): NTSTATUS; stdcall; implementation uses ntoskrnl, fcall, macros, ProcPath; var g_usDeviceName, g_usSymbolicLinkName: UNICODE_STRING; g_pkEventObject: PKEVENT; g_fbNotifyRoutineSet: Boolean; g_ProcessData: PROCESS_DATA; g_dwImageFileNameOffset: DWORD; function DispatchCreateClose(p_DeviceObject:PDEVICE_OBJECT; p_Irp:PIRP): NTSTATUS; stdcall; begin p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_SUCCESS; p_Irp^.IoStatus.Information := 0; IofCompleteRequest(p_Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); result := STATUS_SUCCESS; end; procedure DriverUnload(pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT); stdcall; begin IoDeleteSymbolicLink(@g_usSymbolicLinkName); IoDeleteDevice(pDriverObject^.DeviceObject); end; procedure ProcessNotifyRoutine(dwParentId:HANDLE; dwProcessId:HANDLE; bCreate: DWORD); stdcall; var peProcess: PVOID; { PEPROCESS } fbDereference: Boolean; us: UNICODE_STRING; _as: ANSI_STRING; begin { reserve DWORD on stack } if PsLookupProcessByProcessId(dwProcessId, peProcess) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin //pop peProcess ; -> EPROCESS fbDereference := True; { PsLookupProcessByProcessId references process object } end else begin { PsLookupProcessByProcessId fails (on w2k only) with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER } { if called in the very same process context. } { So if we are here it maight mean (on w2k) we are in process context being terminated. } peProcess := IoGetCurrentProcess; fbDereference := False; {IoGetCurrentProcess doesn't references process object } end; g_ProcessData.dwProcessId := dwProcessId; g_ProcessData.bCreate := bCreate; memset(@g_ProcessData.szProcessName, 0, SizeOf(IMAGE_FILE_PATH_LEN)); if GetImageFilePath(peProcess, @us) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin //lea eax, g_ProcessData.szProcessName _as.Buffer := @g_ProcessData.szProcessName; _as.MaximumLength := IMAGE_FILE_PATH_LEN; _as._Length := 0; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(@_as, @us, False); { Free memory allocated by GetImageFilePath } ExFreePool(us.Buffer); end else begin { If we fail to get process's image file path } { just use only process name from EPROCESS. } if g_dwImageFileNameOffset <> 0 then begin memcpy(@g_ProcessData.szProcessName, PAnsiChar(DWORD(peProcess) + g_dwImageFileNameOffset), 16); end; end; if fbDereference then begin ObfDereferenceObject(peProcess); end; { Notify user-mode client. } KeSetEvent(g_pkEventObject, 0, False); end; function DispatchControl(p_DeviceObject:PDEVICE_OBJECT; p_Irp:PIRP): NTSTATUS; stdcall; var liDelayTime: LARGE_INTEGER; pIoStkLoc: PIO_STACK_LOCATION; UserHandle: Handle; lpExEventObjectType: PPointer; pObjectType: Pointer; rtnCode: NTSTATUS; begin { Initialize to failure. } p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; p_Irp^.IoStatus.Information := 0; pIoStkLoc := IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(p_Irp); if pIoStkLoc^.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_SET_NOTIFY then begin if pIoStkLoc^.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength >= SizeOf(HANDLE) then begin if not g_fbNotifyRoutineSet then { For sure } begin UserHandle := Handle(p_Irp^.AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer^); lpExEventObjectType := GetImportFunAddr(@ExEventObjectType); pObjectType := PVOID(lpExEventObjectType^); rtnCode := ObReferenceObjectByHandle(UserHandle, EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, pObjectType, UserMode, @g_pkEventObject, nil); if rtnCode = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin { If passed event handle is valid add a driver-supplied callback routine } { to a list of routines to be called whenever a process is created or deleted. } rtnCode := PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine(@ProcessNotifyRoutine, False); p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := rtnCode; if rtnCode = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin g_fbNotifyRoutineSet := True; DbgPrint('ProcessMon: Notification was set'#13#10); { Make driver nonunloadable } p_DeviceObject^.DriverObject^.DriverUnload := nil; end else begin DbgPrint('ProcessMon: Couldn''t set notification'#13#10); end; end else begin p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := rtnCode; DbgPrint('ProcessMon: Couldn''t reference user event object. Status: %08X'#13#10, rtnCode); end; end; end else begin p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; end; end else if pIoStkLoc^.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_REMOVE_NOTIFY then begin { Remove a driver-supplied callback routine from a list of routines } { to be called whenever a process is created or deleted. } if g_fbNotifyRoutineSet then begin rtnCode := PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine(@ProcessNotifyRoutine, True); p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := rtnCode; if rtnCode = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin g_fbNotifyRoutineSet := False; DbgPrint('ProcessMon: Notification was removed'#13#10); { Just for sure. It's theoreticaly possible our ProcessNotifyRoutine is now being executed. } { So we wait for some small amount of time (~50 ms). } liDelayTime.HighPart := liDelayTime.HighPart or -1; liDelayTime.LowPart := ULONG(-1000000); KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, False, @liDelayTime); { Make driver unloadable } p_DeviceObject^.DriverObject^.DriverUnload := @DriverUnload; if g_pkEventObject <> nil then begin ObfDereferenceObject(g_pkEventObject); g_pkEventObject := nil; end; end else begin DbgPrint('ProcessMon: Couldn''t remove notification'#13#10); end; end; end else if pIoStkLoc^.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_GET_PROCESS_DATA then begin if pIoStkLoc^.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength >= SizeOf(PROCESS_DATA) then begin //mov eax, [esi].AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer memcpy(p_Irp^.AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, @g_ProcessData, SizeOf(g_ProcessData)); p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_SUCCESS; p_Irp^.IoStatus.Information := SizeOf(g_ProcessData); end else begin p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; end; end else begin p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; end; { After IoCompleteRequest returns, the IRP pointer } { is no longer valid and cannot safely be dereferenced. } IofCompleteRequest(p_Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); Result := p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status; end; function GetImageFileNameOffset: DWORD; var iCnt: Integer; iRtnVal: Integer; pTmp: PAnsiChar; begin { Finds EPROCESS.ImageFileName field offset } { W2K EPROCESS.ImageFileName = 01FCh } { WXP EPROCESS.ImageFileName = 0174h } { WNET EPROCESS.ImageFileName = 0154h } { Instead of hardcoding above offsets we just scan } { the EPROCESS structure of System process one page down. } { It's well-known trick. } pTmp := PAnsiChar(IoGetCurrentProcess); iCnt := 0; iRtnVal := 0; { one page more than enough. } while iCnt < $1000 do begin { Case insensitive compare. } iRtnVal := _strnicmp(PAnsiChar(pTmp + iCnt), PAnsiChar('system'), 6); if iRtnVal = 0 then Break; Inc(iCnt) end; if iRtnVal = 0 then begin { Found. } Result := iCnt; end else begin { Not found. } Result := 0; end; end; function _DriverEntry(p_DriverObject: PDRIVER_OBJECT; pusRegistryPath: PUNICODE_STRING): NTSTATUS; stdcall; var status: NTSTATUS; pDeviceObject: PDEVICE_OBJECT; begin status := STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; RtlInitUnicodeString(@g_usDeviceName, '\Device\ProcessMon'); RtlInitUnicodeString(@g_usSymbolicLinkName, '\DosDevices\ProcessMon'); if IoCreateDevice(p_DriverObject, 0, @g_usDeviceName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, True, @pDeviceObject) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin if IoCreateSymbolicLink(@g_usSymbolicLinkName, @g_usDeviceName) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin p_DriverObject^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] := @DispatchCreateClose; p_DriverObject^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] := @DispatchCreateClose; p_DriverObject^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] := @DispatchControl; p_DriverObject^.DriverUnload := @DriverUnload; g_fbNotifyRoutineSet := False; memset(@g_ProcessData, 0, SizeOf(g_ProcessData)); { it can be not found and equal to 0, btw } g_dwImageFileNameOffset := GetImageFileNameOffset; status := STATUS_SUCCESS; end else begin IoDeleteDevice(pDeviceObject); end; end; result := status; end; end.
12.7 DriverEntry
ImageFileName: array [0..15] of AnsiChar;
g_dwImageFileNameOffset := GetImageFileNameOffset;
pTmp := PAnsiChar(IoGetCurrentProcess); iCnt := 0; iRtnVal := 0; { one page more than enough. } while iCnt < $1000 do begin { Case insensitive compare. } iRtnVal := _strnicmp(PAnsiChar(pTmp + iCnt), PAnsiChar('system'), 6); if iRtnVal = 0 then Break; Inc(iCnt) end;
if iRtnVal = 0 then begin { Found. } Result := iCnt; end else begin { Not found. } Result := 0; end;
12.8 对IOCTL_SET_NOTIFY控制码的处理
UserHandle := Handle(p_Irp^.AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer^);
function ObReferenceObjectByHandle( _Handle: HANDLE; DesiredAccess: ACCESS_MASK; ObjectType: PVOID; AccessMode: KPROCESSOR_MODE; _Object: PVOID; HandleInformation: POBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION): NTSTATUS; stdcall; ◎ _Handle指定打开的对象句柄; ◎ DesiredAccess指定对象的访问请求类型,需要指出,这里的访问类型依赖于具体的对象类型,请不要使用常用的访问权限; ◎ ObjectType是一个指向对象类型的指针,在这里,对象类型可以是PExEventObjectType、 PExSemaphoreObjectType、PIoFileObjectType、PPsProcessType、PPsThreadType、PSeTokenObjectType、PTmEnlistmentObjectType、PTmResourceManagerObjectType、PTmTransactionManagerObjectType、PTmTransactionObjectType,如果此参数为nil,则由操作系统负责根据所传递的对象句柄去检查并匹配出对应的对象类型; ◎ AccessMode指定访问检查的方式,有UserMode和KernelMode两种,一般较低级的驱动都使用KernelMode; ◎ _Object用于接收返回的指向与对象句柄相关联的对象类型的指针; ◎ HandleInformation,这个参数在驱动程序中都设为nil。
本节将简要介绍一下Windows内核里提供的对象,Windows 2000有27种内核对象,Windows XP和Windows 2003则更多。我机器的操作系统是Windows XP SP3,有31种内核对象,以下是我机器上内核对象类型的截图:
lpExEventObjectType := GetImportFunAddr(@ExEventObjectType); pObjectType := PVOID(lpExEventObjectType^); DbgPrint('ProcessMon: ExEventObjectType - %08X'#13#10, MmGetPhysicalAddress(pObjectType));
UserHandle := Handle(p_Irp^.AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer^); lpExEventObjectType := GetImportFunAddr(@ExEventObjectType); pObjectType := PVOID(lpExEventObjectType^); DbgPrint('ProcessMon: ExEventObjectType - %08X'#13#10, MmGetPhysicalAddress(pObjectType)); rtnCode := ObReferenceObjectByHandle(UserHandle, EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, pObjectType, UserMode, @g_pkEventObject, nil);
rtnCode := PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine(@ProcessNotifyRoutine, False); p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := rtnCode;
Function PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine( NotifyRoutine: PCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE; Remove: Boolean): NTSTATUS; stdcall; ◎ NotifyRoutine是一个函数指针,指向我们要安装的回调函数的地址; ◎ Remove参数指定是安装回调函数还是删除回调函数,如果为TRUE,则是删除回调函数,如果为False则是安装回调函数。
TCREATE_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE = procedure( ParentId: HANDLE; ProcessId: HANDLE; _Create: Boolean); stdcall;
if rtnCode = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin g_fbNotifyRoutineSet := True; DbgPrint('ProcessMon: Notification was set'#13#10);
p_DeviceObject^.DriverObject^.DriverUnload := nil;
12.11 ProcessNotifyRoutine回调函数
if PsLookupProcessByProcessId(dwProcessId, peProcess) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin fbDereference := True; { PsLookupProcessByProcessId references process object } end else begin peProcess := IoGetCurrentProcess; fbDereference := False; {IoGetCurrentProcess doesn't references process object } end;
g_ProcessData.dwProcessId := dwProcessId; g_ProcessData.bCreate := bCreate;
memset(@g_ProcessData.szProcessName, 0, SizeOf(IMAGE_FILE_PATH_LEN)); if GetImageFilePath(peProcess, @us) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin _as.Buffer := @g_ProcessData.szProcessName; _as.MaximumLength := IMAGE_FILE_PATH_LEN; _as._Length := 0; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(@_as, @us, False); { Free memory allocated by GetImageFilePath } ExFreePool(us.Buffer);
end else begin { If we fail to get process's image file path } { just use only process name from EPROCESS. } if g_dwImageFileNameOffset <> 0 then begin memcpy(@g_ProcessData.szProcessName, PAnsiChar(DWORD(peProcess) + g_dwImageFileNameOffset), 16); end; end;
KeSetEvent(g_pkEventObject, 0, False);