在进入主题之前,先来简单地看一下结构化异常处理(Structured Exception Handling, SEH),本篇的程序需要这个东东。
unit seh; interface uses nt_status; function _DriverEntry(pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT; pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING): NTSTATUS; stdcall; implementation uses ntoskrnl; const SEH_SafePlaceCounter = 0; SEH_INSTALLED = 0; type _SEH = record SafeEip: DWORD; { 线程继续执行的地方 } PrevEsp: DWORD; { 以前esp的值 } PrevEbp: DWORD; { 以前ebp的值 } end; var sseh: _SEH; function DefaultExceptionHandler(pExcept:PEXCEPTION_RECORD; pFrame:DWORD; pContext:PCONTEXT; pDispatch:DWORD): DWORD; cdecl; begin DbgPrint(#13#10'SEH: An exception %08X has occured'#13#10, pExcept^.ExceptionCode); if pExcept^.ExceptionCode = $0C0000005 then begin {如果发生了EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION类型的异常,} {则输出以下信息.} DbgPrint(' Access violation at address: %08X'#13#10, pExcept^.ExceptionAddress); if pExcept^.ExceptionInformation[0] <> nil then {试图读还是写?} begin DbgPrint(' The code tried to write to address %08X'#13#10#13#10, DWORD(pExcept^.ExceptionInformation[4])); end else begin DbgPrint(' The code tried to read from address %08X'#13#10#13#10, DWORD(pExcept^.ExceptionInformation[4])); end; end; asm lea eax, sseh push (_SEH PTR [eax]).SafeEip push (_SEH PTR [eax]).PrevEsp push (_SEH PTR [eax]).PrevEbp mov eax, pContext pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEbp pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEsp pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEip end; result := 0; end; procedure BuggyReader; assembler; asm xor eax, eax mov eax, [eax] {!!! 没有SEH的话 - BSOD !!!} end; procedure BuggyWriter; assembler; asm mov eax, offset MmUserProbeAddress mov eax, [eax] mov eax, [eax] mov byte ptr [eax], 0 {!!!没有SEH的话 - BSOD !!!} end; function _DriverEntry(pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT; pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING): NTSTATUS; stdcall; label SafePlace; begin DbgPrint(#13#10'SEH: Entering DriverEntry'#13#10); { "手工"安装SEH } asm push offset DefaultExceptionHandler {我们的SEH程序} push fs:[0] mov fs:[0], esp mov sseh.SafeEip, offset SafePlace {SafePlace是处理完异常后继续执行的地方} mov sseh.PrevEbp, ebp mov sseh.PrevEsp, esp end; BuggyReader; BuggyWriter; SafePlace: asm pop fs:[0] add esp, 4 end; DbgPrint(#13#10'SEH: Leaving DriverEntry'#10#13); result := STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; end; end.
asm push offset DefaultExceptionHandler {我们的SEH程序} push fs:[0] mov fs:[0], esp mov sseh.SafeEip, offset SafePlace {SafePlace是处理完异常后继续执行的地方} mov sseh.PrevEbp, ebp mov sseh.PrevEsp, esp end;
procedure BuggyReader; assembler; asm xor eax, eax mov eax, [eax] {!!! 没有SEH的话 - BSOD !!!} end;
function DefaultExceptionHandler(pExcept:PEXCEPTION_RECORD; pFrame:DWORD; pContext:PCONTEXT; pDispatch:DWORD): DWORD; cdecl; begin DbgPrint(#13#10'SEH: An exception %08X has occured'#13#10, pExcept^.ExceptionCode); if pExcept^.ExceptionCode = $0C0000005 then begin {如果发生了EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION类型的异常,} {则输出以下信息.} DbgPrint(' Access violation at address: %08X'#13#10, pExcept^.ExceptionAddress); if pExcept^.ExceptionInformation[0] <> nil then {试图读还是写?} begin DbgPrint(' The code tried to write to address %08X'#13#10#13#10, DWORD(pExcept^.ExceptionInformation[4])); end else begin DbgPrint(' The code tried to read from address %08X'#13#10#13#10, DWORD(pExcept^.ExceptionInformation[4])); end; end; asm lea eax, sseh push (_SEH PTR [eax]).SafeEip push (_SEH PTR [eax]).PrevEsp push (_SEH PTR [eax]).PrevEbp mov eax, pContext pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEbp pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEsp pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEip end; result := 0; end;
asm lea eax, sseh push (_SEH PTR [eax]).SafeEip push (_SEH PTR [eax]).PrevEsp push (_SEH PTR [eax]).PrevEbp mov eax, pContext pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEbp pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEsp pop (CONTEXT PTR [eax]).regEip end;
Windows提供了许多机制来进行进程间通讯(Interprocess Communications, IPC):通讯缓冲、DDE、通讯窗口(WM_COPYDATA就在这里)、邮槽(mailslot)、sockets等等。所有这些机制都是基于文件映射对象(file-mapping object)的,该对象本身是一块两个或多个进程可以访问的内存区,用DDK的术语,映射文件就是section对象,不要把它和PE文件中的section混淆起来。
unit SharedSection; interface uses nt_status, ntoskrnl, native, winioctl, fcall, macros; function _DriverEntry(pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT; pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING): NTSTATUS; stdcall; implementation uses seh; const SECTION_SIZE = $1000; var g_usDeviceName, g_usSymbolicLinkName, g_usSectionName: UNICODE_STRING; function DispatchCreateClose(p_DeviceObject:PDEVICE_OBJECT; p_Irp:PIRP): NTSTATUS; stdcall; begin p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_SUCCESS; p_Irp^.IoStatus.Information := 0; IofCompleteRequest(p_Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); result := STATUS_SUCCESS; end; function DispatchControl(p_DeviceObject: PDEVICE_OBJECT; p_Irp:PIRP): NTSTATUS; stdcall; label SafePlace; var status:NTSTATUS; IOCTL_SHARE_MY_SECTION: DWORD; psl:PIO_STACK_LOCATION; oa:OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; hSection:HANDLE; pSectionBaseAddress:PVOID; liViewSize:LARGE_INTEGER; begin IOCTL_SHARE_MY_SECTION := CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, $800, 0, 0); psl := IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(p_Irp); {取IRP的stack location的指针} if psl^.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_SHARE_MY_SECTION then begin {是我们控制码就开始处理} DbgPrint('SharedSection: Opening section object'#10#13); RtlInitUnicodeString(g_usSectionName, '\BaseNamedObjects\UserKernelSharedSection'); InitializeObjectAttributes(oa, @g_usSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, nil); status := ZwOpenSection(@hSection, SECTION_MAP_WRITE or SECTION_MAP_READ, @oa); if status = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin DbgPrint('SharedSection: Section object opened'#13#10); pSectionBaseAddress := nil; liViewSize.HighPart := 0; liViewSize.LowPart := 0; status := ZwMapViewOfSection(hSection, HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress, 0, SECTION_SIZE, nil, @liViewSize, ViewShare, 0, PAGE_READWRITE); if status = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin DbgPrint('SharedSection: Section mapped at address %08X'#13#10, pSectionBaseAddress); {安装SEH} asm push offset DefaultExceptionHandler push fs:[0] mov fs:[0], esp mov sseh.SafeEip, offset SafePlace mov sseh.PrevEbp, ebp mov sseh.PrevEsp, esp end; _strrev(pSectionBaseAddress); p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_SUCCESS; DbgPrint('SharedSection: String reversed'#13#10); SafePlace: asm pop fs:[0] add esp, 4 end; ZwUnmapViewOfSection(HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress); DbgPrint('SharedSection: Section at address %08X unmapped '#13#10, pSectionBaseAddress); end else begin DbgPrint('SharedSection: Couldn''t map view of section. Status: %08X'#13#10, status); end; ZwClose(hSection); DbgPrint('SharedSection: Section object handle closed'#13#10); end else begin DbgPrint('SharedSection: Couldn''t open section. Status: %08X'#13#10, status); end; end else begin status := STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; end; p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := status; IofCompleteRequest(p_Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); DbgPrint('SharedSection: Leaving DispatchControl'#13#10); result := status; end; {卸载驱动} procedure DriverUnload(p_DriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT); stdcall; begin IoDeleteSymbolicLink(@g_usSymbolicLinkName); IoDeleteDevice(p_DriverObject^.DeviceObject); end; {驱动进入点} function _DriverEntry(pDriverObject:PDRIVER_OBJECT; pusRegistryPath:PUNICODE_STRING): NTSTATUS; var status: NTSTATUS; pDeviceObject: TDeviceObject; begin status := STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; RtlInitUnicodeString(g_usDeviceName, '\Device\SharedSection'); RtlInitUnicodeString(g_usSymbolicLinkName, '\DosDevices\SharedSection'); if IoCreateDevice(pDriverObject, 0, @g_usDeviceName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, TRUE, pDeviceObject) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin if IoCreateSymbolicLink(@g_usSymbolicLinkName, @g_usDeviceName) = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin pDriverObject^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] := @DispatchCreateClose; pDriverObject^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] := @DispatchCreateClose; pDriverObject^.MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] := @DispatchControl; pDriverObject^.DriverUnload := @DriverUnload; status := STATUS_SUCCESS; end else begin IoDeleteDevice(@pDeviceObject); end; end; result := status; end; end.
InitializeObjectAttributes(oa, @g_usSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, nil);
status := ZwOpenSection(@hSection, SECTION_MAP_WRITE or SECTION_MAP_READ, @oa); if status = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin DbgPrint('SharedSection: Section object opened'#13#10); pSectionBaseAddress := nil; liViewSize.HighPart := 0; liViewSize.LowPart := 0; status := ZwMapViewOfSection(hSection, HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress, 0, SECTION_SIZE, nil, @liViewSize, ViewShare, 0, PAGE_READWRITE);
asm push offset DefaultExceptionHandler push fs:[0] mov fs:[0], esp mov sseh.SafeEip, offset SafePlace mov sseh.PrevEbp, ebp mov sseh.PrevEsp, esp end; _strrev(pSectionBaseAddress); p_Irp^.IoStatus.Status := STATUS_SUCCESS; DbgPrint('SharedSection: String reversed'#13#10); SafePlace: asm pop fs:[0] add esp, 4 end;
program SharedSection; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Windows, Dialogs, WinSvc, nt_status, native, macros, ntdll; const SECTION_SIZE = $1000; str = '.revird ecived a dna sessecorp resu neewteb yromem erahs ot euqinhcet emas eht esu nac uoy ,revewoH .sessecorp resu gnoma yromem gnirahs rof desu euqinhcet nommoc a si elif gnigap eht yb dekcab elif deppam-yromem A'; _DELETE = $10000; var hSection:HANDLE; liSectionSize: LARGE_INTEGER; oa:OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; pSectionBaseAddress:PVOID; liViewSize: LARGE_INTEGER; g_usSectionName: UNICODE_STRING; status:NTSTATUS; sTemp: array[0..255] of char; function CallDriver: boolean; var fOk: boolean; hSCManager:HANDLE; hService:HANDLE; acModulePath: string; _ss:SERVICE_STATUS; hDevice:HANDLE; dwBytesReturned: DWORD; IOCTL_SHARE_MY_SECTION: DWORD; lpTemp: PChar; begin fOk := false; IOCTL_SHARE_MY_SECTION := CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, $800, 0, 0); hSCManager := OpenSCManager(nil, nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if hSCManager <> 0 then begin acModulePath := GetCurrentDir + '\' + ExtractFileName('SharedSection.sys'); hService := CreateService(hSCManager, 'SharedSection', 'One way to share section', SERVICE_START or SERVICE_STOP or _DELETE, SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, PChar(acModulePath), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); if hService <> 0 then begin if StartService(hService, 0, lpTemp) then begin; hDevice := CreateFile(PChar('\\.\SharedSection'), 0, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if hDevice <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_SHARE_MY_SECTION, nil, 0, nil, 0, dwBytesReturned, nil) then begin fOk := true; end else begin ShowMessage('Can''t send control code to device.'); end; CloseHandle(hDevice); end else begin ShowMessage('Device is not present.'); end; ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, _ss); end else begin ShowMessage('Can''t start driver.'); end; DeleteService(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hService); end else begin ShowMessage('Can''t register driver.'); end; CloseServiceHandle(hSCManager); end else begin ShowMessage('Can''t connect to Service Control Manager.'); end; result := fOk; end; begin liSectionSize.HighPart := 0; liSectionSize.LowPart := SECTION_SIZE; RtlInitUnicodeString(g_usSectionName, '\BaseNamedObjects\UserKernelSharedSection'); InitializeObjectAttributes(oa, @g_usSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, nil); status := ZwCreateSection(@hSection, SECTION_MAP_WRITE or SECTION_MAP_READ, @oa, @liSectionSize, PAGE_READWRITE, SEC_COMMIT, 0); if status = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin pSectionBaseAddress := nil; liViewSize.HighPart := 0; liViewSize.LowPart := 0; status := ZwMapViewOfSection(hSection, HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress, 0, SECTION_SIZE, nil, @liViewSize, ViewShare, 0, PAGE_READWRITE); if status = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin //RtlInitUnicodeString(g_szStrToReverse, str); strcpy(pSectionBaseAddress, PChar(str)); if CallDriver then begin strcpy(sTemp, pSectionBaseAddress); ShowMessage(sTemp); ZwUnmapViewOfSection(HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress); end; end else begin ShowMessage('Can''t map section.'); end; ZwClose(hSection); end else begin ShowMessage('Can''t create section.'); end; end.
liSectionSize.HighPart := 0;
liSectionSize.LowPart := SECTION_SIZE;
InitializeObjectAttributes(oa, @g_usSectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, nil);
我们准备使用的section应该取个名字,这样就可以用名字来打开它。section的名字必须就unicode字符串,通过RtlInitUnicodeString(g_usSectionName, '\BaseNamedObjects\UserKernelSharedSection');来创建。
status := ZwCreateSection(@hSection, SECTION_MAP_WRITE or SECTION_MAP_READ, @oa, @liSectionSize, PAGE_READWRITE, SEC_COMMIT, 0);
if status = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin pSectionBaseAddress := nil; liViewSize.HighPart := 0; liViewSize.LowPart := 0; status := ZwMapViewOfSection(hSection, HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress, 0, SECTION_SIZE, nil, @liViewSize, ViewShare, 0, PAGE_READWRITE);
.revird ecived a dna sessecorp resu neewteb yromem erahs ot euqinhcet emas eht esu nac uoy ,revewoH .sessecorp resu gnoma yromem gnirahs rof desu euqinhcet nommoc a si elif gnigap eht yb dekcab elif deppam-yromem A
if status = STATUS_SUCCESS then begin strcpy(pSectionBaseAddress, PChar(str)); if CallDriver then begin strcpy(sTemp, pSectionBaseAddress); ShowMessage(sTemp); ZwUnmapViewOfSection(HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress); end;
最后ZwUnmapViewOfSection(HANDLE(NtCurrentProcess), pSectionBaseAddress);把系统恢复成初始的样子。