调用方法:把进程ID作为命令行参数传入,如Query.exe 1000
实现还是用QueryDosDevice,代码写得一团乱 不禁想Ring0真好啊,有Rtl(Io)VolumeDeviceToDosName可以用……
;=============================================================================== ;use ZwQueryVirtualMemory to enum Modules of a process ;subsystem:console ;OS Platform:tested on Windows XP Professional simplified with Service Pack 3 ;轩辕小聪 http://hi.baidu.com/yicong2007 ; ;release notes: ;2009.04.11 ;完全改写CreateDeviceList和ConvertDeviceStr两个函数,Ring3下使用QueryDosDevice, ;通过对所有的DOS符号连接获取其对应设备名,与得到的模块路径一一对照,克服了上一版本 ;只能转换A-Z盘符的问题。 ; ;2009.04.06 ;改写ConvertDeviceStr函数,实现A-Z盘符的转换,以支持非本地磁盘盘符的获取。 ;遍历时只对具有PAGE_EXECUTE属性的内存查找MemorySectionName。 ;如将被注释掉的四处代码还原,可过滤掉nls文件的显示。 ; ;2009.04.05 ;第一个版本 ; ;=============================================================================== include \masm32\include\masm32rt.inc include \masm32\include\w2k\native.inc includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib include \masm32\macros\macros.asm include \masm32\include\advapi32.inc includelib \masm32\lib\advapi32.lib .data PID dd 0 Base dd 0 hProcess dd 0 DataLength dd 0 lpszPID db 120 dup(0) lpoutdata db 300h dup(0) lpFileName db 120h dup(0) lpDosList dd 0 lpDeviceList dd 0 lpDosBuffer dd 0 lpDeviceBuffer dd 0 .code CreateDeviceList proto CreateDeviceList proc uses esi edi ebx edx local num local lpBuffer local BufferLen mov edi, 0 xor esi, esi .repeat .if esi!=0 hfree(esi) .endif add edi, 1000h mov esi,halloc(edi) invoke QueryDosDevice, NULL, esi, edi .until eax!=0 mov lpDosBuffer, esi mov num, 0 xor eax, eax .repeat inc num invoke crt_strlen, esi lea esi, [esi+eax+1] .until eax==0 dec num mov eax, num lea eax, [eax*4+4] mov lpDosList, halloc(eax) mov edi, lpDosList mov eax, num mov [edi], eax add edi, 4 xor ebx, ebx mov esi, lpDosBuffer .repeat inc ebx mov [edi], esi add edi, 4 invoke crt_strlen, esi lea esi, [esi+eax+1] .until ebx==num mov eax, num shl eax, 8 mov ebx, num shl ebx, 2 add eax, ebx push eax mov esi, halloc(eax) mov lpBuffer, esi pop eax invoke RtlZeroMemory, lpBuffer, eax mov eax, num lea eax, [eax*4+4] mov lpDeviceList, halloc(eax) mov edx, lpDeviceList mov eax, num mov [edx], eax mov edi, lpDosList add edi, 4 xor ebx, ebx mov BufferLen, 0 .repeat inc ebx mov ecx, [edi] invoke QueryDosDevice, ecx, esi, MAX_PATH .if eax!=0 invoke crt_strlen, esi inc eax add BufferLen, eax .endif add edi, 4 lea esi, [esi+MAX_PATH] .until ebx==num inc BufferLen mov lpDeviceBuffer, halloc(BufferLen) invoke RtlZeroMemory, lpDeviceBuffer, BufferLen mov edi, lpDeviceBuffer mov edx, lpDeviceList add edx, 4 mov esi, lpBuffer xor ebx, ebx .repeat inc ebx push edx invoke crt_strlen, esi pop edx .if eax!=0 inc eax push eax push edx invoke crt_strncpy, edi, esi, eax pop edx mov [edx], edi pop eax add edi, eax .else mov [edx], eax .endif add edx, 4 lea esi, [esi+MAX_PATH] .until ebx==num hfree(lpBuffer) mov eax, 1 ret CreateDeviceList endp ConvertDeviceStr proto :DWORD, :DWORD ;===================================================== ;把得到的文件名中的盘符翻成平常的C、D……并将字符串改 ;成输出所需的格式 ;===================================================== ConvertDeviceStr proc uses esi edi ebx lpSource:DWORD, ImageBase:DWORD local lptmp[MAX_PATH]:byte local totalnum local match local lpmatchDev local DevLen local NameLen lea edi, lptmp xor eax, eax mov match, eax mov lpmatchDev, eax mov NameLen, eax mov DevLen, eax mov ecx, MAX_PATH rep stosb mov esi, lpDeviceList mov eax, [esi] mov totalnum, eax add esi, 4 xor ebx, ebx .repeat inc ebx push esi mov edi, [esi] .if edi!=0 invoke crt_strstr, lpSource, edi .if eax==lpSource .if match==0 mov match, 1 .endif mov eax, ebx lea eax, [eax*4] mov esi, lpDosList add esi, eax mov esi, [esi] invoke crt_strlen, esi .if NameLen==0 || NameLen>eax mov NameLen, eax invoke crt_strlen, edi mov DevLen, eax mov lpmatchDev, esi .endif .endif .endif pop esi add esi, 4 .until ebx==totalnum .if match==0 invoke crt_strncpy, addr lptmp, lpSource, MAX_PATH .else mov ebx, lpmatchDev mov eax, DevLen mov esi, lpSource lea esi, [esi+eax] invoke crt_sprintf, addr lptmp, CTXT('%s%s'), ebx, esi .endif invoke crt_sprintf, lpSource, CTXT('%08X %s',0dh,0ah), ImageBase, addr lptmp ret ConvertDeviceStr endp CleanUp proto CleanUp proc uses esi edi ebx hfree(lpDosBuffer) hfree(lpDosList) hfree(lpDeviceList) hfree(lpDeviceBuffer) ret CleanUp endp DebugPrivilege PROTO :DWORD ;===================================================== ;提SeDebugPrivilege,copy from network ;===================================================== DebugPrivilege proc uses esi edi ebx dwEnbled local hToken local tmpLuid:LUID,tkp:TOKEN_PRIVILEGES invoke GetCurrentProcess lea ebx,hToken invoke OpenProcessToken, eax, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES Or TOKEN_QUERY, ebx invoke LookupPrivilegeValue, NULL, CTXT('SeDebugPrivilege'), addr tmpLuid mov tkp.PrivilegeCount,1 push tmpLuid.LowPart pop tkp.Privileges[0].Luid.LowPart push tmpLuid.HighPart pop tkp.Privileges[0].Luid.HighPart .if dwEnbled mov tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED .else mov tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes,NULL .endif invoke AdjustTokenPrivileges, hToken, FALSE, addr tkp, sizeof TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, NULL, NULL invoke GetLastError .if eax == ERROR_SUCCESS push TRUE .else push FALSE .endif invoke CloseHandle,hToken pop eax ret DebugPrivilege endp Start proc uses esi edi ebx invoke GetCL, 1, offset lpszPID invoke crt_sscanf, offset lpszPID, CTXT('%d'), offset PID .if PID==0 invoke StdOut, CTXT('Invaild PID.') ret .endif invoke DebugPrivilege, 1 .if eax==FALSE invoke StdOut, CTXT('Enable SeDebugPrivilege failed.') ret .endif invoke OpenProcess, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, 0, PID .if eax==0 invoke StdOut, CTXT('OpenProcess failed.') ret .endif mov hProcess, eax invoke GetModuleHandle, CTXT('ntdll.dll') mov esi, eax invoke GetProcAddress, esi, CTXT('ZwQueryVirtualMemory') mov edi, eax invoke StdOut, CTXT('ModuleBase ImageFileName',0dh,0ah) invoke CreateDeviceList .repeat push offset DataLength push 300h push offset lpoutdata push MemoryBasicInformation push Base push hProcess call edi mov esi, offset lpoutdata ;mov edx, [esi+18h] assume esi:ptr MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION ;mov ebx, [esi].AllocationProtect ;and ebx, WSLE_PAGE_EXECUTE mov ecx, [esi].Protect and ecx, WSLE_PAGE_EXECUTE mov esi, [esi].AllocationBase assume esi:nothing .if eax==0 && esi==Base && ecx!=0 ;&& edx == SEC_IMAGE && ebx==0 push offset DataLength push 300h push offset lpoutdata push MemorySectionName push Base push hProcess call edi .if eax==0 mov esi, offset lpoutdata assume esi:ptr MEMORY_SECTION_NAME movzx eax, [esi].SectionFileName._Length .if eax!=0 mov esi, [esi].SectionFileName.Buffer assume esi:nothing invoke crt_sprintf, offset lpFileName, CTXT('%ws'),esi invoke ConvertDeviceStr, offset lpFileName, Base invoke StdOut, offset lpFileName .endif .endif .endif mov eax, Base add eax, 1000h mov Base, eax .until Base==80000000h invoke CleanUp ret Start endp end Start