编写交互式反汇编器(IDA)插件 |
译者 :月中人 ([PTG]) |
时间 :2006.8.28 |
原文标题:Writing Interactive Disassembler (IDA) Plugins |
原文来源:"Reverse Engineering and Program Understanding"第6小节 |
原文作者:Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw. |
IDA是对Interactive Disassembler[交互式反汇编器](www.datarescue.com)的简称,它是软件逆向工程最常用的工具之一。IDA支持插件模块,因此客户能够扩充功能和自动化任务。为了写这本书我们创建了一个简单的IDA插件,它能扫描两个二进制文件并且比较它们。该插件会加亮任何被改变了的代码区域。这可以被用来比较打补丁前的和打补丁后的可执行文件,确定哪几行被修补过。
#include <windows.h> #pragma warning( disable:4273 ) #include <ida.hpp> #include <idp.hpp> #include <bytes.hpp> #include <loader.hpp> #include <kernwin.hpp> #include <name.hpp>
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This callback is called for UI notification events. static int sample_callback(void * /*user_data*/, int event_id, va_list /*va*/) { if ( event_id != ui_msg ) // Avoid recursion. if ( event_id != ui_setstate && event_id != ui_showauto && event_id != ui_refreshmarked ) // Ignore uninteresting events msg("ui_callback %d\n", event_id); return 0; // 0 means "process the event"; // otherwise, the event would be ignored. } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A sample of how to generate user-defined line prefixes static const int prefix_width = 8; static void get_user_defined_prefix(ea_t ea, int lnnum, int indent, const char *line, char *buf, size_t bufsize) { buf[0] = '\0'; // Empty prefix by default // We want to display the prefix only on the lines which // contain the instruction itself. if ( indent != -1 ) return; // A directive if ( line[0] == '\0' ) return; // Empty line if ( *line == COLOR_ON ) line += 2; if ( *line == ash.cmnt[0] ) return; // Comment line. . . // We don't want the prefix to be printed again for other lines of the // same instruction/data. For that we remember the line number // and compare it before generating the prefix. static ea_t old_ea = BADADDR; static int old_lnnum; if ( old_ea == ea && old_lnnum == lnnum ) return; // Let's display the size of the current item as the user-defined prefix. ulong our_size = get_item_size(ea); // Seems to be an instruction line. We don't bother with the width // because it will be padded with spaces by the kernel. _snprintf(buf, bufsize, " %d", our_size); // Remember the address and line number we produced the line prefix for. old_ea = ea; old_lnnum = lnnum; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialize. // // IDA will call this function only once. // If this function returns PLGUIN_SKIP, IDA will never load it again. // If this function returns PLUGIN_OK, IDA will unload the plugin but // remember that the plugin agreed to work with the database. // The plugin will be loaded again if the user invokes it by // pressing the hot key or by selecting it from the menu. // After the second load, the plugin will stay in memory. // If this function returns PLUGIN_KEEP, IDA will keep the plugin // in memory. In this case the initialization function can hook // into the processor module and user interface notification points. // See the hook_to_notification_point() function. // // In this example we check the input file format and make the decision. // You may or may not check any other conditions to decide what you do, // whether you agree to work with the database. // int init(void) { if ( inf.filetype == f_ELF ) return PLUGIN_SKIP; // Please uncomment the following line to see how the notification works: // hook_to_notification_point(HT_UI, sample_callback, NULL); // Please uncomment the following line to see how the user-defined prefix works: // set_user_defined_prefix(prefix_width, get_user_defined_prefix); return PLUGIN_KEEP; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Terminate. // Usually this callback is empty. // The plugin should unhook from the notification lists if // hook_to_notification_point() was used. // // IDA will call this function when the user asks to exit. // This function won't be called in the case of emergency exits. void term(void) { unhook_from_notification_point(HT_UI, sample_callback); set_user_defined_prefix(0, NULL); }
#include <process.h> #include "resource.h" DWORD g_tempest_state = 0; LPVOID g_mapped_file = NULL; DWORD g_file_size = 0;
bool load_file( char *theFilename ) { HANDLE aFileH = CreateFile( theFilename, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == aFileH) { msg("Failed to open file.\n"); return FALSE; } HANDLE aMapH = CreateFileMapping( aFileH, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if(!aMapH) { msg("failed to open map of file\n"); return FALSE; } LPVOID aFilePointer = MapViewOfFileEx( aMapH, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0, NULL); DWORD aFileSize = GetFileSize(aFileH, NULL); g_file_size = aFileSize; g_mapped_file = aFilePointer; return TRUE; }
bool check_target_for_string(ea_t theAddress, DWORD theLen) { bool ret = FALSE; if(theLen > 4096) { msg("skipping large buffer\n"); return TRUE; } try { // Scan the target binary for the string. static char g_c[4096]; // I don't know any other way to copy the data string // out of the IDA database?! for(DWORD i=0;i<theLen;i++) { g_c[i] = get_byte(theAddress + i); } // Here we have the opcode string; perform a search. LPVOID curr = g_mapped_file; DWORD sz = g_file_size; while(curr && sz) { LPVOID tp = memchr(curr, g_c[0], sz); if(tp) { sz -= ((char *)tp - (char *)curr); } if(tp && sz >= theLen) { if(0 == memcmp(tp, g_c, theLen)) { // We found a match! ret = TRUE; break; } if(sz > 1) { curr = ((char *)tp)+1; } else { break; } } else { break; } } } catch(...) { msg("[!] critical failure."); return TRUE; } return ret; }
void __cdecl _test(void *p) { // Wait for start signal. while(g_tempest_state == 0) { Sleep(10); }
///////////////////////////////////// // Enumerate through all functions. ///////////////////////////////////// int total_functions = get_func_qty(); int total_diff_matches = 0;
for(int n=0;n<total_functions;n++) { // msg("getting next function \n"); func_t *f = getn_func(n); /////////////////////////////////////////////// // The start and end addresses of the function // are in the structure. /////////////////////////////////////////////// ea_t myea = f->startEA; ea_t last_location = myea; while((myea <= f->endEA) && (myea != BADADDR)) { // If the user has requested a stop we should return here. if(0 == g_tempest_state) return; ea_t nextea = get_first_cref_from(myea); ea_t amloc = get_first_cref_to(nextea); ea_t amloc2 = get_next_cref_to(nextea, amloc); // The cref will be the previous instruction, but we // also check for multiple references. if((amloc == myea) && (amloc2 == BADADDR)) { // I was getting stuck in loops, so I added this hack // to force an exit to the next function. if(nextea > myea) { myea = nextea; // ---------------------------------------------- // Uncomment the next two lines to get "cool" // scanning effect in the GUI. Looks sweet but slows // down the scan. // ---------------------------------------------- // jumpto(myea); // refresh_idaview(); } else myea = BADADDR; } else { // I am a location. Reference is not last instruction _OR_ // I have multiple references. // Diff from the previous location to here and make a comment // if we don't match // msg("diffing location... \n");
bool pause_for_effect = FALSE; int size = myea - last_location; if(FALSE == check_target_for_string(last_location, size)) { add_long_cmt(last_location, TRUE, "====================================================\n" "= ** This code location differs from the target ** =\n" "====================================================\n"); msg("Found location 0x%08X that didn't match target!\n", last_location); total_diff_matches++; } if(nextea > myea) { myea = nextea; } else myea = BADADDR; // goto next address. jumpto(myea); refresh_idaview(); } } } msg("Finished! Found %d locations that diff from the target.\n", total_diff_matches); }
char * GetFilenameDialog(HWND theParentWnd) { static TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH] = "\0"; strcpy( szFile, ""); OPENFILENAME OpenFileName; OpenFileName.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME); OpenFileName.hwndOwner = theParentWnd; OpenFileName.hInstance = GetModuleHandle("diff_scanner.plw"); OpenFileName.lpstrFilter = "w00t! all files\0*.*\0\0"; OpenFileName.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; OpenFileName.nMaxCustFilter = 0; OpenFileName.nFilterIndex = 1; OpenFileName.lpstrFile = szFile; OpenFileName.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); OpenFileName.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; OpenFileName.nMaxFileTitle = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; OpenFileName.lpstrTitle = "Open"; OpenFileName.nFileOffset = 0; OpenFileName.nFileExtension = 0; OpenFileName.lpstrDefExt = "*.*"; OpenFileName.lCustData = 0; OpenFileName.lpfnHook = NULL; OpenFileName.lpTemplateName = NULL; OpenFileName.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; if(GetOpenFileName( &OpenFileName )) { return(szFile); } return NULL; }
BOOL CALLBACK MyDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_BROWSE) { char *p = GetFilenameDialog(hDlg); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_FILENAME, p); } if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_START) { char filename[255]; GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_FILENAME, filename, 254); if(0 == strlen(filename)) { MessageBox(hDlg, "You have not selected a target file", "Try again", MB_OK); } else if(load_file(filename)) { g_tempest_state = 1; EnableWindow( GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_START), FALSE); } else { MessageBox(hDlg, "The target file could not be opened", "Error", MB_OK); } } if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_STOP) { g_tempest_state = 0; } if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) { if(LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) { } EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return TRUE; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; } void __cdecl _test2(void *p) { DialogBox( GetModuleHandle("diff_scanner.plw"), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), NULL, MyDialogProc); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The plugin method. // // This is the main function of plugin. // // It will be called when the user selects the plugin. // // Arg - the input argument. It can be specified in the // plugins.cfg file. The default is zero. // //
void run(int arg) { // Testing. msg("starting diff scanner plugin\n"); _beginthread(_test, 0, NULL); _beginthread(_test2, 0, NULL); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- char comment[] = "Diff Scanner Plugin, written by Greg Hoglund (www.rootkit.com)"; char help[] = "A plugin to find diffs in binary code\n" "\n" "This module highlights code locations that have changed.\n" "\n"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the preferred name of the plugin module in the menu system. // The preferred name may be overridden in the plugins.cfg file. char wanted_name[] = "Diff Scanner"; // This is the preferred hot key for the plugin module. // The preferred hot key may be overridden in the plugins.cfg file. // Note: IDA won't tell you if the hot key is not correct. // It will just disable the hot key. char wanted_hotkey[] = "Alt-0"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PLUGIN DESCRIPTION BLOCK // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" plugin_t PLUGIN = { IDP_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0, // Plugin flags. init, // Initialize. term, // Terminate. This pointer may be NULL. run, // Invoke plugin. comment, // Long comment about the plugin // It could appear in the status line // or as a hint. help, // Multiline help about the plugin wanted_name, // The preferred short name of the plugin wanted_hotkey // The preferred hot key to run the plugin };