【破文标题】 超级通讯王(SuperPIM)注册算法分析+汇编注册机
【破文作者】 snake
【软件名称】 超级通讯王(SuperPIM) 2.00.1002
【下载地址】 http://yncnc.onlinedown.net/soft/20052.htm
【软件简介】 超级通讯王是一款为中国人精心设计、绝佳的个人信息管理(PIM)软件,包括网络电子名片(全球独创,酷!)、通讯录、手机短信、网上即时聊天、日常记事、万年历、信息速查等功能。★网络电子名片是2.0版开始新增的独创功能,能使日常的名片交流变得前所未有的简单方便!
【调试环境】 Win2000、PEiD、C32Asm、Ollydbg
【作者声明】 只是感兴趣,没有其他目的。失误之处敬请诸位大侠赐教!
用PEiD查壳,无壳,Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0编写。
0042FF80 . 6A FF push -1
0042FF82 . 68 98555000 push SuperPIM.00505598 ; SE 句柄安装
0042FF87 . 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
0042FF8D . 50 push eax
0042FF8E . 64:8925 000000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
0042FF95 . 83EC 0C sub esp,0C
0042FF98 . 53 push ebx
0042FF99 . 56 push esi
0042FF9A . 57 push edi
0042FF9B . 33DB xor ebx,ebx
0042FF9D . 6A 01 push 1
0042FF9F . 8BF1 mov esi,ecx
0042FFA1 . 895C24 14 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14],ebx
0042FFA5 . E8 6FB90900 call SuperPIM.004CB919
0042FFAA . 8D4424 10 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0042FFAE . 50 push eax
0042FFAF . E8 2C150600 call SuperPIM.004914E0 ; 算法call1,由硬盘参数生成机器码
; 再生成15位注册码并转换为20位字符串,即注册码
; 再转换为40位字符串与假码生成的40位字符串比较
0042FFB4 . 83C4 04 add esp,4
0042FFB7 . 8B4E 74 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[esi+74] ; 假码
0042FFBA . 8B41 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ecx-C] ; 假码长度
0042FFBD . 85C0 test eax,eax
0042FFBF . 8D7E 74 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[esi+74]
0042FFC2 . 895C24 20 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],ebx
0042FFC6 . 74 2A je short SuperPIM.0042FFF2
0042FFC8 . 6A 28 push 28
0042FFCA . 8D5424 18 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0042FFCE . 57 push edi
0042FFCF . 52 push edx
0042FFD0 . E8 0B480500 call SuperPIM.004847E0 ; 将假注册码转换为40位字符串
0042FFD5 . 8B4C24 1C mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]
0042FFD9 . 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0042FFDB . 51 push ecx
0042FFDC . 50 push eax
0042FFDD . BB 01000000 mov ebx,1
0042FFE2 . E8 DF730800 call SuperPIM.004B73C6 ; 比较两字符串call
0042FFE7 . 83C4 14 add esp,14
0042FFEA . 85C0 test eax,eax
0042FFEC . 885C24 0F mov byte ptr ss:[esp+F],bl
0042FFF0 . 74 05 je short SuperPIM.0042FFF7
0042FFF2 > C64424 0F 00 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+F],0
0042FFF7 > F6C3 01 test bl,1
0042FFFA . 74 1E je short SuperPIM.0043001A
0042FFFC . 8B4424 14 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00430000 . 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
00430003 . 8D50 0C lea edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
00430006 . 83C9 FF or ecx,FFFFFFFF
00430009 . F0:0FC10A lock xadd dword ptr ds:[edx],ecx
0043000D . 49 dec ecx
0043000E . 85C9 test ecx,ecx
00430010 . 7F 08 jg short SuperPIM.0043001A
00430012 . 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00430014 . 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00430016 . 50 push eax
00430017 . FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
0043001A > 8A4424 0F mov al,byte ptr ss:[esp+F]
0043001E . 84C0 test al,al
00430020 . 8D4424 14 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00430024 . 0F84 87000000 je SuperPIM.004300B1 ; 关键跳,不跳则为正式版。爆破点
0043002A . 6A 71 push 71 ; 提示注册成功
0043002C . 50 push eax
0043002D . E8 9E120600 call SuperPIM.004912D0
00430032 . 83C4 08 add esp,8
00430035 . 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00430037 . 6A 00 push 0
00430039 . 6A 00 push 0
0043003B . 50 push eax
0043003C . 8BCE mov ecx,esi
0043003E . C64424 2C 01 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+2C],1
00430043 . E8 69B50900 call SuperPIM.004CB5B1
00430048 . 8B4424 14 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0043004C . 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
0043004F . C64424 20 00 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+20],0
00430054 . 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
00430057 . 83CA FF or edx,FFFFFFFF
0043005A . F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
0043005E . 4A dec edx
0043005F . 85D2 test edx,edx
00430061 . 7F 08 jg short SuperPIM.0043006B
00430063 . 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00430065 . 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00430067 . 50 push eax
00430068 . FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
0043006B > E8 E1C40B00 call SuperPIM.004EC551
00430070 . 8B40 04 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]
00430073 . 6A 01 push 1
00430075 . 57 push edi
00430076 . C780 70040000 >mov dword ptr ds:[eax+470],1
00430080 . E8 4B460500 call SuperPIM.004846D0
00430085 . 8B3F mov edi,dword ptr ds:[edi]
00430087 . 8B5F F4 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[edi-C]
0043008A . 83C4 08 add esp,8
0043008D . E8 BFC40B00 call SuperPIM.004EC551
00430092 . 8B40 04 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]
00430095 . 53 push ebx ; /Arg4
00430096 . 57 push edi ; |Arg3
00430097 . 68 68985100 push SuperPIM.00519868 ; |Arg2 = 00519868 ASCII "rc"
0043009C . 68 9A1B5100 push SuperPIM.00511B9A ; |Arg1 = 00511B9A
004300A1 . 8BC8 mov ecx,eax ; |
004300A3 . E8 FC8D0A00 call SuperPIM.004D8EA4 ; \SuperPIM.004D8EA4
004300A8 . 8BCE mov ecx,esi
004300AA . E8 60FC0900 call SuperPIM.004CFD0F
004300AF . EB 41 jmp short SuperPIM.004300F2
004300B1 > 6A 72 push 72 ; 提示注册失败
004300B3 . 50 push eax
004300B4 . E8 17120600 call SuperPIM.004912D0
004300B9 . 83C4 08 add esp,8
004300BC . 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]
004300BE . 6A 00 push 0
004300C0 . 6A 00 push 0
004300C2 . 50 push eax
004300C3 . 8BCE mov ecx,esi
004300C5 . C64424 2C 02 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+2C],2
004300CA . E8 E2B40900 call SuperPIM.004CB5B1
004300CF . 8B4424 14 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
004300D3 . 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
004300D6 . C64424 20 00 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+20],0
004300DB . 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
004300DE . 83CA FF or edx,FFFFFFFF
004300E1 . F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
004300E5 . 4A dec edx
004300E6 . 85D2 test edx,edx
004300E8 . 7F 08 jg short SuperPIM.004300F2
004300EA . 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
004300EC . 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
004300EE . 50 push eax
004300EF . FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
004300F2 > 8B4424 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
004300F6 . 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
004300F9 . C74424 20 FFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+20],-1
00430101 . 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
00430104 . 83CA FF or edx,FFFFFFFF
00430107 . F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
0043010B . 4A dec edx
0043010C . 85D2 test edx,edx
0043010E . 5F pop edi
0043010F . 5E pop esi
00430110 . 5B pop ebx
00430111 . 7F 08 jg short SuperPIM.0043011B
00430113 . 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00430115 . 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00430117 . 50 push eax
00430118 . FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
0043011B > 8B4C24 0C mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0043011F . 64:890D 000000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
00430126 . 83C4 18 add esp,18
00430129 . C3 retn
========================= 跟进 0042FFAF E8 2C150600 call SuperPIM.004914E0 =========================
004914E0 /$ 6A FF push -1
004914E2 |. 68 20CC5000 push SuperPIM.0050CC20 ; SE 句柄安装
004914E7 |. 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
004914ED |. 50 push eax
004914EE |. 64:8925 000000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
004914F5 |. 83EC 08 sub esp,8
004914F8 |. 8D4424 04 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]
004914FC |. 56 push esi
004914FD |. 50 push eax
004914FE |. C74424 0C 0000>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+C],0
00491506 |. E8 65FEFFFF call SuperPIM.00491370 ; 通过获取硬盘参数算出15位机器码
0049150B |. 6A 14 push 14
0049150D |. 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00491511 |. 51 push ecx
00491512 |. 8D5424 10 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00491516 |. 52 push edx
00491517 |. C74424 24 0000>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+24],0
0049151F |. E8 BC32FFFF call SuperPIM.004847E0 ; 算法call2,把15位机器码转换为20位字符串
; 即为注册码
00491524 |. 8B7424 2C mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]
00491528 |. 6A 28 push 28
0049152A |. 8D4424 18 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0049152E |. 50 push eax
0049152F |. 56 push esi
00491530 |. C64424 30 01 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+30],1
00491535 |. E8 A632FFFF call SuperPIM.004847E0 ; 把20位字符串转换为40位字符串用于后面的验证
0049153A |. 8B4424 20 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
0049153E |. 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
00491541 |. 83C4 1C add esp,1C
00491544 |. C64424 14 00 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+14],0
00491549 |. 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
0049154C |. 83CA FF or edx,FFFFFFFF
0049154F |. F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
00491553 |. 4A dec edx
00491554 |. 85D2 test edx,edx
00491556 |. 7F 08 jg short SuperPIM.00491560
00491558 |. 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
0049155A |. 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
0049155C |. 50 push eax
0049155D |. FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
00491560 |> 8B4424 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
00491564 |. 83C0 F0 add eax,-10
00491567 |. C74424 14 FFFF>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14],-1
0049156F |. 8D48 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+C]
00491572 |. 83CA FF or edx,FFFFFFFF
00491575 |. F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
00491579 |. 4A dec edx
0049157A |. 85D2 test edx,edx
0049157C |. 7F 08 jg short SuperPIM.00491586
0049157E |. 8B08 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00491580 |. 8B11 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx]
00491582 |. 50 push eax
00491583 |. FF52 04 call dword ptr ds:[edx+4]
00491586 |> 8B4C24 0C mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0049158A |. 8BC6 mov eax,esi
0049158C |. 5E pop esi
0049158D |. 64:890D 000000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
00491594 |. 83C4 14 add esp,14
00491597 \. C3 retn
========================= 跟进 0049151F E8 BC32FFFF call SuperPIM.004847E0 =========================
004847E0 |$ 6A FF push -1
004847E2 \. 68 B8BB5000 push SuperPIM.0050BBB8 ; SE 句柄安装
004847E7 . 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
004847ED . 50 push eax
004847EE . 64:8925 000000>mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
004847F5 . 83EC 14 sub esp,14
004847F8 . 56 push esi
004847F9 . 57 push edi
004847FA . 33FF xor edi,edi
004847FC . 897C24 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+18],edi
00484800 . E8 A5570400 call SuperPIM.004C9FAA
00484805 . 8B10 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
00484807 . 8BC8 mov ecx,eax
00484809 . FF52 0C call dword ptr ds:[edx+C]
004848AC . 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
004848AE . BA 01000000 mov edx,1
004848B3 . F0:0FC111 lock xadd dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
004848B7 . E9 5C010000 jmp SuperPIM.00484A18
004848BC > 8B7C24 14 mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+14] ; edi=[12f5b4]计数器
004848C0 . 8B6C24 3C mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C] ; ebp=[12f5dc]=14常数
004848C4 . 8B4C24 1C mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C] ; ecx=[12febc]=f机器码长度
004848C8 > 8BC7 mov eax,edi
004848CA . 99 cdq
004848CB . F7F9 idiv ecx
004848CD . 85D2 test edx,edx
004848CF . 0F8C 06010000 jl SuperPIM.004849DB
004848D5 . 8B4424 38 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+38]
004848D9 . 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax] ; eax="1EHQVLDGL23PN1L"
004848DB . 3B50 F4 cmp edx,dword ptr ds:[eax-C]
004848DE . 0F8F F7000000 jg SuperPIM.004849DB
004848E4 . 8A0C10 mov cl,byte ptr ds:[eax+edx]
004848E7 . 884C24 20 mov byte ptr ss:[esp+20],cl
004848EB . 8B5424 20 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+20]
004848EF . 57 push edi
004848F0 . 52 push edx
004848F1 . E8 FAFBFFFF call SuperPIM.004844F0 ; 算法call3,返回eax值
004848F6 . 33D2 xor edx,edx
004848F8 . B9 2B000000 mov ecx,2B
004848FD . F7F1 div ecx
004848FF . 83C4 08 add esp,8
00484902 . 8BDA mov ebx,edx
00484904 . 80C3 30 add bl,30
00484907 . 80FB 39 cmp bl,39
0048490A . 7E 08 jle short SuperPIM.00484914
0048490C . 80FB 41 cmp bl,41
0048490F . 7D 03 jge short SuperPIM.00484914
00484911 . 80C3 F6 add bl,0F6
00484914 > 3BFD cmp edi,ebp
00484916 . 7D 44 jge short SuperPIM.0048495C
00484918 . 8B46 FC mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-4] ; eax=[01635b74]
0048491B . 8B6E F4 mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[esi-C] ; ebp=[01635b70]
0048491E . B9 01000000 mov ecx,1
00484923 . 2BC8 sub ecx,eax
00484925 . 8B46 F8 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[esi-8] ; eax=[01635b78]
00484928 . 8D7D 01 lea edi,dword ptr ss:[ebp+1] ; edi=ebp+1
0048492B . 2BC7 sub eax,edi
0048492D . 0BC1 or eax,ecx
0048492F . 7D 0E jge short SuperPIM.0048493F
00484931 . 57 push edi
00484932 . 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
00484936 . E8 95D2F7FF call SuperPIM.00401BD0
0048493B . 8B7424 10 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0048493F > 85FF test edi,edi
00484941 . 881C2E mov byte ptr ds:[esi+ebp],bl ; [1635b88]=bl存储转换后字符
00484944 . 0F8C 91000000 jl SuperPIM.004849DB
0048494A . 3B7E F8 cmp edi,dword ptr ds:[esi-8]
0048494D . 0F8F 88000000 jg SuperPIM.004849DB
00484953 . 897E F4 mov dword ptr ds:[esi-C],edi
00484956 . C60437 00 mov byte ptr ds:[edi+esi],0
0048495A . EB 65 jmp short SuperPIM.004849C1
0048495C > 8BC7 mov eax,edi
0048495E . 99 cdq
0048495F . F7FD idiv ebp
00484961 . 8BFA mov edi,edx
00484963 . 85FF test edi,edi
00484965 . 7C 74 jl short SuperPIM.004849DB
00484967 . 8B6E F4 mov ebp,dword ptr ds:[esi-C]
0048496A . 3BFD cmp edi,ebp
0048496C . 7F 6D jg short SuperPIM.004849DB
0048496E . 0FBE1437 movsx edx,byte ptr ds:[edi+esi]
00484972 . 0FBEC3 movsx eax,bl
00484975 . 8D4402 A0 lea eax,dword ptr ds:[edx+eax-60]
00484979 . 99 cdq
0048497A . B9 2B000000 mov ecx,2B
0048497F . F7F9 idiv ecx
00484981 . 8BDA mov ebx,edx
00484983 . 80C3 30 add bl,30
00484986 . 80FB 39 cmp bl,39
00484989 . 7E 08 jle short SuperPIM.00484993
0048498B . 80FB 41 cmp bl,41
0048498E . 7D 03 jge short SuperPIM.00484993
00484990 . 80C3 F6 add bl,0F6
00484993 > 3BFD cmp edi,ebp
00484995 . 7D 44 jge short SuperPIM.004849DB
00484997 . 837E FC 01 cmp dword ptr ds:[esi-4],1
0048499B . 7E 11 jle short SuperPIM.004849AE
0048499D . 8B56 F4 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[esi-C]
004849A0 . 52 push edx
004849A1 . 8D4C24 14 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
004849A5 . E8 86CDF7FF call SuperPIM.00401730
004849AA . 8B7424 10 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
004849AE > 85ED test ebp,ebp
004849B0 . 881C37 mov byte ptr ds:[edi+esi],bl
004849B3 . 7C 26 jl short SuperPIM.004849DB
004849B5 . 3B6E F8 cmp ebp,dword ptr ds:[esi-8]
004849B8 . 7F 21 jg short SuperPIM.004849DB
004849BA . 896E F4 mov dword ptr ds:[esi-C],ebp
004849BD . C6042E 00 mov byte ptr ds:[esi+ebp],0
004849C1 > 8B4424 14 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+14] ; eax=[12f5b4]计数器
004849C5 . 8B4C24 18 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18] ; ecx=[12f5b8]=14常数
004849C9 . 40 inc eax
004849CA . 3BC1 cmp eax,ecx
004849CC . 894424 14 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14],eax
004849D0 .^ 0F8C E6FEFFFF jl SuperPIM.004848BC
004849D6 .^ E9 B0FEFFFF jmp SuperPIM.0048488B ; 跳向返回
========================= 跟进 004848F1 . E8 FAFBFFFF call SuperPIM.004844F0 =========================
004844F0 /$ 51 push ecx
004844F1 |. 8B4424 0C mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+C] ; eax=[12f59c]取字符序号
004844F5 |. 53 push ebx
004844F6 |. 55 push ebp
004844F7 |. 56 push esi
004844F8 |. 8BF0 mov esi,eax ; esi=eax
004844FA |. 0FAFF0 imul esi,eax
004844FD |. 6BF6 07 imul esi,esi,7
00484500 |. 0FB65C24 14 movzx ebx,byte ptr ss:[esp+14] ; ebx=[12f598]取字符
00484505 |. 83C6 05 add esi,5
00484508 |. 0FAFF0 imul esi,eax
0048450B |. 83C6 17 add esi,17
0048450E |. 0FAFF0 imul esi,eax
00484511 |. 8D68 05 lea ebp,dword ptr ds:[eax+5] ; ebp=eax+5
00484514 |. 8BC5 mov eax,ebp
00484516 |. 85C0 test eax,eax
00484518 |. 57 push edi
00484519 |. 895C24 10 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+10],ebx ; [12f590]转存字符
0048451D |. 897424 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+18],esi ; [12f598]存储esi值
00484521 |. 74 5B je short SuperPIM.0048457E
00484523 |. 83F8 20 cmp eax,20
00484526 |. 7C 0C jl short SuperPIM.00484534
00484528 |. 25 1F000080 and eax,8000001F
0048452D |. 79 05 jns short SuperPIM.00484534
0048452F |. 48 dec eax
00484530 |. 83C8 E0 or eax,FFFFFFE0
00484533 |. 40 inc eax
00484534 |> 85C0 test eax,eax
00484536 |. 74 46 je short SuperPIM.0048457E
00484538 |. 894424 1C mov dword ptr ss:[esp+1C],eax ; [12f59c]存eax值,做计数器用
0048453C |. 8D6424 00 lea esp,dword ptr ss:[esp]
00484540 |> 33C0 /xor eax,eax
00484542 |. 8A4424 1B |mov al,byte ptr ss:[esp+1B] ; al=[12f59b]存储的esi值按字节处理
00484546 |. 8D4C24 18 |lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
0048454A |. BF 04000000 |mov edi,4
0048454F |. 25 80000000 |and eax,80
00484554 |. 8BF0 |mov esi,eax
00484556 |> 8A01 |/mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx] ; al=[12f598]
00484558 |. 33D2 ||xor edx,edx
0048455A |. 8AD0 ||mov dl,al
0048455C |. D0E0 ||shl al,1
0048455E |. 8801 ||mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],al ; [12f598]=al
00484560 |. 81E2 80000000 ||and edx,80
00484566 |. 85F6 ||test esi,esi
00484568 |. 74 04 ||je short SuperPIM.0048456E
0048456A |. 0C 01 ||or al,1
0048456C |. 8801 ||mov byte ptr ds:[ecx],al
0048456E |> 41 ||inc ecx
0048456F |. 4F ||dec edi
00484570 |. 8BF2 ||mov esi,edx
00484572 |.^ 75 E2 |\jnz short SuperPIM.00484556
00484574 |. FF4C24 1C |dec dword ptr ss:[esp+1C] ; [12f59c]计数器
00484578 |.^ 75 C6 \jnz short SuperPIM.00484540
0048457A |. 8B7424 18 mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+18] ; esi=[12f598]变换后的值
0048457E |> 8BC5 mov eax,ebp
00484580 |. 85C0 test eax,eax
00484582 |. 74 5B je short SuperPIM.004845DF
00484584 |. 83F8 20 cmp eax,20
00484587 |. 7C 0C jl short SuperPIM.00484595
00484589 |. 25 1F000080 and eax,8000001F
0048458E |. 79 05 jns short SuperPIM.00484595
00484590 |. 48 dec eax
00484591 |. 83C8 E0 or eax,FFFFFFE0
00484594 |. 40 inc eax
00484595 |> 85C0 test eax,eax
00484597 |. 74 46 je short SuperPIM.004845DF
00484599 |. 894424 18 mov dword ptr ss:[esp+18],eax ; [12f598]=eax做计数器
0048459D |. EB 04 jmp short SuperPIM.004845A3
0048459F |> 8B5C24 10 /mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
004845A3 |> 83E3 01 and ebx,1
004845A6 |. 8BFB |mov edi,ebx
004845A8 |. 8D5424 13 |lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+13]
004845AC |. BD 04000000 |mov ebp,4
004845B1 |> 8A0A |/mov cl,byte ptr ds:[edx] ; cl=[12f593]转存字符按字节处理
004845B3 |. 33C0 ||xor eax,eax
004845B5 |. 8AC1 ||mov al,cl
004845B7 |. D0E9 ||shr cl,1
004845B9 |. 880A ||mov byte ptr ds:[edx],cl
004845BB |. 83E0 01 ||and eax,1
004845BE |. 85FF ||test edi,edi
004845C0 |. 74 05 ||je short SuperPIM.004845C7
004845C2 |. 80C9 80 ||or cl,80
004845C5 |. 880A ||mov byte ptr ds:[edx],cl ; [12f593]=cl
004845C7 |> 4A ||dec edx
004845C8 |. 4D ||dec ebp
004845C9 |. 8BF8 ||mov edi,eax
004845CB |.^ 75 E4 |\jnz short SuperPIM.004845B1
004845CD |. FF4C24 18 |dec dword ptr ss:[esp+18] ; [12f598]计数器
004845D1 |.^ 75 CC \jnz short SuperPIM.0048459F
004845D3 |. 337424 10 xor esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+10] ; esi^[12f590]变换后的值
004845D7 |. 5F pop edi
004845D8 |. 8BC6 mov eax,esi ; 返回eax值
004845DA |. 5E pop esi
004845DB |. 5D pop ebp
004845DC |. 5B pop ebx
004845DD |. 59 pop ecx
004845DE |. C3 retn
004845DF |> \33F3 xor esi,ebx
004845E1 |. 5F pop edi
004845E2 |. 8BC6 mov eax,esi
004845E4 |. 5E pop esi
004845E5 |. 5D pop ebp
004845E6 |. 5B pop ebx
004845E7 |. 59 pop ecx
004845E8 \. C3 retn
; lpChar:指针,待运算字符的地址
; dwNum: 字符所在字符串中的序数
CharConvert proc lpChar:DWORD,dwNum:DWORD
local @szChar1[4]:BYTE,@szChar2[4]:BYTE,@Num:DWORD
mov ecx,lpChar
mov eax,DWORD ptr [ecx]
mov DWORD ptr [@szChar1],eax
mov eax,dwNum
mov @Num,eax
mov esi,eax
imul esi,eax
imul esi,esi,7
movzx ebx,BYTE ptr [@szChar1]
add esi,5
imul esi,eax
add esi,17h
imul esi,eax
add eax,5
push eax
test eax,eax
mov DWORD ptr [@szChar2],esi
je @1
cmp eax,20h
jl @2
and eax,8000001fh
jns @2
dec eax
or eax,0ffffffe0h
inc eax
test eax,eax
je @1
mov @Num,eax
xor eax,eax
mov al,BYTE ptr [@szChar2+3]
lea ecx,@szChar2
mov edi,4
and eax,80h
mov esi,eax
mov al,BYTE ptr [ecx]
xor edx,edx
mov dl,al
shl al,1
mov BYTE ptr [ecx],al
and edx,80h
test esi,esi
je @3
or al,1
mov BYTE ptr [ecx],al
inc ecx
dec edi
mov esi,edx
jnz @4
dec @Num
jnz @5
mov esi,DWORD ptr [@szChar2]
pop eax
test eax,eax
je @6
cmp eax,20h
jl @7
and eax,8000001fh
jns @7
dec eax
or eax,0ffffffe0h
inc eax
test eax,eax
je @6
mov @Num,eax
jmp @8
mov ebx,DWORD ptr [@szChar1]
and ebx,1
mov edi,ebx
lea edx,@szChar1
add edx,3
mov ch,4
mov cl,BYTE ptr [edx]
xor eax,eax
mov al,cl
shr cl,1
mov BYTE ptr [edx],cl
and eax,1
test edi,edi
je @9
or cl,80h
mov BYTE ptr [edx],cl
dec edx
dec ch
mov edi,eax
jnz @10
dec @Num
jnz @11
xor esi,DWORD ptr [@szChar1]
mov eax,esi
xor esi,ebx
mov eax,esi
CharConvert endp
GetRegKey proc hDlg:DWORD
local szRegName[32]:BYTE,szRegNum[64]:BYTE,nLen:DWORD,Char:DWORD
invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr szRegName,sizeof szRegName
invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr szRegNum,sizeof szRegNum
invoke GetDlgItemText,hDlg,IDC_NAME,addr szRegName,sizeof szRegName
.if !eax
invoke SetDlgItemText,hDlg,IDC_REG,addr szTextErr
mov nLen,eax
xor edi,edi
mov ecx,nLen
mov edx,14h
push edx
mov eax,edi
push edi
idiv ecx
lea eax,szRegName
movzx edx,BYTE ptr [eax+edx]
mov Char,edx
invoke CharConvert,addr Char,edi
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,2bh
div ecx
mov ebx,edx
add bl,30h
cmp bl,39h
jle @2
cmp bl,41h
jge @2
add bl,0f6h
pop edi
mov BYTE ptr [szRegNum+edi],bl
pop edx
inc edi
cmp edi,edx
jl @1
invoke SetDlgItemText,hDlg,IDC_REG,addr szRegNum
GetRegKey endp
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