【文章标题】: 3gpConvert 2.0算法分析(浮点)
【文章作者】: 小子贼野
【作者主页】: http://mayday.unpack.cn
【作者QQ号】: 你猜
【下载地址】: http://www.3gpconvert.com/
【作者声明】: 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
00401C60 /$ 55 push ebp
00401C61 |. 8BEC mov ebp,esp
00401C63 |. 83E4 F8 and esp,FFFFFFF8
00401C66 |. 6A FF push -1
00401C68 |. 68 AE4D4000 push 3gpConve.00404DAE ; SE 句柄安装
00401C6D |. 64:A1 0000000>mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
00401C73 |. 50 push eax
00401C74 |. 64:8925 00000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
00401C7B |. 81EC 18010000 sub esp,118
00401C81 |. 53 push ebx
00401C82 |. 55 push ebp
00401C83 |. 56 push esi
00401C84 |. 8B35 40604000 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetProc>; kernel32.GetProcAddress
00401C8A |. 8BC6 mov eax,esi
00401C8C |. 57 push edi
00401C8D |. 2D 00000070 sub eax,70000000
00401C92 |. 894C24 14 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14],ecx
00401C96 |. 0F88 77030000 js 3gpConve.00402013
00401C9C |. 68 0C914000 push 3gpConve.0040910C ; /FileName = "kernel32.dll"
00401CA1 |. FF15 30604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.LoadLibrar>; \LoadLibraryA
00401CA7 |. 8BE8 mov ebp,eax
00401CA9 |. 68 00914000 push 3gpConve.00409100 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "ReadFile"
00401CAE |. 55 push ebp ; |hModule
00401CAF |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress
00401CB1 |. 68 F4904000 push 3gpConve.004090F4 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "CreateFileA"
00401CB6 |. 55 push ebp ; |hModule
00401CB7 |. 8BD8 mov ebx,eax ; |
00401CB9 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress
00401CBB |. 68 E8904000 push 3gpConve.004090E8 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "WriteFile"
00401CC0 |. 55 push ebp ; |hModule
00401CC1 |. 8BF8 mov edi,eax ; |
00401CC3 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress
00401CC5 |. 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00401CC9 |. E8 EE280000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#540>
00401CCE |. 8B4C24 14 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00401CD2 |. 8D5424 10 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00401CD6 |. 81C1 C4000000 add ecx,0C4
00401CDC |. C78424 300100>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+130],0
00401CE7 |. 51 push ecx
00401CE8 |. 68 DC904000 push 3gpConve.004090DC ; ASCII "%s\erfv.dat"
00401CED |. 52 push edx
00401CEE |. E8 A5280000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#2818>
00401CF3 |. 8B4424 1C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00401CF7 |. 83C4 0C add esp,0C
00401CFA |. 6A 00 push 0
00401CFC |. 6A 00 push 0
00401CFE |. 6A 03 push 3
00401D00 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401D02 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401D04 |. 68 00000080 push 80000000
00401D09 |. 50 push eax
00401D0A |. FFD7 call edi
00401D0C |. 8BF0 mov esi,eax
00401D0E |. 83FE FF cmp esi,-1
00401D11 |. 75 0C jnz short 3gpConve.00401D1F
00401D13 |. 898424 300100>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+130],eax
00401D1A |. E9 EB020000 jmp 3gpConve.0040200A
00401D1F |> B9 08000000 mov ecx,8
00401D24 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00401D26 |. 8D7C24 64 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+64]
00401D2A |. 6A 00 push 0 ; /Origin = FILE_BEGIN
00401D2C |. F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; |
00401D2E |. 66:AB stos word ptr es:[edi] ; |
00401D30 |. AA stos byte ptr es:[edi] ; |
00401D31 |. B9 08000000 mov ecx,8 ; |
00401D36 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax ; |
00401D38 |. 8D7C24 44 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+44] ; |
00401D3C |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |pOffsetHi = NULL
00401D3E |. F3:AB rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; |
00401D40 |. 66:AB stos word ptr es:[edi] ; |
00401D42 |. 68 20030000 push 320 ; |OffsetLo = 320 (800.)
00401D47 |. 56 push esi ; |hFile
00401D48 |. AA stos byte ptr es:[edi] ; |
00401D49 |. FF15 48604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.SetFilePoi>; \SetFilePointer
00401D4F |. 8D4C24 24 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]
00401D53 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401D55 |. 51 push ecx
00401D56 |. 8D5424 6C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+6C]
00401D5A |. 6A 1E push 1E
00401D5C |. 52 push edx
00401D5D |. 56 push esi
00401D5E |. FFD3 call ebx
00401D60 |. 8D4424 24 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]
00401D64 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401D66 |. 50 push eax
00401D67 |. 8D4C24 48 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]
00401D6B |. 6A 1E push 1E
00401D6D |. 51 push ecx
00401D6E |. 56 push esi
00401D6F |. FFD3 call ebx
00401D71 |. 8D5424 14 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00401D75 |. 8D4424 1C lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00401D79 |. 52 push edx ; /pLastWrite
00401D7A |. 8D4C24 2C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C] ; |
00401D7E |. 50 push eax ; |pLastAccess
00401D7F |. 51 push ecx ; |pCreationTime
00401D80 |. 56 push esi ; |hFile
00401D81 |. FF15 44604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetFileTim>; \GetFileTime
00401D87 |. 8D5424 1C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00401D8B |. 8D4424 30 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]
00401D8F |. 52 push edx ; /pFileTime
00401D90 |. 50 push eax ; |pSystemTime
00401D91 |. 66:C74424 38 >mov word ptr ss:[esp+38],7CF ; |
00401D98 |. 66:C74424 3A >mov word ptr ss:[esp+3A],5 ; |
00401D9F |. 66:C74424 3E >mov word ptr ss:[esp+3E],16 ; |
00401DA6 |. FF15 28604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.SystemTime>; \SystemTimeToFileTime
00401DAC |. 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00401DB0 |. 8D5424 1C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00401DB4 |. 51 push ecx ; /pLastWrite
00401DB5 |. 8D4424 2C lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C] ; |
00401DB9 |. 52 push edx ; |pLastAccess
00401DBA |. 50 push eax ; |pCreationTime
00401DBB |. 56 push esi ; |hFile
00401DBC |. FF15 70604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.SetFileTim>; \SetFileTime
00401DC2 |. 56 push esi ; /hObject
00401DC3 |. FF15 34604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.CloseHandl>; \CloseHandle
00401DC9 |. 55 push ebp ; /hLibModule
00401DCA |. FF15 38604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.FreeLibrar>; \FreeLibrary
00401DD0 |. 83CB FF or ebx,FFFFFFFF
00401DD3 |. 8D7C24 64 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+64]
00401DD7 |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
00401DD9 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00401DDB |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401DDD |. F7D1 not ecx
00401DDF |. 49 dec ecx
00401DE0 |. 83F9 01 cmp ecx,1 ; 这里比较用户名填没填的
00401DE3 |. 0F82 1A020000 jb 3gpConve.00402003
00401DE9 |. 8D7C24 40 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
00401DED |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
00401DEF |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401DF1 |. F7D1 not ecx
00401DF3 |. 49 dec ecx
00401DF4 |. 83F9 01 cmp ecx,1
00401DF7 |. 0F82 06020000 jb 3gpConve.00402003 ; 这里比较注册码填没填的
00401DFD |. BF D0904000 mov edi,3gpConve.004090D0 ; ASCII "3gp051128"
00401E02 |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
00401E04 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401E06 |. F7D1 not ecx
00401E08 |. 49 dec ecx
00401E09 |. 8D7C24 64 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+64]
00401E0D |. 8BE9 mov ebp,ecx
00401E0F |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
00401E11 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401E13 |. F7D1 not ecx
00401E15 |. 49 dec ecx
00401E16 |. C68424 300100>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+130],1
00401E1E |. 03E9 add ebp,ecx
00401E20 |. 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00401E24 |. 8BF3 mov esi,ebx
00401E26 |. E8 91270000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#540>
00401E2B |. 8D4C24 64 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+64]
00401E2F |. C68424 300100>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+130],2
00401E37 |. 51 push ecx
00401E38 |. 8D4C24 18 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
00401E3C |. E8 2B290000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#860>
00401E41 |. 68 D0904000 push 3gpConve.004090D0 ; ASCII "3gp051128"
00401E46 |. 8D4C24 18 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
00401E4A |. E8 17290000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#941> ; 用户名+“3gp051128”
00401E4F |. 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00401E53 |. E8 08290000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#4204> ; 转换成大写的
00401E58 |. 6A 00 push 0
00401E5A |. 8D4C24 18 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
00401E5E |. E8 6B270000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#2915>
00401E63 |. 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
00401E65 |. 8BF8 mov edi,eax
00401E67 |. 85ED test ebp,ebp
00401E69 |. 7E 68 jle short 3gpConve.00401ED3
00401E6B |> 8BC1 /mov eax,ecx
00401E6D |. BB 03000000 |mov ebx,3
00401E72 |. 99 |cdq
00401E73 |. F7FB |idiv ebx
00401E75 |. 46 |inc esi
00401E76 |. 85D2 |test edx,edx ; Switch (cases 0..2)
00401E78 |. 75 16 |jnz short 3gpConve.00401E90
00401E7A |. 8A0439 |mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx+edi] ; 第一位Ascii; Case 0 of switch 00401E76
00401E7D |. 0FBED0 |movsx edx,al ; 给EDX
00401E80 |. 83EA 05 |sub edx,5 ; -5
00401E83 |. 83FA 41 |cmp edx,41
00401E86 |. 7E 04 |jle short 3gpConve.00401E8C
00401E88 |. 2C 05 |sub al,5
00401E8A |. EB 38 |jmp short 3gpConve.00401EC4
00401E8C |> 04 05 |add al,5
00401E8E |. EB 34 |jmp short 3gpConve.00401EC4
00401E90 |> 83FA 01 |cmp edx,1
00401E93 |. 75 16 |jnz short 3gpConve.00401EAB
00401E95 |. 8A0439 |mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx+edi] ; 第二位Ascii; Case 1 of switch 00401E76
00401E98 |. 0FBED0 |movsx edx,al ; 给EDX
00401E9B |. 83C2 07 |add edx,7 ; +7
00401E9E |. 83FA 5A |cmp edx,5A ; 和$5A比较
00401EA1 |. 7D 04 |jge short 3gpConve.00401EA7 ; 大于或者等于就跳
00401EA3 |. 04 07 |add al,7 ; +7
00401EA5 |. EB 1D |jmp short 3gpConve.00401EC4
00401EA7 |> 2C 07 |sub al,7
00401EA9 |. EB 19 |jmp short 3gpConve.00401EC4
00401EAB |> 83FA 02 |cmp edx,2
00401EAE |. 75 1B |jnz short 3gpConve.00401ECB
00401EB0 |. 8A0439 |mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx+edi] ; 第三位Ascii; Case 2 of switch 00401E76
00401EB3 |. 0FBED0 |movsx edx,al ; 给EDX
00401EB6 |. 83EA 09 |sub edx,9 ; -9
00401EB9 |. 83FA 41 |cmp edx,41 ; 和$41比较
00401EBC |. 7E 04 |jle short 3gpConve.00401EC2 ; 小于等于则跳
00401EBE |. 2C 09 |sub al,9
00401EC0 |. EB 02 |jmp short 3gpConve.00401EC4
00401EC2 |> 04 09 |add al,9 ; +9
00401EC4 |> 888434 880000>|mov byte ptr ss:[esp+esi+88],al
00401ECB |> 41 |inc ecx ; Default case of switch 00401E76
00401ECC |. 3BCD |cmp ecx,ebp
00401ECE |.^ 7C 9B \jl short 3gpConve.00401E6B
00401ED0 |. 83CB FF or ebx,FFFFFFFF
00401ED3 |> DD05 C8674000 fld qword ptr ds:[4067C8]
00401ED9 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00401EDB |. 85F6 test esi,esi
00401EDD |. 7E 17 jle short 3gpConve.00401EF6
00401EDF |> 0FBE8C04 8800>/movsx ecx,byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+88] ; 取新字符串的Ascii
00401EE7 |. 894C24 1C |mov dword ptr ss:[esp+1C],ecx
00401EEB |. 40 |inc eax
00401EEC |. DB4424 1C |fild dword ptr ss:[esp+1C] ; 转换成浮点
00401EF0 |. 3BC6 |cmp eax,esi
00401EF2 |. DEC1 |faddp st(1),st ; 加起来
00401EF4 |.^ 7C E9 \jl short 3gpConve.00401EDF ; 循环
00401EF6 |> D9C0 fld st
00401EF8 |. D9FE fsin ; B=Sin(A)A是上面循环后的值
00401EFA |. D9FF fcos ; C=Cos(B)
00401EFC |. D9FE fsin ; D=Sin(C)
00401EFE |. D9FF fcos ; E=Cos(D)
00401F00 |. D9FE fsin ; F=Sin(E)
00401F02 |. DD5424 1C fst qword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00401F06 |. DC1D C8674000 fcomp qword ptr ds:[4067C8]
00401F0C |. DFE0 fstsw ax
00401F0E |. F6C4 01 test ah,1
00401F11 |. 74 23 je short 3gpConve.00401F36
00401F13 |> DC0D C0674000 /fmul qword ptr ds:[4067C0]
00401F19 |. D9C0 |fld st
00401F1B |. D9FE |fsin
00401F1D |. D9FF |fcos
00401F1F |. D9FE |fsin
00401F21 |. D9FF |fcos
00401F23 |. D9FE |fsin
00401F25 |. DD5424 1C |fst qword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00401F29 |. DC1D C8674000 |fcomp qword ptr ds:[4067C8]
00401F2F |. DFE0 |fstsw ax
00401F31 |. F6C4 01 |test ah,1
00401F34 |.^ 75 DD \jnz short 3gpConve.00401F13
00401F36 |> 8B5424 20 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
00401F3A |. 8B4424 1C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
00401F3E |. 52 push edx
00401F3F |. 50 push eax ; /<%.14f>
00401F40 |. 8D8C24 E00000>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+E0] ; |
00401F47 |. 68 C8904000 push 3gpConve.004090C8 ; |format = "%.14f"
00401F4C |. 51 push ecx ; |s
00401F4D |. DDD8 fstp st ; |
00401F4F |. FF15 2C644000 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT.sprintf>] ; \sprintf
00401F55 |. 8DBC24 E80000>lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+E8] ; 上面是对字符串进行格式化,只取14位,由于那里是8所以要四舍五入,变成9
00401F5C |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
00401F5E |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00401F60 |. 83C4 10 add esp,10
00401F63 |. 33D2 xor edx,edx
00401F65 |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401F67 |. F7D1 not ecx
00401F69 |. 49 dec ecx
00401F6A |. 83E9 02 sub ecx,2
00401F6D |. 74 27 je short 3gpConve.00401F96
00401F6F |> 8A8414 DA0000>/mov al,byte ptr ss:[esp+edx+DA] ; 取格式化后字符串的Ascii
00401F76 |. 8DBC24 D80000>|lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+D8]
00401F7D |. 04 41 |add al,41 ; +41
00401F7F |. 8BCB |mov ecx,ebx
00401F81 |. 888414 880000>|mov byte ptr ss:[esp+edx+88],al ; 转成字符
00401F88 |. 33C0 |xor eax,eax
00401F8A |. 42 |inc edx
00401F8B |. F2:AE |repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401F8D |. F7D1 |not ecx
00401F8F |. 83C1 FD |add ecx,-3
00401F92 |. 3BD1 |cmp edx,ecx
00401F94 |.^ 72 D9 \jb short 3gpConve.00401F6F ; 循环
00401F96 |> 8D8C24 880000>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+88]
00401F9D |. C68434 880000>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+esi+88],0
00401FA5 |. 51 push ecx ; /StringOrChar
00401FA6 |. FF15 68644000 call dword ptr ds:[<&USER32.CharUpperA>] ; \CharUpperA
00401FAC |. 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00401FB0 |. C68424 300100>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+130],1
00401FB8 |. E8 E1250000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>
00401FBD |. 8D7C24 40 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
00401FC1 |. 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
00401FC3 |. 33C0 xor eax,eax
00401FC5 |. 8DB424 880000>lea esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+88]
00401FCC |. F2:AE repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401FCE |. F7D1 not ecx
00401FD0 |. 49 dec ecx
00401FD1 |. 8D7C24 40 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
00401FD5 |. 33D2 xor edx,edx
00401FD7 |. 899C24 300100>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+130],ebx
00401FDE |. F3:A6 repe cmps byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr ds:>
00401FE0 |. 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00401FE4 |. 75 28 jnz short 3gpConve.0040200E ; 把这个跳该了,可以爆破
00401FE6 |. E8 B3250000 call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>
00401FEB |. B0 01 mov al,1
00401FED |. 8B8C24 280100>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+128]
00401FF4 |. 64:890D 00000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
00401FFB |. 5F pop edi
00401FFC |. 5E pop esi
00401FFD |. 5D pop ebp
00401FFE |. 5B pop ebx
00401FFF |. 8BE5 mov esp,ebp
00402001 |. 5D pop ebp
00402002 |. C3 retn
1、将用户名和固定字符串连接并转成大写,逐个取Ascii,然后和固定数值比较是否符合条件,再做加 减法运算,然后转换成字符串连接起来,然后再取新字符串的Ascii,加起来
3、循环取格式化后字符串的Ascii(不取“0.”的Ascii),加$41,转成字符,连接起来,就是最终注 册码
【版权声明】: 本文纯属技术交流, 转载请注明作者并保持文章的完整, 谢谢!
2008年04月01日 16:35:58
- 标 题:3gpConvert 2.0算法分析(浮点)
- 作 者:小子贼野
- 时 间:2008-04-01 16:41
- 链 接:http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=62339