1:MBR对应的文件为stage1目录下的stage1.S .S后缀为GAS汇编源文件
Stage1:大小512字节,编译后的结构为DBR结构,这样的优点是,无论你将GRUB安装在MBR还是分区的DBR中,都能正常引导,如果安装在硬盘的MBR中,那么bios的int19号中断会MBR中的内容读入到内存0x7C00处,而stage1的功能只是为了将start.S编译后存放在MBR 1(LBA)扇区的地方二进制文件载入内存的0x8000处后跳转到该处执行,当然,在载入内存之前使用bios的int13号中断,或者int 13扩展调用读到缓冲区后在拷贝到相应的内存地址处;
2:bootload 对应文件start.S
Stage2: 相当于一个小型的操作系统,grub提供多引导支持,grub对文件系统的支持较为全面,而一个操作系统,最复杂而核心的部分恐怕在于文件系统的实现上,故此,分析grub,
由于int 13的限制,三维地址C/H/S的最大值为1024/16/63,因此容量只能达到:1024*16*63*512Byte=504MB;故因此系统把所有的无聊扇区都按某种方式或规则看做是线性编号的扇区,从0到某一最大值;
C/H/S : 扇区编号从1开始至63
LBA : 扇区编号从0开始顺序编号
C : 当前柱面号 CS:起始柱面号
H : 当前磁头号 HS:起始磁头号
S : 当前扇区号 SS:起始扇区号
PH: 每柱面有多少个磁道
PS: 每磁道有多少个扇区
则有公式: LBA = ( C - CS)*PH*PS +(H - HS)*PS + (S - SS)
一般情况下: CS = 0 HS = 0 SS = 1 PS = 63 PH = 255
C = LBA div (PH*PS) + CS
H = (LBA div PS) MOD PH + HS
C = LBA div (PH*PS) + CS
H = (LBA div PS) (C-CS)*PH + HS
/*预处理包含定义 *其中STAGE1_5被自GRUB2后不使用 *用到的share.h被其它一些源文件使用, *此文件使用到的宏不多,用到时给与说明 ******************************/ #define ASM_FILE #include <shared.h> #ifndef STAGE1_5 #include <stage2_size.h> #endif /* * defines for the code go here */ /* Absolute addresses This makes the assembler generate the address without support from the linker. (ELF can't relocate 16-bit addresses!) */ /*重定位,并根据是否定义STAGE1_5选择装入地址*/ #ifdef STAGE1_5 # define ABS(x) (x-_start+0x2000) #else # define ABS(x) (x-_start+0x8000) #endif /* STAGE1_5 */ /* 调用int 10h中断以打印机模式在屏幕上显示一字符串*/ #define MSG(x) movw $ABS(x), %si; call message /***************************************** .file op 指定和目标文件关联的源文件名 *****************************************/ .file "start.S" /***************************************** .text代码段声明; .code16使用实模式 *****************************************/ .text /* 告诉GAS产生16位指令,以便此代码能在实模式下运行 */ .code16 .globl start, _start start: _start: /*start由stage1载入到0x8000处,si仍然用于DiskAddressPacket结构 * /* 首先保存设备类型号,stage1由bios初始化在dl中! */ pushw %dx /* 在屏幕上打印字符串:loading stage2 or loading stage1_5 *由于在输出字符的时候使用了si寄存器,故此保存原si地址 *字符串输出完毕后恢复原字符串*/ pushw %si MSG(notification_string) popw %si /*** #define BOOTSEC_LISTSIZE 8" firstlist为此段末尾偏移地址*/ movw $ABS(firstlist - BOOTSEC_LISTSIZE), %di /* LBA以0开始,故此,stage1占1扇区,start占一扇区,故stage2从2开始,并存 倒数第8个字节处。 */ movl (%di), %ebp /*由于firstlist -08h处保存着需要载入的扇区号和扇区的数目,故此, * bootloop 子功能,循环将对应的扇区号中的数据载入相应内存中并执行, *可能有人会问,为什么不将stage1和start融合在一起呢,这是因为一般的 * 硬盘低格后,默认的扇区大小为512个字节,也就是分开也是不得于而为之 */ bootloop: /* [edi]+4处为 .word (STAGE2_SIZE + 511) >> 9,这里不考虑stage1_5的情况 * STAGE2_SIZE为grub编译后的大小,>>9相当于除以512, *4(%di)处存的是stage2占的扇区数目/ cmpw $0, 4(%di) /* 如果为0说明使用stage1_5直接跳至bootit处执行 */ je bootit setup_sectors: /* stage1中,如果检测支持LBA模式,此语句被执行:movb $1, -1(%si) * 避免了相同功能的重复调用/ cmpb $0, -1(%si) /* 结果为0,说明不支持LBA模式 */ je chs_mode lba_mode: /* 装载逻辑扇区号入ebx */ movl (%di), %ebx /* the maximum is limited to 0x7f because of Phoenix EDD 看一下int 43的调用的参数说明: Format of disk address packet: Offset Size Description 00h BYTE 10h (size of packet) 01h BYTE reserved (0) 02h WORD number of blocks to transfer (max 007Fh for Phoenix EDD) 04h DWORD -> transfer buffer 08h QWORD starting absolute block number (for non-LBA devices, compute as (Cylinder*NumHeads + SelectedHead) * SectorPerTrack + SelectedSector - 1 --------N-134257DX1234----------------------- */ xorl %eax, %eax movb $0x7f, %al /* 比较应该读的数据数否超过最大传输参数 */ cmpw %ax, 4(%di) /* compare against total number of sectors */ /* 如果大于,跳至本句后一个标号 1:处,否则将值付给ax寄存器 */ jg 1f /* if less than, set to total */ movw 4(%di), %ax 1: /* 用stage2的总大小减去ax中的值,ax的值为上面的判断后的设置值 */ subw %ax, 4(%di) /* 将ax的值加上起始扇区号,因为下面的代码会将ax中保存的扇区数目循环读出 * 这样,即使要读的数据超出7f也不用在定义其它的数据来保存剩下的扇区数 * / addl %eax, (%di) /* 设置磁盘地址数据包结构体 */ /* the size and the reserved byte */ movw $0x0010, (%si) /* 需要读出的扇区数目,见到ax的用处了吧! */ movw %ax, 2(%si) /* 绝对扇区地址,(low 32 bits) */ movl %ebx, 8(%si) /* 缓冲区段地址设置,读出的数据保存于此处 #define BUFFERSEG RAW_SEG (0x7000)*/ movw $BUFFERSEG, 6(%si) /* 保存ax的值 */ pushw %ax /* zero %eax */ xorl %eax, %eax /* 缓冲区偏移地址设置 == 0 */ movw %ax, 4(%si) /* 高32位绝对地址 (high 32 bits) */ movl %eax, 12(%si) /* * BIOS call "INT 0x13 Function 0x42" to read sectors from disk into memory * Call with %ah = 0x42 * %dl = drive number * %ds:%si = segment:offset of disk address packet * Return: * %al = 0x0 on success; err code on failure */ movb $0x42, %ah int $0x13 jc read_error movw $BUFFERSEG, %bx /*缓冲区地址保存*/ jmp copy_buffer /*拷贝读出的数据*/ chs_mode: /* lBA扇区号送eax寄存器 ,需要将LBA转换为CHS地址在读写*/ movl (%di), %eax /* edx填零*/ xorl %edx, %edx /* divide by number of sectors */ divl (%si) /* save sector start */ movb %dl, 10(%si) xorl %edx, %edx /* zero %edx */ divl 4(%si) /* divide by number of heads */ /* save head start */ movb %dl, 11(%si) /* save cylinder start */ movw %ax, 12(%si) /* do we need too many cylinders? */ cmpw 8(%si), %ax jge geometry_error /* determine the maximum sector length of this read */ movw (%si), %ax /* get number of sectors per track/head */ /* subtract sector start */ subb 10(%si), %al /* how many do we really want to read? */ cmpw %ax, 4(%di) /* compare against total number of sectors */ /* which is greater? */ jg 2f /* if less than, set to total */ movw 4(%di), %ax 2: /* subtract from total */ subw %ax, 4(%di) /* add into logical sector start */ addl %eax, (%di) /* * This is the loop for taking care of BIOS geometry translation (ugh!) */ /* get high bits of cylinder */ movb 13(%si), %dl shlb $6, %dl /* shift left by 6 bits */ movb 10(%si), %cl /* get sector */ incb %cl /* normalize sector (sectors go from 1-N, not 0-(N-1) ) */ orb %dl, %cl /* composite together */ movb 12(%si), %ch /* sector+hcyl in cl, cylinder in ch */ /* restore %dx */ popw %dx pushw %dx /* head number */ movb 11(%si), %dh pushw %ax /* save %ax from destruction! */ /* * BIOS call "INT 0x13 Function 0x2" to read sectors from disk into memory * Call with %ah = 0x2 * %al = number of sectors * %ch = cylinder * %cl = sector (bits 6-7 are high bits of "cylinder") * %dh = head * %dl = drive (0x80 for hard disk, 0x0 for floppy disk) * %es:%bx = segment:offset of buffer * Return: * %al = 0x0 on success; err code on failure */ movw $BUFFERSEG, %bx movw %bx, %es /* load %es segment with disk buffer */ xorw %bx, %bx /* %bx = 0, put it at 0 in the segment */ movb $0x2, %ah /* function 2 */ int $0x13 jc read_error /* save source segment */ movw %es, %bx copy_buffer: /* load addresses for copy from disk buffer to destination */ /*附加段数据初始化。。 * blocklist_default_seg: * #ifdef STAGE1_5 * .word 0x220 * #else * .word 0x820 段的开始地址,*16后为 8200,其中8000 - 8200被start占用 ******************************************************************** */ movw 6(%di), %es /* load destination segment */ /* 读了几个扇区,吐出来。。 */ popw %ax /* determine the next possible destination address (presuming 512 byte sectors!) */ //逻辑左移,末尾补零,移1位相当于算术*2,这里以16进制算出下一次拷贝的起始地址; shlw $5, %ax /* shift %ax five bits to the left */ addw %ax, 6(%di) /* add the corrected value to the destination address for next time */ /* 环境保存,因为MSG调用int10中断后可能会改变寄存器的值 */ pusha pushw %ds /* 由于开始用>>9 ,故此,两次shl 移动的位数为9,从而得到读出的字节数 */ shlw $4, %ax movw %ax, %cx xorw %di, %di /* zero offset of destination addresses */ xorw %si, %si /* zero offset of source addresses */ movw %bx, %ds /* 读出后保存于此movw $BUFFERSEG, %bx 缓冲区地址保存 * 这里得分开,BUFFERSEG为0x7000 ,保存到16位的bx中取的是0x70,注意AT&T和MASM的字节序/ cld /* 自增方向标志*/ /* 重复拷贝,每次一个字节,拷贝到0x8200处 */ rep /* sets a repeat */ movsb /* this runs the actual copy */ /* restore addressing regs and print a dot with correct DS (MSG modifies SI, which is saved, and unused AX and BX) */ popw %ds MSG(notification_step) popa /*环境恢复*/ /*检查数据是否已经读完,如果没有,继续读取并拷贝 */ cmpw $0, 4(%di) jne setup_sectors /* update position to load from */ subw $BOOTSEC_LISTSIZE, %di /* jump to bootloop */ jmp bootloop /* END OF MAIN LOOP */ bootit: /* 打印\r\n后,恢复寄存器dx的值,根据是否定义了STAGE1_5跳到相应的起始地址处执行装入的stage2的内容 */ MSG(notification_done) popw %dx /* 保证dl寄存器的内容为boot设置的初始值 */ #ifdef STAGE1_5 ljmp $0, $0x2200 #else /* ! STAGE1_5 */ ljmp $0, $0x8200 #endif /* ! STAGE1_5 */ /* * BIOS Geometry translation error (past the end of the disk geometry!). */ /*错误处理代码,出错后执行,stop : jmp stop 死循环;*/ geometry_error: MSG(geometry_error_string) jmp general_error /* * Read error on the disk. */ read_error: MSG(read_error_string) general_error: MSG(general_error_string) /* go here when you need to stop the machine hard after an error condition */ stop: jmp stop #ifdef STAGE1_5 notification_string: .string "Loading stage1.5" #else notification_string: .string "Loading stage2" #endif notification_step: .string "." notification_done: .string "\r\n" geometry_error_string: .string "Geom" read_error_string: .string "Read" general_error_string: .string " Error" /* * message: write the string pointed to by %si * * WARNING: trashes %si, %ax, and %bx */ /* * Use BIOS "int 10H Function 0Eh" to write character in teletype mode * %ah = 0xe %al = character * %bh = page %bl = foreground color (graphics modes) */ 1: movw $0x0001, %bx movb $0xe, %ah int $0x10 /* display a byte */ incw %si message: movb (%si), %al cmpb $0, %al jne 1b /* if not end of string, jmp to display */ ret lastlist: /* * This area is an empty space between the main body of code below which * grows up (fixed after compilation, but between releases it may change * in size easily), and the lists of sectors to read, which grows down * from a fixed top location. */ .word 0 .word 0 . = _start + 0x200 - BOOTSEC_LISTSIZE /* fill the first data listing with the default */ blocklist_default_start: .long 2 /* this is the sector start parameter, in logical sectors from the start of the disk, sector 0 */ blocklist_default_len: /* this is the number of sectors to read */ #ifdef STAGE1_5 .word 0 /* the command "install" will fill this up */ #else .word (STAGE2_SIZE + 511) >> 9 #endif blocklist_default_seg: #ifdef STAGE1_5 .word 0x220 #else .word 0x820 /* this is the segment of the starting address to load the data into */ #endif firstlist: /* this label has to be after the list data!!! */