void _declspec(naked) Shutoooo()
push ebx
push ebx
in al, 64h
mov bl, al
test bl, 1
jz short ooo1
in al, 60h
test bl, 2
jnz ooo0
mov al, 0FEh
out 64h, al
pop ebx
pop ebx
void _declspec(naked) Shutoooo()
push ebx
push ebx
in al, 64h
mov bl, al
test bl, 1
jz short ooo1
in al, 60h
test bl, 2
jnz ooo0
mov al, 0FEh
out 64h, al
pop ebx
pop ebx
mov al, 0FEh
out 64h, al
那几个跳转是用来等待input buffer和output buffer准备完毕,然后就读用户输入的字符,并回填一次。之所以要out 64h, FEh一下是因为output buffer的数据已经被读出来了,上层就读不到原始数据了。
这是IBM PC或兼容机实现当中的一个功能,记忆中为了让BIOS在测试完内存容量后做模式切换使用的。键盘控制器8042上有一个输出连到了系统的复位!
代码:PORT_A EQU 60H ; 8042键盘扫描/诊断输出 STATUS_PORT EQU 64H ; 8042状态口 OUT_BUF_FULL EQU 01H ; 0 = + 输出缓冲器满 INPT_BUF_FULL EQU 02H ; 1 = + 输入缓冲器满 ... ... ... ... SHUT_CMD EQU 0FEH ; 引起停止命令 ;KEYBOARD STATUS REGISTER ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Allowable Values ; * Parity error 0=odd parity(no error),1=even parity ; * Receive time out 0=no error,1=keyboard did not finish ; * Transmit time out 0=no error,1=keyboard did not finish ; * Inhibit switch 0=keyboard inhibited,1=not inhibited ; * Command/data 0=addressed as port 60H,1=port 64H ; * System flag 0=reset by power ON,1=Self test OK ; * Input buffer full 0=empty,1=full ; * Output buffer full 0=empty,1=full ooo0: in al, STATUS_PORT ; 检测输入缓冲器满 mov bl, al test bl, OUT_BUF_FULL jz short ooo1 ; 若没有,转ooo1 in al, PORT_A ; 冲清 ooo1: test bl, INPT_BUF_FULL ; 输出缓冲器还满吗? jnz ooo0 ; 再次尝试 mov al, SHUT_CMD ; shutdown cmd out STATUS_PORT, al ; 返回到实模式
0064 -W keyboard controller input buffer (ISA, EISA) (see #P0401)
F0-FF sngl pulse output port low for 6 microseconds.
bits 0-3 contain the mask for the bits to be pulsed. A bit is
pulsed if its mask bit is zero
bit0=system reset. Don't set to zero. Pulse only!
当然,out 64h,f0h效果一样