(一个全日文小游戏) 图片文件(扩展名DET)分析及解密(原创)
可以向我索取EXE文件和IDB文件。---------- 本人QQ:330759606 ≮风々吉它≯
int __stdcall StretchDIBits(HDC,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,const void *,const BITMAPINFO *,UINT,DWORD)
.idata:00430040 extrn StretchDIBits:dword
;IDA中的流程缩略图关了,重打开的办法:View-Toolbars-Navigation-Graph overview
.text:0040AC3F mov ebp, [esi]
.text:0040AC41 mov ebx, dword_43C208
.text:0040AC47 mov esi, [esi+0Ch]
.text:0040AC4A push SRCCOPY ; DWORD
.text:0040AC4F push 0 ; UINT
.text:0040AC51 push edi ; BITMAPINFO *
.text:0040AC52 mov edx, ebx
.text:0040AC54 push ebp ; CONST VOID *lpBits
.text:0040AC55 sub esi, ebx
.text:0040AC57 loc_40AC57: ; CODE XREF: DrawBitMap+ADj
.text:0040AC57 mov eax, dword_43CB8C
.text:0040AC5C mov ecx, dword_43CB80
.text:0040AC62 sub edx, eax
.text:0040AC64 lea eax, [edx+1]
.text:0040AC67 mov edx, dword_43CB88
.text:0040AC6D push eax ; int
.text:0040AC6E sub edx, ecx
.text:0040AC70 inc edx
.text:0040AC71 push edx ; int
.text:0040AC72 dec esi
.text:0040AC73 push esi ; int
.text:0040AC74 push ecx ; int
.text:0040AC75 push eax ; int
.text:0040AC76 mov eax, dword_43CB8C
.text:0040AC7B push edx ; int
.text:0040AC7C push eax ; int
.text:0040AC7D push ecx ; int
.text:0040AC7E mov ecx, [esp+68h+arg_0]
.text:0040AC82 push ecx ; HDC
.text:0040AC83 call ds:StretchDIBits //拉伸图片
.text:0040AC89 push edi
.text:0040AC8A call Delete
call ds:GetDC
mov edx, dword_4CBDD0 ;背景数据
mov esi, eax
push esi ; hdc
push edx ; lpBit
call SubDraw
mov eax, hWnd
push esi ; hDC
push eax ; hWnd
call ds:ReleaseDC
Call stack of main thread
Address Stack Procedure / arguments Called from Frame
0012EF50 0041E16B Includes kernel32.CreateFileA .0041E169 0012F62C
0012EF54 0012EF74 FileName = "pic\mlogo.bmp"
0012EF58 80000000 Access = GENERIC_READ
0012EF5C 00000000 ShareMode = 0
0012EF60 00000000 pSecurity = NULL
0012EF64 00000003 Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
0012EF68 00000080 Attributes = NORMAL
0012EF6C 00000000 hTemplateFile = NULL
0012F07C 0040C17F .0041E120 .0040C17A
0012F0B4 00405D48 .0040C170 .00405D43
0041E14C . 8B35 C0004300 mov esi, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Creat>; kernel32.CreateFileA
0041E152 . 6A 00 push 0 ; /hTemplateFile = NULL
0041E154 . 68 80000000 push 80 ; |Attributes = NORMAL
0041E159 . 6A 03 push 3 ; |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
0041E15B . 6A 00 push 0 ; |pSecurity = NULL
0041E15D . 6A 00 push 0 ; |ShareMode = 0
0041E15F . 68 00000080 push 80000000 ; |Access = GENERIC_READ
0041E164 . 8D4424 1C lea eax, dword ptr [esp+1C] ; |
0041E168 . 50 push eax ; |FileName
0041E169 . FFD6 call esi ; CreateFile ; \CreateFileA
event.bmp hr.bmp logo_00.bmp logo_s_00.bmp mes.bmp mlogo.bmp name.bmp pph1_00.bmp pph2.bmp ppS1.bmp test04.bmp
test04c.bmp test04d.bmp test04e.bmp c_mink_00.bmp b201.bmp nowonsale02.bmp nowonsale01.bmp ?
重启动程序,再次跟踪CreateFile 直到出现parts.nme;
Call stack of main thread
Address Stack Procedure / arguments Called from Frame
0012F05C 0040C33C Includes kernel32.CreateFileA .0040C33A
0012F060 0043CFB0 FileName = "parts.nme"
0012F064 80000000 Access = GENERIC_READ
0012F068 00000000 ShareMode = 0
0012F06C 00000000 pSecurity = NULL
0012F070 00000003 Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
0012F074 00000080 Attributes = NORMAL
0012F078 00000000 hTemplateFile = NULL
0012F0B4 00405D48 .0040C170 .00405D43
0040C2FA > \B8 67666666 mov eax, 66666667
0040C2FF . F7EB imul ebx
0040C301 . C1FA 03 sar edx, 3
0040C304 . 8BCA mov ecx, edx
0040C306 . 68 B8D04300 push 0043D0B8 ; ASCII "parts"
0040C30B . C1E9 1F shr ecx, 1F
0040C30E . 03D1 add edx, ecx
0040C310 . 68 34984300 push 00439834 ; ASCII "%s.nme"
0040C315 . 68 B0CF4300 push 0043CFB0 ; ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C31A . 895424 2C mov dword ptr [esp+2C], edx
0040C31E . FFD7 call edi ;wsprintf
0040C320 . 83C4 0C add esp, 0C
0040C323 . 6A 00 push 0
0040C325 . 68 80000000 push 80
0040C32A . 6A 03 push 3
0040C32C . 6A 00 push 0
0040C32E . 6A 00 push 0
0040C330 . 68 00000080 push 80000000
0040C335 . 68 B0CF4300 push 0043CFB0 ; ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C33A . FFD5 call ebp ;createfile
Call stack of main thread
Address Stack Procedure / arguments Called from Frame
0012F0B4 00405D48 .0040C170 .00405D43
0040C347 . 52 push edx
0040C348 . C74424 18 000>mov dword ptr [esp+18], 0
0040C350 . E8 3BFDFFFF call 0040C090 ;分析文件 ; DEncrypt
0040C355 . 83C4 04 add esp, 4
0040C358 . 85C0 test eax, eax ;成功与否
0040C35A . 7D 68 jge short 0040C3C4
0040C35C . 8B5C24 30 mov ebx, dword ptr [esp+30]
0040C360 . 53 push ebx
0040C361 . 68 B0CF4300 push 0043CFB0 ; ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C366 . E8 A5FDFFFF call 0040C110 ;err_show
0040C36B . 83C4 08 add esp, 8
0040C36E . 83FB 03 cmp ebx, 3
0040C371 . 7D 51 jge short 0040C3C4
跟踪call 0040C090
0040C090 /$ 83EC 08 sub esp, 8
0040C093 |. 53 push ebx
0040C094 |. 55 push ebp
0040C095 |. 8B6C24 14 mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+14]
0040C099 |. 57 push edi
0040C09A |. 6A 00 push 0 ; /pFileSizeHigh = NULL
0040C09C |. 56 push esi ; |hFile
0040C09D |. FF15 08014300 call dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.GetFileSiz>; \GetFileSize
0040C0A3 |. 8BF8 mov edi, eax
0040C0A5 |. 8D5F FC lea ebx, dword ptr [edi-4]
0040C0A8 |. 53 push ebx
0040C0A9 |. C74424 1C 000>mov dword ptr [esp+1C], 0
0040C0B1 |. E8 B75D0100 call 00421E6D ; new
0040C0B6 |. 83C4 04 add esp, 4
0040C0B9 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C0BB |. 8D4C24 10 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+10] ; |
0040C0BF |. 51 push ecx ; |pBytesRead
0040C0C0 |. 53 push ebx ; |BytesToRead
0040C0C1 |. 8B1D 10014300 mov ebx, dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadF>; |kernel32.ReadFile
0040C0C7 |. 50 push eax ; |Buffer 文件内容
0040C0C8 |. 56 push esi ; |hFile
0040C0C9 |. 8945 00 mov dword ptr [ebp], eax ; |
0040C0CC |. FFD3 call ebx ; \ReadFile
0040C0CE |. 6A 00 push 0 ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C0D0 |. 8D5424 10 lea edx, dword ptr [esp+10] ; |
0040C0D4 |. 52 push edx ; |pBytesRead
0040C0D5 |. 6A 04 push 4 ; |BytesToRead = 4
0040C0D7 |. 8D4424 1C lea eax, dword ptr [esp+1C] ; |
0040C0DB |. 50 push eax ; |BUFFER 解密号
0040C0DC |. 56 push esi ; |hFile
0040C0DD |. FFD3 call ebx ; \ReadFile
0040C0DF |. 8B4D 00 mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp] ; new address
0040C0E2 |. 51 push ecx
0040C0E3 |. 8D57 FC lea edx, dword ptr [edi-4]
0040C0E6 |. 8D4C24 1C lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C]
0040C0EA |. E8 21FFFFFF call 0040C010 ; 通过文件内容算出加密号
0040C0EF |. 8B4424 14 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+14]
0040C0F3 |. 8B4C24 1C mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C]
0040C0F7 |. 83C4 04 add esp, 4
0040C0FA |. 3BC1 cmp eax, ecx ; 比较两个加密号
0040C0FC |. 5F pop edi
0040C0FD |. 5D pop ebp
0040C0FE |. 5B pop ebx
0040C0FF |. 74 07 je short 0040C108
0040C101 |. 83C8 FF or eax, FFFFFFFF ;出错
0040C104 |. 83C4 08 add esp, 8
0040C107 |. C3 retn
0040C108 |> 8BC2 mov eax, edx ;加密号位置
0040C10A |. 83C4 08 add esp, 8
0040C10D \. C3 retn
0040C3F0 > 8B53 F8 mov edx, dword ptr [ebx-8]
0040C3F3 . |035424 14 add edx, dword ptr [esp+14] ; 取下一个OBJ
0040C3F7 . |68 A8CE4300 push 0043CEA8 ; ASCII "mlogo.bmp"
0040C3FC . |52 push edx ; NME中的文件名
0040C3FD . |E8 EF5F0100 call 004223F1 ; Find Obj
0040C402 . |83C4 08 add esp, 8
0040C405 . |85C0 test eax, eax ; 0:found
0040C407 . |0F85 B9000000 jnz 0040C4C6
0040C40D . |68 B8D04300 push 0043D0B8 ; ASCII "parts"
0040C412 . |68 3C984300 push 0043983C ; ASCII "%s.det"
0040C417 . |68 B0CF4300 push 0043CFB0 ; ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C41C . |FFD7 call edi ; wspintf
0040C41E . |83C4 0C add esp, 0C
0040C421 > |6A 00 push 0
0040C423 . |68 80000000 push 80
0040C428 . |6A 03 push 3
0040C42A . |6A 00 push 0
0040C42C . |6A 00 push 0
0040C42E . |68 00000080 push 80000000
0040C433 . |68 B0CF4300 push 0043CFB0 ; ASCII "parts.nme"
0040C438 . |FFD5 call ebp ; open this file
0040C43A . |6A 00 push 0 ; /Origin = FILE_BEGIN
0040C43C . |8BF8 mov edi, eax ; |
0040C43E . |8B43 FC mov eax, dword ptr [ebx-4] ; |
0040C441 . |6A 00 push 0 ; |pOffsetHi = NULL
0040C443 . |50 push eax ; |OffsetLo
0040C444 . |57 push edi ; |hFile
0040C445 . |FF15 0C014300 call dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetFilePoi>; \SetFilePointer
0040C44B . |8B33 mov esi, dword ptr [ebx]
0040C44D . |56 push esi
0040C44E . |E8 1A5A0100 call 00421E6D ; new
0040C453 . |83C4 04 add esp, 4
0040C456 . |6A 00 push 0 ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C458 . |8D4C24 2C lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C] ; |
0040C45C . |51 push ecx ; |pBytesRead
0040C45D . |56 push esi ; |BytesToRead
0040C45E . |8BE8 mov ebp, eax ; |
0040C460 . |55 push ebp ; |Buffer
0040C461 . |57 push edi ; |hFile
0040C462 . |FF15 10014300 call dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadFile>] ; \ReadFile
0040C468 . |57 push edi ; /hObject
0040C469 . |FF15 D0004300 call dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CloseHandl>; \CloseHandle
要么是OBJ对象。要么是全局变量。所以需要跟踪 call 004223F1
0040C4C6 > \8B4424 18 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+18]
0040C4CA . 8B4C24 20 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+20]
0040C4CE . 40 inc eax
0040C4CF . 83C3 14 add ebx, 14
0040C4D2 . 3BC1 cmp eax, ecx
0040C4D4 . 894424 18 mov dword ptr [esp+18], eax
0040C4D8 .^ 0F8C 12FFFFFF jl 0040C3F0
这说明信息并不是通过call 4223f1来得到的,而只是简单的一一对应方式。
mblog.bmp是parts.nme中的第6个,按0算,就是5*14h=64h; 14h一定是BMP的信息结构。
0040C40D . 68 B8D04300 push 0043D0B8 ; ASCII "parts"
0040C412 . 68 3C984300 push 0043983C ; ASCII "%s.det"
0040C417 . 68 B0CF4300 push 0043CFB0 ; ASCII "parts.det"
0040C41C . FFD7 call edi
0040C41E . 83C4 0C add esp, 0C
0040C421 > 6A 00 push 0
0040C423 . 68 80000000 push 80
0040C428 . 6A 03 push 3
0040C42A . 6A 00 push 0
0040C42C . 6A 00 push 0
0040C42E . 68 00000080 push 80000000
0040C433 . 68 B0CF4300 push 0043CFB0 ; ASCII "parts.det"
0040C438 . FFD5 call ebp ;CreateFile
0040C43A . 6A 00 push 0 ; /Origin = FILE_BEGIN
0040C43C . 8BF8 mov edi, eax ; hFile
0040C43E . 8B43 FC mov eax, dword ptr [ebx-4] ; 定位点 28f9d
0040C441 . 6A 00 push 0 ; |pOffsetHi = NULL
0040C443 . 50 push eax ; |OffsetLo
0040C444 . 57 push edi ; |hFile
0040C445 . FF15 0C014300 call dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetF>; \SetFilePointer
0040C44B . 8B33 mov esi, dword ptr [ebx] ; SizeOfFile 7179
0040C44D . 56 push esi
0040C44E . E8 1A5A0100 call 00421E6D ; new
0040C453 . 83C4 04 add esp, 4
0040C456 . 6A 00 push 0 ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040C458 . 8D4C24 2C lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C] ; |
0040C45C . 51 push ecx ; |pBytesRead
0040C45D . 56 push esi ; |BytesToRead
0040C45E . 8BE8 mov ebp, eax ; |
0040C460 . 55 push ebp ; |Buffer
0040C461 . 57 push edi ; |hFile
0040C462 . FF15 10014300 call dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Read>; \ReadFile
0040C468 . 57 push edi ; /hObject
0040C469 . FF15 D0004300 call dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.Clos>; \CloseHandle
struct BmpVerData //加密的BMP数据
DWORD SizeOfBmpFile;
DWORD OffsetOfDet; //资源偏移
DWORD Un_1; //表示未知,以后再改
.text:0040C46F push ebp
.text:0040C470 mov edx, esi
.text:0040C472 lea ecx, [esp+50h+@@pr_Key] ; 用来校验
.text:0040C476 mov [esp+50h+@@pr_Key], 0
.text:0040C47E call 40c010 ;CRC_Verify
.text:0040C483 mov edx, [esp+50h+@@pr_Key]
.text:0040C487 mov eax, [ebx+4]
.text:0040C48A add esp, 4
.text:0040C48D cmp edx, eax
.text:0040C48F jz short CleanMem
.text:0040C491 err:
.text:0040C491 push ebp
.text:0040C492 call Delete
.text:0040C497 mov esi, [esp+50h+@@if_use]
.text:0040C49B push esi
.text:0040C49C push offset FileName
.text:0040C4A1 call Err_Show
.text:0040C500 CleanMem: ; CODE XREF: GetBmpInfo+31Fj
.text:0040C500 mov eax, [esp+4Ch+@@NumberOfBmp]
.text:0040C504 mov ecx, [esp+4Ch+@@ObjForDeCode]
.text:0040C508 mov ebx, [esp+4Ch+var_C]
.text:0040C50C lea eax, [eax+eax*4] ;一个资源数据的大小
.text:0040C50F mov eax, [ecx+eax*4+10h] ;10h处为数据的起始。前10h内容为文件头 7113
.text:0040C513 push esi
.text:0040C514 push ebp
.text:0040C515 call UnEntry
.text:0040C51A push ebp
.text:0040C51B mov esi, eax
.text:0040C51D call Delete
.text:0040C522 mov edx, [esp+58h+@@ObjForDeCode]
.text:0040C526 push edx
.text:0040C527 call Delete
.text:0040C52C mov eax, [esp+5Ch+var_38]
.text:0040C530 push eax ;NME数据删除
.text:0040C531 call Delete
.text:0040C536 add esp, 14h
.text:0040C539 pop ebp
.text:0040C53A pop edi
.text:0040C53B mov eax, esi
.text:0040C53D pop esi
.text:0040C53E pop ebx
.text:0040C53F add esp, 28h
.text:0040C542 retn
后面有很多相同的CALL DELETE,我们在执行后发现,PUSH入的地址处数据无效,所以认为是DELETE
跟踪 call UnEntry
0040BF80 /$ 57 push edi
0040BF81 |. 50 push eax ; 7113
0040BF82 |. E8 E65E0100 call 00421E6D ; new
0040BF87 |. 8B4C24 10 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
0040BF8B |. 8903 mov dword ptr [ebx], eax
0040BF8D |. 83C4 04 add esp, 4
0040BF90 |. 33FF xor edi, edi
0040BF92 |. 33C0 xor eax, eax
0040BF94 |. 85C9 test ecx, ecx
0040BF96 |. 7E 6B jle short 0040C003
0040BF98 |. 55 push ebp
0040BF99 |. 56 push esi
0040BF9A |. 8D9B 00000000 lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx]
0040BFA0 |> 8B5424 10 /mov edx, dword ptr [esp+10]
0040BFA4 |. 8A0C17 |mov cl, byte ptr [edi+edx]
0040BFA7 |. 80F9 FF |cmp cl, 0FF ;FF时会重复前面的数据
0040BFAA |. 75 46 |jnz short 0040BFF2
0040BFAC |. 8A4C17 01 |mov cl, byte ptr [edi+edx+1]
0040BFB0 |. 47 |inc edi
0040BFB1 |. 80F9 FF |cmp cl, 0FF ;
0040BFB4 |. 75 08 |jnz short 0040BFBE
0040BFB6 |. 8B0B |mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx]
0040BFB8 |. C60408 FF |mov byte ptr [eax+ecx], 0FF
0040BFBC |. EB 39 |jmp short 0040BFF7
0040BFBE |> 0FB6C9 |movzx ecx, cl
0040BFC1 |. 8BD1 |mov edx, ecx
0040BFC3 |. C1EA 02 |shr edx, 2
0040BFC6 |. 42 |inc edx ;偏移量
0040BFC7 |. 81E1 03000080 |and ecx, 80000003
0040BFCD |. 79 05 |jns short 0040BFD4
0040BFCF |. 49 |dec ecx
0040BFD0 |. 83C9 FC |or ecx, FFFFFFFC
0040BFD3 |. 41 |inc ecx
0040BFD4 |> 83C1 03 |add ecx, 3
0040BFD7 |. 85C9 |test ecx, ecx
0040BFD9 |. 7E 1D |jle short 0040BFF8
0040BFDB |. 8BE9 |mov ebp, ecx
0040BFDD |. 8D49 00 |lea ecx, dword ptr [ecx]
0040BFE0 |> 8B33 |/mov esi, dword ptr [ebx]
0040BFE2 |. 8BCE ||mov ecx, esi
0040BFE4 |. 2BCA ||sub ecx, edx
0040BFE6 |. 8A0C01 ||mov cl, byte ptr [ecx+eax]
0040BFE9 |. 880C06 ||mov byte ptr [esi+eax], cl
0040BFEC |. 40 ||inc eax
0040BFED |. 4D ||dec ebp
0040BFEE |.^ 75 F0 |\jnz short 0040BFE0
0040BFF0 |. EB 06 |jmp short 0040BFF8
0040BFF2 |> 8B13 |mov edx, dword ptr [ebx]
0040BFF4 |. 880C10 |mov byte ptr [eax+edx], cl
0040BFF7 |> 40 |inc eax
0040BFF8 |> 8B4C24 14 |mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+14]
0040BFFC |. 47 |inc edi
0040BFFD |. 3BF9 |cmp edi, ecx
0040BFFF |.^ 7C 9F \jl short 0040BFA0
0040C001 |. 5E pop esi
0040C002 |. 5D pop ebp
0040C003 |> 5F pop edi
0040C004 \. C3 retn
int k=0;
preNum=buf[i] & 0x80000003;
preNum |=0xfffffffc;
.text:004183E0 FindBmp proc near ; CODE XREF: Frame_ack+3EBp
.text:004183E0 @@ptr_BmpInfo = dword ptr -10Ch
.text:004183E0 var_108 = byte ptr -108h
.text:004183E0 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:004183E0 arg_0 = dword ptr 4
.text:004183E0 arg_4 = dword ptr 8
.text:004183E0 arg_8 = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:004183E0 sub esp, 10Ch
.text:004183E6 mov eax, G_Key
.text:004183EB xor eax, [esp+10Ch]
.text:004183F2 push ebx
.text:004183F3 push ebp
.text:004183F4 mov ebp, [esp+114h+arg_8]
.text:004183FB push esi
.text:004183FC mov esi, ecx ; bmp type
.text:004183FE push esi
.text:004183FF mov [esp+11Ch+var_4], eax
.text:00418406 mov ebx, edx
.text:00418408 lea eax, [esp+11Ch+var_108]
.text:0041840C push offset s_S_bmp_0 ; "%s.bmp"
.text:00418411 push eax ; LPSTR
.text:00418412 mov [ebx+4A4h], ebp
.text:00418418 mov [ebx+4A0h], edi
.text:0041841E call ds:wsprintfA
.text:00418424 lea ecx, [esp+124h+@@ptr_BmpInfo]
.text:00418428 push ecx
.text:00418429 lea edx, [esp+128h+var_108]
.text:0041842D push edx
.text:0041842E mov [esp+12Ch+@@ptr_BmpInfo], 0
.text:00418436 call GetBmpInfo ;回到这里
.text:0041843B add esp, 14h ; BmpInfo还是加密的
.text:0041843E test eax, eax ; 数据的大小
.text:00418440 jg short BmpDecode
.text:00418442 NotFound:
.text:00418442 push esi
.text:00418443 push offset s_Gtg@gcglbuS_0 ; "%s"
.text:00418448 push offset byte_4C29D0 ; LPSTR
.text:0041844D call ds:wsprintfA
.text:00418453 push offset s_KgvUVNuv ; ""
.text:00418458 mov ebx, offset byte_4C29D0
.text:0041845D call sub_41BBC0
.text:00418462 add esp, 10h
.text:00418465 jmp short loc_4184E6
.text:00418467 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00418467 BmpDecode: ; CODE XREF: FindBmp+60j
.text:00418467 mov esi, [esp+118h+@@ptr_BmpInfo]
.text:0041846B test esi, esi
.text:0041846D jz short loc_4184E6
.text:0041846F mov cl, [esi]
.text:00418471 cmp cl, 'F'
.text:00418474 jnz short loc_4184B9
.text:00418476 mov al, [esi+1]
.text:00418479 and al, '_'
.text:0041847B cmp al, 'D'
.text:0041847D jnz short loc_41849A
.text:0041847F FD_Type: ;bmp类型
.text:0041847F mov eax, [esp+118h+arg_4]
.text:00418486 mov ecx, [esp+118h+arg_0]
.text:0041848D push edi
.text:0041848E push ebp
.text:0041848F push eax
.text:00418490 push ecx
.text:00418491 mov eax, esi ;资源对象
.text:00418493 call BmpDecode
.text:00418498 jmp short loc_4184DD
.text:0041849A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0041849A loc_41849A: ; CODE XREF: FindBmp+9Dj
.text:0041849A cmp al, 'E'
.text:0041849C jnz short loc_4184B9
.text:0041849E mov edx, [esp+118h+arg_4]
.text:004184A5 mov eax, [esp+118h+arg_0]
.text:004184AC push edi
.text:004184AD push ebp
.text:004184AE push edx
.text:004184AF push eax
.text:004184B0 mov eax, esi
.text:004184B2 call sub_417B70
.text:004184B7 jmp short loc_4184DD
.text:004184B9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004184B9 loc_4184B9: ; CODE XREF: FindBmp+94j
.text:004184B9 ; FindBmp+BCj
.text:004184B9 cmp cl, 'B'
.text:004184BC jnz short loc_4184DD
.text:004184BE cmp byte ptr [esi+1], 'M'
.text:004184C2 jnz short loc_4184DD
.text:004184C4 mov ecx, [esp+118h+arg_4]
.text:004184CB mov edx, [esp+118h+arg_0]
.text:004184D2 push edi
.text:004184D3 push ebp
.text:004184D4 push esi
.text:004184D5 push ecx
.text:004184D6 push edx
.text:004184D7 push ebx
.text:004184D8 call sub_417EC0
.text:004184DD loc_4184DD: ; CODE XREF: FindBmp+B8j
.text:004184DD ; FindBmp+D7j
.text:004184DD ; FindBmp+DCj
.text:004184DD ; FindBmp+E2j
.text:004184DD push esi
.text:004184DE call Delete
.text:004184E3 add esp, 4
.text:004184E6 loc_4184E6: ; CODE XREF: FindBmp+85j
.text:004184E6 ; FindBmp+8Dj
.text:004184E6 mov ecx, [esp+118h+var_4]
.text:004184ED xor ecx, [esp+118h]
.text:004184F4 pop esi
.text:004184F5 pop ebp
.text:004184F6 pop ebx
.text:004184F7 call Err_Check ; 校对
.text:004184FC add esp, 10Ch
.text:00418502 retn 0Ch
.text:00418502 FindBmp endp
要得到真正的位图数据,只能进入call BmpDecode
.text:00416E50 sub esp, 24h
.text:00416E53 push ebp
.text:00416E54 push esi
.text:00416E55 mov esi, eax ; BmpObj
.text:00416E57 movzx ebp, word ptr [esi+4] ; BmpWidth
.text:00416E5B movsx eax, byte ptr [esi+2] ; BmpCell 调色板面数
.text:00416E5F push edi
.text:00416E60 movzx edi, word ptr [esi+6] ; BmpHeight
.text:00416E64 mov ecx, edi
.text:00416E66 imul ecx, ebp
.text:00416E69 lea edx, ds:40h[ecx*4]
.text:00416E70 push edx
.text:00416E71 mov [esp+34h+@@BmpSize], eax ;对齐后的BMP大小 1d4c40h
.text:00416E75 call New
.text:00416E7A push eax ;就是BMP位图对象,
.text:00416E7B mov [esp+38h+@@BmpObj], eax
.text:00416E7F mov eax, [esp+38h+@@BmpSize]
.text:00416E83 push esi
.text:00416E84 push eax
.text:00416E85 push edi
.text:00416E86 push ebp
.text:00416E87 call UnEntryBmpObj ;填充BMP位图对象
.text:00416E8C mov eax, [esp+48h+arg_0]
.text:00416E90 xor edx, edx
.text:00416E92 add esp, 18h
.text:00416E95 cmp eax, edx
.text:00416E97 mov [esp+30h+var_24], edx
.text:00416E9B mov [esp+30h+var_1C], edx
.text:00416E9F mov [esp+30h+var_20], ebp
.text:00416EA3 mov [esp+30h+var_18], edi
.text:00416EA7 jge short loc_416EB1
一般情况不要跟踪到CALL中,经过执行call UnEntryBmpObj 发现参数BMP位图对象的内容已被填充
跟踪这个call UnEntryBmpObj:
loc_416D75: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+411j
.text:00416D75 movzx edi, byte ptr [esi]
.text:00416D78 movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+1]
.text:00416D7C movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+2]
.text:00416D80 shl edi, 8
.text:00416D83 add edi, edx
.text:00416D85 shl edi, 8
.text:00416D88 add edi, ecx
.text:00416D8A mov cl, byte_4C2248[eax]
.text:00416D90 shl edi, 8
.text:00416D93 xor edi, 80000080h
.text:00416D99 shr edi, cl
.text:00416D9B shl eax, 10h
.text:00416D9E mov edx, edi
.text:00416DA0 shr edx, 8
.text:00416DA3 xor edx, eax
.text:00416DA5 mov eax, [esp+104h+var_F4]
.text:00416DA9 mov [eax], edx ;位图数据填充处
.text:00416DAB add eax, 4
.text:00416DAE and edi, 0FFh
.text:00416DB4 add esi, 3
.text:00416DB7 loc_416DB7: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+5F3j
.text:00416DB7 mov [esp+104h+var_F4], eax
.text:00416DBB mov [esp+104h+var_F0], edi
.text:00416DBF loc_416DBF: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+3BCj
.text:00416DBF ; UnEntryBmpObj+3E2j
.text:00416DBF mov ebx, [esp+104h+var_F4]
.text:00416DC3 loc_416DC3: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+3D7j
.text:00416DC3 ; UnEntryBmpObj+409j
.text:00416DC3 cmp ebx, [esp+104h+var_E8]
.text:00416DC7 jb loc_4168C0
00416B42 . 8B5C24 10 mov ebx, dword ptr [esp+10]
00416B46 > 8B10 mov edx, dword ptr [eax]
00416B48 . 8913 mov dword ptr [ebx], edx ;数据相同的情况
00416CE5 > /0FB606 movzx eax, byte ptr [esi]
00416CE8 . |0FB61445 F016>movzx edx, byte ptr [eax*2+4C16F0]
00416CF0 . |0FB63C45 F116>movzx edi, byte ptr [eax*2+4C16F1]
00416CF8 . |46 inc esi
.text:004167A0 @@CreateNewTable: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+39j
.text:004167A0 cmp eax, 1
.text:004167A3 jnz short loc_4167AB
.text:004167A5 mov dword ptr [esp+104h+@@UnDeTable_1+4], ecx ; 26
.text:004167A9 jmp short loc_4167B6
.text:004167AB ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004167AB loc_4167AB: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+23j
.text:004167AB mov esi, ds:G_UnDeTable[eax*4]
.text:004167B2 mov dword ptr [esp+esi*4+104h+@@UnDeTable_1], eax ; 数组,4*26h
0012EEA0 02 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 ...&...
0012EEA8 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 .......
0012EEB0 04 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 ......
0012EEB8 14 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 ......
0012EEC0 15 00 00 00 17 00 00 00 ......
0012EEC8 06 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 ......
0012EED0 08 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 .......
0012EED8 0A 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 .......
0012EEE0 18 00 00 00 19 00 00 00 ......
0012EEE8 1A 00 00 00 1B 00 00 00 ......
0012EEF0 1C 00 00 00 1D 00 00 00 ......
0012EEF8 0C 00 00 00 0D 00 00 00 ........
0012EF00 0E 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 ......
0012EF08 10 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 ......
0012EF10 12 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 ......
0012EF18 1E 00 00 00 1F 00 00 00 ......
0012EF20 20 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 ...!...
0012EF28 22 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 "...#...
0012EF30 24 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 $...%...
.text:004167C0 loc_4167C0: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+101j
.text:004167C0 mov ecx, ds:G_UnTable_1[eax]
.text:004167C6 imul ecx, edx ; edx:BmpWidth
.text:004167C9 add ecx, ds:G_UnTable_0[eax] ; 0
.text:004167CF mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim], ecx
.text:004167D3 mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+4)[eax] ; 1
.text:004167D9 mov ebp, ds:(G_UnTable_0+4)[eax]
.text:004167DF imul ecx, edx
.text:004167E2 add ecx, ebp
.text:004167E4 mov edi, ds:(G_UnTable_0+8)[eax] ; 2
.text:004167EA mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+4], ecx ; 1
.text:004167EE mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+8)[eax]
.text:004167F4 imul ecx, edx
.text:004167F7 add ecx, edi
.text:004167F9 mov esi, ds:(G_UnTable_0+0Ch)[eax] ; 3
.text:004167FF mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+8], ecx ; 2
.text:00416803 mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+0Ch)[eax]
.text:00416809 imul ecx, edx
.text:0041680C mov ebp, ds:(G_UnTable_0+10h)[eax] ; 4
.text:00416812 add ecx, esi
.text:00416814 mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+0Ch], ecx ; 3
.text:00416818 mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+10h)[eax]
.text:0041681E imul ecx, edx
.text:00416821 mov edi, ds:(G_UnTable_0+14h)[eax] ; 5
.text:00416827 add ecx, ebp
.text:00416829 mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+10h], ecx ; 4
.text:0041682D mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+14h)[eax]
.text:00416833 imul ecx, edx
.text:00416836 mov esi, ds:(G_UnTable_0+18h)[eax] ; 6
.text:0041683C add ecx, edi
.text:0041683E mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+14h], ecx ; 5
.text:00416842 mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+18h)[eax]
.text:00416848 mov ebp, ds:(G_UnTable_0+1Ch)[eax] ; 7
.text:0041684E imul ecx, edx
.text:00416851 add ecx, esi
.text:00416853 mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+18h], ecx ; 6
.text:00416857 mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+1Ch)[eax]
.text:0041685D mov edi, ds:(G_UnTable_0+20h)[eax] ; 8
.text:00416863 imul ecx, edx
.text:00416866 add ecx, ebp
.text:00416868 mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+1Ch], ecx ; 7
.text:0041686C mov ecx, ds:(G_UnTable_1+20h)[eax]
.text:00416872 imul ecx, edx
.text:00416875 add ecx, edi
.text:00416877 mov dword ptr [esp+eax+104h+@@NT1_Dim+20h], ecx ; 8
.text:0041687B add eax, 24h
.text:0041687E cmp eax, 48h ;48H大小
.text:00416881 jl loc_4167C0
@@NT1_Dim[i]=(G_UnTable_1[i] * BmpWidth)+G_UnTable_0[i];
0012EE58 FF FF FF FF E0 FC FF FF 帱
0012EE60 E1 FC FF FF DF FC FF FF 狳唿
0012EE68 C0 F9 FF FF FE FF FF FF 砾?
0012EE70 A0 F6 FF FF FD FF FF FF ?
0012EE78 80 F3 FF FF FC FF FF FF ??
0012EE80 60 F0 FF FF FB FF FF FF `??
0012EE88 40 ED FF FF FA FF FF FF @??
0012EE90 20 EA FF FF F9 FF FF FF ??
0012EE98 00 E7 FF FF F8 FF FF FF .??
.text:00416887 imul edx, [esp+104h+BmpHeight] ;BmpWidth*BmpHeight
.text:0041688F mov esi, [esp+104h+BmpObj]
.text:00416896 lea eax, [ebx+edx*4] ;到文件TAIL
.text:00416899 add esi, 10h
.text:0041689C cmp ebx, eax ;相同表示图片0字节
.text:0041689E mov edi, 80h
.text:004168A3 mov [esp+104h+@@BmpObj_Offset10], esi
.text:004168A7 mov [esp+104h+var_F0], edi
.text:004168AB mov [esp+104h+@@UdForBmp], ebx
.text:004168AF mov [esp+104h+@@BmpSize], edx
.text:004168B3 mov [esp+104h+@@BmpTail], eax
.text:004168B7 jnb loc_416DD1 ;跳到最后
接下来,又出现了两张新表。一张表有100h*2 (分奇数表和偶数表)
004C14F0 01 00 01 02 01 04 01 06 01 08 01 0A 01 0C 01 0E ?Ё?????
004C1500 01 10 01 12 01 14 01 16 01 18 01 1A 01 1C 01 1E ????????
004C1510 01 20 01 22 01 24 01 26 01 28 01 2A 01 2C 01 2E ????????
004C1520 01 30 01 32 01 34 01 36 01 38 01 3A 01 3C 01 3E 、???????
004C1530 01 40 01 42 01 44 01 46 01 48 01 4A 01 4C 01 4E ???????丁
004C1540 01 50 01 52 01 54 01 56 01 58 01 5A 01 5C 01 5E 刁吁嘁威封币
004C1550 01 60 01 62 01 64 01 66 01 68 01 6A 01 6C 01 6E 态搁
004C1560 01 70 01 72 01 74 01 76 01 78 01 7A 01 7C 01 7E 瘁码
004C1570 01 80 01 82 01 84 01 86 01 88 01 8A 01 8C 01 8E 老舁萁谁
004C1580 01 90 01 92 01 94 01 96 01 98 01 9A 01 9C 01 9E 送阁
004C1590 01 A0 01 A2 01 A4 01 A6 01 A8 01 AA 01 AC 01 AE ????????
004C15A0 01 B0 01 B2 01 B4 01 B6 01 B8 01 BA 01 BC 01 BE ????????
004C15B0 01 C0 01 C2 01 C4 01 C6 01 C8 01 CA 01 CC 01 CE ????????
004C15C0 01 D0 01 D2 01 D4 01 D6 01 D8 01 DA 01 DC 01 DE ????????
004C15D0 01 E0 01 E2 01 E4 01 E6 01 E8 01 EA 01 EC 01 EE ???
004C15E0 01 F0 01 F2 01 F4 01 F6 01 F8 01 FA 01 FC 01 FE ?????度??
004C15F0 01 00 02 04 02 08 02 0C 02 10 02 14 02 18 02 1C ???????
004C1600 02 20 02 24 02 28 02 2C 02 30 02 34 02 38 02 3C ????。???
004C1610 02 40 02 44 02 48 02 4C 02 50 02 54 02 58 02 5C ????堂
004C1620 02 60 02 64 02 68 02 6C 02 70 02 74 02 78 02 7C 怂搂砂
004C1630 02 80 02 84 02 88 02 8C 02 90 02 94 02 98 02 9C 谂适
004C1640 02 A0 02 A4 02 A8 02 AC 02 B0 02 B4 02 B8 02 BC ????????
004C1650 02 C0 02 C4 02 C8 02 CC 02 D0 02 D4 02 D8 02 DC ????????
004C1660 02 E0 02 E4 02 E8 02 EC 02 F0 02 F4 02 F8 02 FC ?????
004C1670 02 00 03 08 03 10 03 18 03 20 03 28 03 30 03 38 ?????〃?
004C1680 03 40 03 48 03 50 03 58 03 60 03 68 03 70 03 78 ??怃
004C1690 03 80 03 88 03 90 03 98 03 A0 03 A8 03 B0 03 B8 考蠃逃????
004C16A0 03 C0 03 C8 03 D0 03 D8 03 E0 03 E8 03 F0 03 F8 ??????
004C16B0 03 00 04 10 04 20 04 30 04 40 04 50 04 60 04 70 ????怄
004C16C0 04 80 04 90 04 A0 04 B0 04 C0 04 D0 04 E0 04 F0 耄逄?????
004C16D0 04 00 05 20 05 40 05 60 05 80 05 A0 05 C0 05 E0 ??怅者??
004C16E0 05 00 06 40 06 80 06 C0 06 00 07 80 07 00 08 00 ?耆?
004C16F0 00 01 00 03 00 05 00 07 00 09 00 0B 00 0D 00 0F ā???????
004C1700 00 11 00 13 00 15 00 17 00 19 00 1B 00 1D 00 1F ????????
004C1710 00 21 00 23 00 25 00 27 00 29 00 2B 00 2D 00 2F ??─?????
004C1720 00 31 00 33 00 35 00 37 00 39 00 3B 00 3D 00 3F ????????
004C1730 00 41 00 43 00 45 00 47 00 49 00 4B 00 4D 00 4F ???????
004C1740 00 51 00 53 00 55 00 57 00 59 00 5B 00 5D 00 5F 匀开
004C1750 00 61 00 63 00 65 00 67 00 69 00 6B 00 6D 00 6F 愀攀最
004C1760 00 71 00 73 00 75 00 77 00 79 00 7B 00 7D 00 7F 缀
004C1770 00 81 00 83 00 85 00 87 00 89 00 8B 00 8D 00 8F 蜀
004C1780 00 91 00 93 00 95 00 97 00 99 00 9B 00 9D 00 9F 销需
004C1790 00 A1 00 A3 00 A5 00 A7 00 A9 00 AB 00 AD 00 AF ????????
004C17A0 00 B1 00 B3 00 B5 00 B7 00 B9 00 BB 00 BD 00 BF ????????
004C17B0 00 C1 00 C3 00 C5 00 C7 00 C9 00 CB 00 CD 00 CF ????????
004C17C0 00 D1 00 D3 00 D5 00 D7 00 D9 00 DB 00 DD 00 DF ????????
004C17D0 00 E1 00 E3 00 E5 00 E7 00 E9 00 EB 00 ED 00 EF ????
004C17E0 00 F1 00 F3 00 F5 00 F7 00 F9 00 FB 00 FD 00 FF ???????
004C17F0 01 02 01 06 01 0A 01 0E 01 12 01 16 01 1A 01 1E ????????
004C1800 01 22 01 26 01 2A 01 2E 01 32 01 36 01 3A 01 3E ????????
004C1810 01 42 01 46 01 4A 01 4E 01 52 01 56 01 5A 01 5E ???丁刁嘁威币
004C1820 01 62 01 66 01 6A 01 6E 01 72 01 76 01 7A 01 7E 瘁
004C1830 01 82 01 86 01 8A 01 8E 01 92 01 96 01 9A 01 9E 舁阁
004C1840 01 A2 01 A6 01 AA 01 AE 01 B2 01 B6 01 BA 01 BE ????????
004C1850 01 C2 01 C6 01 CA 01 CE 01 D2 01 D6 01 DA 01 DE ????????
004C1860 01 E2 01 E6 01 EA 01 EE 01 F2 01 F6 01 FA 01 FE ????度?
004C1870 02 04 02 0C 02 14 02 1C 02 24 02 2C 02 34 02 3C ????????
004C1880 02 44 02 4C 02 54 02 5C 02 64 02 6C 02 74 02 7C ??搂
004C1890 02 84 02 8C 02 94 02 9C 02 A4 02 AC 02 B4 02 BC 谂????
004C18A0 02 C4 02 CC 02 D4 02 DC 02 E4 02 EC 02 F4 02 FC ???????
004C18B0 03 08 03 18 03 28 03 38 03 48 03 58 03 68 03 78 ?????
004C18C0 03 88 03 98 03 A8 03 B8 03 C8 03 D8 03 E8 03 F8 蠃?????
004C18D0 04 10 04 30 04 50 04 70 04 90 04 B0 04 D0 04 F0 ??逄???
004C18E0 05 20 05 60 05 A0 05 E0 06 40 06 C0 07 80 08 00 ?怅???
继续代码 这里是资源的读取和解密
.text:004168BD lea ecx, [ecx+0]
.text:004168C0 loc_4168C0: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+647j
.text:004168C0 movzx eax, G_BmpInfoTable1+1[edi*2] ; member1
.text:004168C8 test eax, eax ;
.text:004168CA movzx ecx, G_BmpInfoTable1[edi*2] ; member0
.text:004168D2 jnz short loc_4168EE ;不跳转说明还需查G_BmpInfoTable2
ecx:偶数表中的member0 G_BmpInfoTable1[k].member0
.text:004168D4 movzx eax, byte ptr [esi] ; Bmp数据(BmpObj+10h)
.text:004168D7 movzx edx, G_BmpInfoTable2[eax*2] ; member0
.text:004168DF movzx eax, G_BmpInfoTable2+1[eax*2] ; member1
.text:004168E7 inc esi ; 取BmpOBj下个数据
.text:004168E8 add ecx, edx
.text:004168EA test eax, eax ;
.text:004168EC jz short loc_4168D4
这说明BmpObj前10个字节都是文件头. 而且数据是以BYTE类型存放的
又碰到了张表:G_UnDeForTable[100h]:100h大小 ;用来比较用
004C2248 00 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2258 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2268 02 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2278 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2288 01 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2298 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C22A8 02 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C22B8 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C22C8 00 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C22D8 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C22E8 02 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C22F8 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2308 01 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2318 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2328 02 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
004C2338 03 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 04 07 06 07 05 07 06 07 ????????
.text:004168EE loc_4168EE: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+152j
.text:004168EE movzx edi, G_UnDeForTable[eax]
.text:004168F5 mov edx, ecx
.text:004168F7 sub edx, edi
.text:004168F9 add eax, 100h
.text:004168FE test edx, edx ;if(edx<edi)跳
.text:00416900 jle short loc_416935 ;跳表示不用RES来修正
分析:edi:G_UnDeForTable[G_BmpInfoTable2[i].member1] edx:G_BmpInfoTable1.member0+G_BmpInfoTable2.member0
k: 100h
cl: G_BmpInfoTable1[k].member0+G_BmpInfoTable2[k].member0
ax: G_BmpInfoTable2[k].member1+100h
.text:00416935 loc_416935: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+180j
.text:00416935 shl eax, cl ;*4
.text:00416937 mov ecx, eax ;(ax>>cl)
.text:00416939 shr ecx, 8 ;(ax>>cl)/100h
.text:0041693C mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+ecx*4+104h+@@UnDeTable_1+4] ;ecx>1h,否则出错
.text:00416940 and eax, 0FFh ; 只取最后一字节,这样就不会超过ff
.text:00416945 cmp ebp, 14h ; 4*6h才是14h
.text:00416948 mov [esp+104h+@@TmpNum], ebp
.text:0041694C jl loc_416B8E ; 小于第[6]的继续跳
.text:00416B8E loc_416B8E: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+1CCj
.text:00416B8E cmp ebp, 2 ; 和2再比较,就只[0] 0时是单独的数据
.text:00416B91 jl loc_416D75 ; 小于的继续跳
eax: FFh && G_BmpInfoTable2[k].member1+100h
.text:00416D75 loc_416D75: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+411j
.text:00416D75 movzx edi, byte ptr [esi] ; 当前资源位 Res[i]
.text:00416D78 movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+1] ; 当前资源位的下一位Res[i+1]
.text:00416D7C movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+2] ; 当前资源位的二位 Res[i+2]
.text:00416D80 shl edi, 8 ; *100h
.text:00416D83 add edi, edx ; Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1]
.text:00416D85 shl edi, 8 ; (Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h
.text:00416D88 add edi, ecx ; (Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h+Res[i+2]
.text:00416D8A mov cl, G_UnDeForTable[eax]
.text:00416D90 shl edi, 8 ; (Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h+Res[i+2]*100h
.text:00416D93 xor edi, 80000080h ; ((Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h+Res[i+2]*100h)xor 80000080h
.text:00416D99 shr edi, cl ; (((Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h+Res[i+2]*100h)xor 80000080h)<<G_UnDeForTable[j]
.text:00416D9B shl eax, 10h ; j*10eh
.text:00416D9E mov edx, edi ;
.text:00416DA0 shr edx, 8 ;((((Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h+Res[i+2]*100h)xor 80000080h)<<G_UnDeForTable[j])/100h
.text:00416DA3 xor edx, eax ;(((((Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h+Res[i+2]*100h)xor 80000080h)<<G_UnDeForTable[j])/100h) xor j
.text:00416DA5 mov eax, [esp+104h+@@UdForBmp]
.text:00416DA9 mov [eax], edx ; Fill ;填充到图片数据中。
.text:00416DAB add eax, 4 ;指向图像数据的下一个
.text:00416DAE and edi, 0FFh
.text:00416DB4 add esi, 3
edi:FFh && (((Res[i]*100h+Res[i+1])*100h+Res[i+2]*100h)xor 80000080h)<<G_UnDeForTable[j]
.text:00416DB7 loc_416DB7: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+5F3j
.text:00416DB7 mov [esp+104h+@@ptr_ImageData], eax
.text:00416DBB mov [esp+104h+@@TmpNum], edi
.text:00416DBF loc_416DBF: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+3BCj
.text:00416DBF ; UnEntryBmpObj+3E2j
.text:00416DBF mov ebx, [esp+104h+@@ptr_ImageData] ;当前图像数据位置
.text:00416DC3 loc_416DC3: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+3D7j
.text:00416DC3 ; UnEntryBmpObj+409j
.text:00416DC3 cmp ebx, [esp+104h+@@BmpTail] ;是否读完了
.text:00416DC7 jb loc_4168C0 ; 没完,继续
loc_416B1D: ;大量重复
lea edi, [edi+edi+1] ;双重复
mov ecx, edx
loc_416B70: ;色偏分支
mov ebp, [ebx+edx*4] edx:取前面的ImageData 在NT1_Dim表中查找差距(这是用来对整行的数据进行复制)
sub ebp, [eax+edx*4]
add eax, 4
add ebp, [eax-4] ; EBP修正色偏
add ebx, 4
dec ecx ; 循环次数
mov [ebx-4], ebp ; FILL
jnz short loc_416B70
for(int i=Offset_Value;i>0;i--)
*(Image)=*(Image+SubData)-*(OffsetImage+SubData)+*(OffsetImage); //填充IMAGE数据
loc_416B46: ; 填充前面的整段数据,不带色偏
mov edx, [eax]
mov [ebx], edx ; Fill
add ebx, 4
add eax, 4 ; ecx:段大小
dec ecx ; 多次填充前面的一段数据
jnz short loc_416B46
loc_416D75: ;ebp<=2 不重复,不带色差的
movzx edi, byte ptr [esi] ;同时取多个Res数据
movzx edx, byte ptr [esi+1]
movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi+2]
shl edi, 8
add edi, edx
shl edi, 8
add edi, ecx
mov cl, G_UnDeForTable[eax]
shl edi, 8
xor edi, 80000080h
shr edi, cl
shl eax, 10h
mov edx, edi
shr edx, 8
xor edx, eax
mov eax, [esp+104h+@@ptr_ImageData]
mov [eax], edx ; Fill
add eax, 4
and edi, 0FFh
add esi, 3
TmpSave=FindCode; //临时值
FindCode=ImageData & 0xFF; //取出下次用的FindCode,用于查表定位
*Image=ImageData; //填充IMAGE数据
loc_416D48: ;14>ebp>2 不重复数据。可能带色差
shl edi, cl ;分别处理不同的Res数据。
mov ecx, edi
shr ecx, 8
mov eax, ecx
and eax, 1
neg eax
add ecx, 0FFFFFFFEh
xor eax, ecx
sub eax, edx
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, [esp+104h+@@ptr_ImageData]
sar ecx, 1
add ecx, ebx
and edi, 0FFh
mov [eax], ecx ; Fill
add eax, 4
jmp short loc_416DB7
Old_Offv=(-((Exbt>>8) &1)^((Exbt>>8)-2)); //色差
{adjsig=0;} //临时值
Offset_Color+=(Old_Offv-adjsig)>>1; //保留符号位
*Image=Offset_Color; //填充IMAGE数据
FindCode=Exbt & 0xFF;
.text:004168EE movzx edi, G_UnDeForTable[eax]
.text:004168F5 mov edx, ecx
.text:004168F7 sub edx, edi
.text:004168F9 add eax, 100h ;为下一轮作准备
.text:004168FE test edx, edx
.text:00416900 jle short loc_416935
.text:00416902 mov ecx, edi
.text:00416904 shl eax, cl
.text:00416906 movzx ecx, byte ptr [esi]
.text:00416909 and eax, 0FFFFFF00h
.text:0041690E dec edx
.text:0041690F add eax, ecx
.text:00416911 inc esi
.text:00416912 cmp edx, 8
.text:00416915 jl short loc_41692F
.text:00416917 mov ecx, edx
.text:00416919 shr ecx, 3
.text:0041691C mov edi, ecx
.text:0041691E neg edi
.text:00416920 lea edx, [edx+edi*8]
.text:00416923 loc_416923: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+1ADj
.text:00416923 movzx edi, byte ptr [esi]
.text:00416926 shl eax, 8
.text:00416929 add eax, edi
.text:0041692B inc esi
.text:0041692C dec ecx
.text:0041692D jnz short loc_416923
.text:0041692F loc_41692F: ; CODE XREF: UnEntryBmpObj+195j
.text:0041692F lea eax, [eax+eax+1] ;加倍重复
.text:00416933 mov ecx, edx
Exbt=(Exbt & 0xFFFFFF00)+(*Res);
Exbt <<=8; ;重复数*100h 或更大
cdq:测试EDX是不是和EAX的进位标识一样,类似于 a?0:-1;
00C05000 8F FE FD 64 00 88 01 04 .? 资源中的数据用来定位G_BmpInfoTable2
00C05008 44 49 12 D4 54 C9 46 90 DI
00C05010 90 14 D1 05 49 11 12 14 ??I
00C05018 95 37 A4 CA 80 51 41 12 ?なQA
00C05020 D4 54 D5 41 4D 21 38 6D M!8m
00C05028 01 2D 40 4B 52 54 E1 84 -@KRT
00C05030 C5 45 4D D4 D9 4A A4 80 M再J
00C05038 05 21 4E 08 4C A1 2D 4D !NL?M
00C05040 64 05 30 84 A5 32 53 15 d02S
00C05048 05 2D 4A 94 44 B5 38 54 -J?T
00C05050 14 D2 13 58 41 4F C1 A5 ?XAO隶
8F 取出FEFD64 ->FEFD6480->07EFD648 ->07EFD6 + 48 8F是第一个数据
F8->F80000->FEEFD6 (8 xor 7=F)
90->190->320(<<1)->3 + 20
//20*2->01 40(G_BmpInfoTable1) 和 G_UnDeForTable 比 (01=01)
20*2->140(添加1)->280(<<1)->2 + 80
80*2->01 00(G_BmpInfoTable1)
RES:00->00 01 ->07(G_UnDeForTable)
101->202(<<1) //
202->2 + 02
///////////////// 校正下。用于重复前面的某些数据
02*2->01 04(G_BmpInfoTable1)->05(G_UnDeForTable)
01 04->104(添加1)->208(<<cl)->2 + 08(用于下轮1的查找)
2->1(-1) //和0比
当前G_UnDeTable中的定位和26比 (26可能是种标志) ebp=0
08*2->01 10(G_BmpInfoTable1)->03(G_UnDeForTable)
01 10->110(添加1)->220(<<cl)->2 + 20(用于下轮2的查找)
G_UnDeTable用来比的,实现不同的分支 (现在用ebp=2-2定位)
20*2->01 40(G_BmpInfoTable1) 和 G_UnDeForTable 比 (01=01)
01 40->140(添加1)->280(<<cl)->2 + 80(用于下轮3的查找)
///////////////// 校正下。有时定位到IMage--;用于重复前面的某些数据
80*2->01 00(G_BmpInfoTable1) 查G_BmpInfoTable2
88*2(Res)->01 22(G_BmpInfoTable2)->06(G_UnDeForTable)
01 22->122(添加1)->488(<<cl)->4 + 88(用于下轮4的查找)
4->2(-2)->2(xor edx)->100(<<7) ebx+100;ebx:上个ImageData 07EFD6+100=07F0D6
88*2->02 20(G_BmpInfoTable1)->02(G_UnDeForTable)(edx)
02 20->120(添加1)->480(<<cl)->4 + 80(查毕,用于下个ImageData)
4->2(-2)->2(xor eax)->0(cdq)
2->1(sar 1) ebx+1
07FFD6+1=07F0D7 //填充Image
80*2->01 00-> Res(01)-> 00 03(G_BmpInfoTable1)->07(G_UnDeForTable) Res++
00 03->103(添加1)->206(<<cl)->2 + 06 ebp=2-2 G_UnDeTable(0):2
- 标 题:高级文件格式分析(原创)
- 作 者:phf峰
- 时 间:2009-12-04 21:16
- 链 接:http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=102498