【破解作者】 隐者无疆[BCG]
【使用工具】 Peid,OD
【破解平台】 WinXP SP2
【软件名称】 ipTicker v1.9h
【下载地址】 http://www.soft-trek.com.au
ipTicker is a diagnostic utility to track IP traffic to and from
your PC in real time. Potential usages of ipTicker are:
1. To measure the amount of traffic to and from your PC (grouped
by IP address and port)
2. To confirm if there are any unsolicited outbound activities
from your PC
3. To detect possible Trojan activities
4. To investigate IP activities
【软件大小】 84.0k
【加壳方式】 无壳
【破解声明】 我是一只小菜鸟,偶得一点心得,愿与大家分享:)
1.老一套,Peid侦壳,显示"Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 [Debug]",没壳。
顺带着侦测一下加密算法,显示"No known crypto signatures found",不错,我喜欢。
2.OD加载 ipTicker.exe,F9运行。
File--> Unlock,输入下列内容,试注册。
Name: warshon
Email: warshon@hotmail.com
Unlock; 123456789
就从这个出错对话框着手,搜索全部交互调用。对所有的 "MFC42.#1199_AfxMessageBox" 下断点。
00408B70 . call <jmp.&MFC42.#6334_CWnd::UpdateData>
重新注册,程序在 UpdateData调用出被断下。F8单步运行。
00408B7E . test eax,eax 和
00408BAC . test eax,eax 分别判断用户是否输入了Name和Email,若没有则报错。
00408C24 . push ecx ; Email
00408C25 . push edx ; Name
00408C26 . push ipTicker.0040E0F8 ; ASCII "%s::%s"
00408C2B . push eax
00408C2C . call <jmp.&MFC42.#2818_CString::Format> ;
这里生成的字符串为"warshon::warshon@hotmail.com",记作 str_A
00408C39 . 5>push ecx ; /Arg1 = 003746D8 ASCII "warshon::warshon@hotmail.com"
00408C3A . 8>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10] ; |
00408C3E . E>call ipTicker.00402060 ; \
可以看到上面生成的字符串str_A被压入了栈中。F7跟进call ipTicker.00402060
call ipTicker.00402060中:
下面有一处 sprintf 的调用。
00402092 |. 5>push edx ; /<%s> = str_A
00402093 |. F>rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; |
00402095 |. 6>push ipTicker.0040B630 ; |<%s> = "STIT"
0040209A |. 8>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C] ; |
0040209E |. 6>push ipTicker.0040E104 ; |format = "%s+%s"
004020A3 |. 5>push eax ; |s
004020A4 |. F>call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT.sprintf>] ; \sprintf
004020B8 |. push ecx ; str_B的长度
004020B9 |. lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
004020BD |. push ecx ; str_B
004020BE |. call ipTicker.00401560 ; 处理str_B
00401560 /$ mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+8] ; ecx = str_B 的长度
00401564 |. mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4] ; edx = str_B
00401568 |. xor eax,eax ; eax = 0
0040156A |. test ecx,ecx
0040156C |. jle short ipTicker.0040159C
0040156E |. push esi
0040156F |. push edi
00401570 |. mov edi,ecx ; edi = 尚未处理的字符数目
00401572 |> /xor ecx,ecx
00401574 |. |mov esi,8 ; esi = 8
00401579 |. |mov ch,byte ptr ds:[edx] ; edx = 当前字符;ch !
0040157B |. |xor eax,ecx
0040157D |. |inc edx
0040157E |> |/mov ecx,eax
00401580 |. ||and ecx,8000
00401586 |. ||shl eax,1
00401588 |. ||cmp cx,8000
0040158D |. ||jnz short ipTicker.00401594
0040158F |. ||xor eax,8005
00401594 |> ||dec esi
00401595 |.^ |\jnz short ipTicker.0040157E
00401597 |. |dec edi
00401598 |.^ \jnz short ipTicker.00401572
0040159A |. pop edi
0040159B |. pop esi
0040159C \> retn
这一段代码主要是对 str_B 中的字符做一些位运算,就不详细分析了。不过需要指出,最后对我们有用的结果存
放在 eax 中。
00408C43 . mov edi,eax ; ! edi<== eax
这里我们看到,处理str_B 的结果被保存到 edi 寄存器中!!!
00408C45 . mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi+B0]
00408C4B . push eax ; /Arg1 = 输入的注册码
00408C4C . lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10] ; |
00408C50 . call ipTicker.00402190 ; \ 关键call,F7跟进
00408C55 . cmp ax,di ; !关键比较
00408C58 . pop edi
00408C59 . je short ipTicker.00408C81
跟进 call ipTicker.00402190。
00402190 /$ mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4] ; edx <== str_B
00402194 |. sub esp,100
0040219A |. or ecx,FFFFFFFF
0040219D |. xor eax,eax
0040219F |. push edi ; !
004021A0 |. mov edi,edx
004021A2 |. repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
004021A4 |. not ecx
004021A6 |. dec ecx
004021A7 |. jnz short ipTicker.004021B7 ; ecx = len of regcode
004021A9 |. mov ax,2
004021AD |. pop edi ; !
004021AE |. add esp,100
004021B4 |. retn 4
004021B7 |> mov ecx,40
004021BC |. xor eax,eax
004021BE |. lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]
004021C2 |. push ebx
004021C3 |. rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
004021C5 |. mov edi,edx
004021C7 |. or ecx,FFFFFFFF
004021CA |. repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
004021CC |. not ecx ; ecx = len of str_B +1
004021CE |. sub edi,ecx
004021D0 |. push esi ; esi = str_B
004021D1 |. lea ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C] ; ebx = ptr to block
004021D5 |. mov eax,ecx
004021D7 |. mov esi,edi
004021D9 |. mov edi,ebx
004021DB |. shr ecx,2
004021DE |. rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; store part1 of regcode to block
004021E0 |. mov ecx,eax
004021E2 |. and ecx,3
004021E5 |. rep movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr ds:[esi] ; store part2 of regcode to block
004021E7 |. lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
004021EB |. push ecx ; ecx = ptr to regcode
004021EC |. call ipTicker.00401680 ; !!! ax = ?
004021F1 |. add esp,4
004021F4 |. pop esi
004021F5 |. pop ebx
004021F6 |. pop edi
004021F7 |. add esp,100
004021FD \. retn 4
可以看到,在4021EB处,我们输入的注册码被压入栈中,由call ipTicker.00401680进行处理。跟进
00401680 /$ sub esp,58
00401683 |. push ebx
00401684 |. xor edx,edx
00401686 |. push esi
00401687 |. mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+64] ; esi = regcode
0040168B |. push edi
0040168C |. mov dword ptr ss:[esp+C],edx
00401690 |. xor ecx,ecx
00401692 |. mov eax,ipTicker.0040E088 ; eax = 0x40e088
00401697 |> mov edi,dword ptr ds:[eax] ; 分别取注册码的第4、15、9、11位,存于ss:12e87c
00401699 |. add eax,4
0040169C |. inc ecx
0040169D |. cmp eax,ipTicker.0040E098 ; ASCII "44"
004016A2 |. mov bl,byte ptr ds:[edi+esi]
004016A5 |. mov byte ptr ss:[esp+ecx+F],bl
004016A9 |.^ jl short ipTicker.00401697
004016AB |. lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
004016AF |. mov byte ptr ss:[esp+ecx+10],dl
004016B3 |. push eax
004016B4 |. lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14] ; ecx 指向提取出来的4位注册码
004016B8 |. push ipTicker.0040E0AC ; |format = "%X"
004016BD |. push ecx ; |s
004016BE |. call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT.sscanf>] ; \sscanf
004016C4 |. mov ax,word ptr ss:[esp+18] ; !!! ax = 4位注册码的对应的八进制 !重要
004016C9 |. add esp,0C
004016CC |. pop edi
004016CD |. pop esi
004016CE |. pop ebx
004016CF |. add esp,58
004016D2 \. retn
00408C55 . cmp ax,di ; !关键比较
00408C58 . pop edi
00408C59 . je short ipTicker.00408C81
比较 ax 和 di 的值,若相等则注册成功
首先,根据输入的 Name 和 Email,计算得到一个十六进制值(存放在di中)
【版权声明】 本文纯属技术交流, 转载请注明作者并保持文章的完整, 谢谢!