1: // fread_fwrite.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
2: //
4: #include "stdafx.h"
5: #include "iostream.h"
6: #include "stdio.h"
7: #include <windows.h>
9: int main(int argc, char* argv[])
10: {
00401040 push ebp
00401041 mov ebp,esp
00401043 sub esp,60h
00401046 push ebx
00401047 push esi
00401048 push edi
00401049 lea edi,[ebp-60h]
0040104C mov ecx,18h
00401051 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00401056 rep stos dword ptr [edi]
11: FILE *f_open=fopen("zhang.pdf","rb");
00401058 push offset string "rb" (00428064)
0040105D push offset string "zhang.pdf" (00428058)
00401062 call fopen (00404800)
00401067 add esp,8
0040106A mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax
12: FILE *f_write=fopen("test3.pdf","wb+");
0040106D push offset string "wb+" (00428054)
00401072 push offset string "test3.pdf" (00428048)
00401077 call fopen (00404800)
0040107C add esp,8
0040107F mov dword ptr [ebp-8],eax
14: if(f_open==NULL)
00401082 cmp dword ptr [ebp-4],0
00401086 jne main+0B1h (004010f1)
15: {
16: cout<<"OPEN--WRONG!"<<endl;
00401088 push offset @ILT+10(endl) (0040100f)
0040108D push offset string "OPEN--WRONG!" (00428038)
00401092 mov ecx,offset cout (0042b9c0)
00401097 call ostream::operator<< (00401720)
0040109C mov ecx,eax
0040109E call @ILT+0(ostream::operator<< ) (00401005)
17: getchar();
004010A3 mov eax,[__iob+4 (0042ade4)]
004010A8 sub eax,1
004010AB mov [__iob+4 (0042ade4)],eax
004010B0 cmp dword ptr [__iob+4 (0042ade4)],0
004010B7 jl main+9Ah (004010da)
004010B9 mov ecx,dword ptr [__iob (0042ade0)]
004010BF movsx edx,byte ptr [ecx]
004010C2 and edx,0FFh
004010C8 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],edx
004010CB mov eax,[__iob (0042ade0)]
004010D0 add eax,1
004010D3 mov [__iob (0042ade0)],eax
004010D8 jmp main+0AAh (004010ea)
004010DA push offset __iob (0042ade0)
004010DF call _filbuf (004043e0)
004010E4 add esp,4
004010E7 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],eax
18: exit(0);
004010EA push 0
004010EC call exit (00404250)
19: }
21: if(f_write==NULL)
004010F1 cmp dword ptr [ebp-8],0
004010F5 jne main+123h (00401163)
22: {
23: cout<<"WRITE--WRONG!"<<endl;
004010F7 push offset @ILT+10(endl) (0040100f) //可看作特征字串
004010FC push offset string "WRITE--WRONG!" (00428028)
00401101 mov ecx,offset cout (0042b9c0)) //可看作特征字串
00401106 call ostream::operator<< (00401720) //输出经过push的字串
0040110B mov ecx,eax //以每一个push为一个输出单位,且指针后移
0040110D call @ILT+0(ostream::operator<< ) (00401005)
//可以这么说,在cout流中有几个输出项会对应几个push项和call ostream项
24: getchar();
00401112 mov ecx,dword ptr [__iob+4 (0042ade4)]
00401118 sub ecx,1
0040111B mov dword ptr [__iob+4 (0042ade4)],ecx
00401121 cmp dword ptr [__iob+4 (0042ade4)],0
00401128 jl main+10Ch (0040114c)
0040112A mov edx,dword ptr [__iob (0042ade0)]
00401130 movsx eax,byte ptr [edx]
00401133 and eax,0FFh
00401138 mov dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax
0040113B mov ecx,dword ptr [__iob (0042ade0)]
00401141 add ecx,1
00401144 mov dword ptr [__iob (0042ade0)],ecx
0040114A jmp main+11Ch (0040115c)
0040114C push offset __iob (0042ade0)
00401151 call _filbuf (004043e0)
00401156 add esp,4
00401159 mov dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax
25: exit(0);
0040115C push 0
0040115E call exit (00404250)
26: }
28: fseek(f_open,0,2);//用OD调试时会在这里出现错误,提示exception:str!=NULL;
00401163 push 2
00401165 push 0
00401167 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
0040116A push edx
0040116B call fseek (004040e0)
00401170 add esp,0Ch
30: long length=ftell(f_open);
00401173 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
00401176 push eax
00401177 call ftell (00403e50)
0040117C add esp,4
0040117F mov dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],eax
31: cout<<"length:"<<length<<endl;
00401182 push offset @ILT+10(endl) (0040100f)
00401187 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]
0040118A push ecx
0040118B push offset string "length:" (0042801c)
00401190 mov ecx,offset cout (0042b9c0)
00401195 call ostream::operator<< (00401720)
0040119A mov ecx,eax
0040119C call ostream::operator<< (004013f0)
004011A1 mov ecx,eax
004011A3 call @ILT+0(ostream::operator<< ) (00401005)
32: rewind(f_open);
004011A8 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
004011AB push edx
004011AC call rewind (00403d80)
004011B1 add esp,4
34: char *buffer=new char[length];
004011B4 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]
004011B7 push eax
004011B8 call operator new (00403d60)
004011BD add esp,4
004011C0 mov dword ptr [ebp-14h],eax
004011C3 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
004011C6 mov dword ptr [ebp-10h],ecx
35: fread(buffer,length,1,f_open);
004011C9 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
004011CC push edx
004011CD push 1
004011CF mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]
004011D2 push eax
004011D3 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
004011D6 push ecx
004011D7 call fread (00403b90)
004011DC add esp,10h
36: fwrite(buffer,length,1,f_write);
004011DF mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-8]
004011E2 push edx
004011E3 push 1
004011E5 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]
004011E8 push eax
004011E9 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
004011EC push ecx
004011ED call fwrite (00403970)
004011F2 add esp,10h
38: delete buffer;
004011F5 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
004011F8 mov dword ptr [ebp-18h],edx
004011FB mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-18h]
004011FE push eax
004011FF call operator delete (004038e0)
00401204 add esp,4
39: fclose(f_open);
00401207 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
0040120A push ecx
0040120B call fclose (00403800)
00401210 add esp,4
40: fclose (f_write);
00401213 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-8]
00401216 push edx
00401217 call fclose (00403800)
0040121C add esp,4
42: return 0;
0040121F xor eax,eax
43: }
00401221 pop edi
00401222 pop esi
00401223 pop ebx
00401224 add esp,60h
00401227 cmp ebp,esp
00401229 call __chkesp (00404820)
0040122E mov esp,ebp
00401230 pop ebp
00401231 ret
/*来自00401062 call fopen (00404800)的调用
00404800 push ebp
00404801 mov ebp,esp
00404803 push 40h //shflag
00404805 mov eax,dword ptr [mode]
00404808 push eax //指向打开文件的模式"rb"
00404809 mov ecx,dword ptr [file]
0040480C push ecx //指向文件名"zhang.pdf"
0040480D call _fsopen (00404710)
00404812 add esp,0Ch
00404815 pop ebp
//函数原型:FILE *_fsopen( const char *filename, const char *mode, int shflag ); shflag:Type of sharing allowed
//Each of these functions returns a pointer to the stream. A NULL pointer value indicates an error.
The _fsopen function opens the file specified by filename as a stream and prepares the file for subsequent shared reading or writing, as defined by the mode and shflag arguments.(来自MSDN)
/*来自0040480D call _fsopen (00404710)的调用
00404710 push ebp
00404711 mov ebp,esp
00404713 sub esp,8
00404716 push ebx
00404717 push esi
00404718 push edi
00404719 cmp dword ptr [file],0//判断文件名是否为空
0040471D jne _fsopen+2Dh (0040473d) //文件名不为空跳转
0040471F push offset string "file != NULL" (00428204)
00404724 push 0
00404726 push 35h
00404728 push offset string "fopen.c" (004281fc)
0040472D push 2
0040472F call _CrtDbgReport (00408800)
00404734 add esp,14h
00404737 cmp eax,1
0040473A jne _fsopen+2Dh (0040473d)
0040473C int 3
0040473D xor eax,eax
0040473F test eax,eax
00404741 jne _fsopen+9 (00404719)
/* _CrtDbgReport(int reportType, const char *filename, int linenumber, const char *moduleName, const char *format [, argument] ... );
Generates a report with a debugging message and sends the report to three possible destinations (debug version only).具体参见MSDN*/
00404743 mov ecx,dword ptr [file]
00404746 movsx edx,byte ptr [ecx]
00404749 test edx,edx
0040474B jne _fsopen+5Bh (0040476b)
0040474D push offset string "*file != _T('\\0')" (004281e8)
00404752 push 0
00404754 push 36h
00404756 push offset string "fopen.c" (004281fc)
0040475B push 2
0040475D call _CrtDbgReport (00408800)
00404762 add esp,14h
00404765 cmp eax,1
00404768 jne _fsopen+5Bh (0040476b)
0040476A int 3
0040476B xor eax,eax
0040476D test eax,eax
0040476F jne _fsopen+33h (00404743)
00404771 cmp dword ptr [mode],0
00404775 jne _fsopen+85h (00404795)
00404777 push offset string "mode != NULL" (004281d8)
0040477C push 0
0040477E push 37h
00404780 push offset string "fopen.c" (004281fc)
00404785 push 2
00404787 call _CrtDbgReport (00408800)
0040478C add esp,14h
0040478F cmp eax,1
00404792 jne _fsopen+85h (00404795)
00404794 int 3
00404795 xor ecx,ecx
00404797 test ecx,ecx
00404799 jne _fsopen+61h (00404771)
0040479B mov edx,dword ptr [mode]
0040479E movsx eax,byte ptr [edx]
004047A1 test eax,eax
004047A3 jne _fsopen+0B3h (004047c3)
004047A5 push offset string "*mode != _T('\\0')" (004281c4)
004047AA push 0
004047AC push 38h
004047AE push offset string "fopen.c" (004281fc)
004047B3 push 2
004047B5 call _CrtDbgReport (00408800)
004047BA add esp,14h
004047BD cmp eax,1
004047C0 jne _fsopen+0B3h (004047c3)
004047C2 int 3
004047C3 xor ecx,ecx
004047C5 test ecx,ecx
004047C7 jne _fsopen+8Bh (0040479b)
004047C9 call _getstream (00409630)
//Retrieves the current buffered stream.具体参见MSDN
//就我个人观点OD对VC程序中函数的识别效果不是很好,就像在这里OD仅仅给出CALL fread_fw.0040479B,如果贸然跟进必然会弄的一头雾水.
004047CE mov dword ptr [stream],eax//从后面的代码可以推断这里的几句代码是位分配文件的句柄做准备
004047D1 cmp dword ptr [stream],0
004047D5 jne _fsopen+0CBh (004047db)
004047D7 xor eax,eax
004047D9 jmp _fsopen+0E9h (004047f9)
004047DB mov edx,dword ptr [stream]
004047DE push edx //流指针入栈(0x42AE40)
004047DF mov eax,dword ptr [shflag]
004047E2 push eax //不知是什么标志?? (40)
004047E3 mov ecx,dword ptr [mode]
004047E6 push ecx //指向打开文件的模式"rb"
004047E7 mov edx,dword ptr [file]
004047EA push edx //指向文件名"zhang.pdf"
004047EB call _openfile (004092a0)
//此处OD给出的是CALL fread_fw.004092A0;Be careful!!
004047F0 add esp,10h
004047F3 mov dword ptr [retval],eax
004047F6 mov eax,dword ptr [retval]
004047F9 pop edi
004047FA pop esi
004047FB pop ebx
004047FC mov esp,ebp
004047FE pop ebp
004047FF ret
/*来自004047EB call _openfile (004092a0)的调用
004092A0 push ebp
004092A1 mov ebp,esp
004092A3 sub esp,24h
004092A6 push ebx
004092A7 push esi
004092A8 push edi
004092A9 mov eax,[__commode (0042bbc0)]
004092AE mov dword ptr [streamflag],eax
004092B1 mov dword ptr [commodeset],0
004092B8 mov dword ptr [scanset],0
004092BF cmp dword ptr [filename],0
004092C3 jne _openfile+43h (004092e3)
004092C5 push offset string "filename != NULL" (00428d0c)
004092CA push 0
004092CC push 47h
004092CE push offset string "_open.c" (00428d04)
004092D3 push 2
004092D5 call _CrtDbgReport (00408800)
004092DA add esp,14h
004092DD cmp eax,1
004092E0 jne _openfile+43h (004092e3)
004092E2 int 3
004092E3 xor ecx,ecx
004092E5 test ecx,ecx
004092E7 jne _openfile+1Fh (004092bf)
004092E9 cmp dword ptr [mode],0
004092ED jne _openfile+6Dh (0040930d)
004092EF push offset string "mode != NULL" (004281d8)
004092F4 push 0
004092F6 push 48h
004092F8 push offset string "_open.c" (00428d04)
004092FD push 2
004092FF call _CrtDbgReport (00408800)
00409304 add esp,14h
00409307 cmp eax,1
0040930A jne _openfile+6Dh (0040930d)
0040930C int 3
0040930D xor edx,edx
0040930F test edx,edx
00409311 jne _openfile+49h (004092e9)
00409313 cmp dword ptr [str],0
00409317 jne _openfile+97h (00409337)
00409319 push offset string "str != NULL" (00428154)
0040931E push 0
00409320 push 49h
00409322 push offset string "_open.c" (00428d04)
00409327 push 2
00409329 call _CrtDbgReport (00408800)
0040932E add esp,14h
00409331 cmp eax,1
00409334 jne _openfile+97h (00409337)
00409336 int 3
00409337 xor eax,eax
00409339 test eax,eax
0040933B jne _openfile+73h (00409313)
0040933D mov ecx,dword ptr [mode]
00409340 mov dl,byte ptr [ecx]
00409342 mov byte ptr [ebp-20h],dl
00409345 cmp byte ptr [ebp-20h],61h
00409349 je _openfile+0DCh (0040937c)
0040934B cmp byte ptr [ebp-20h],72h
0040934F je _openfile+0B9h (00409359)
00409351 cmp byte ptr [ebp-20h],77h
00409355 je _openfile+0CAh (0040936a)
00409357 jmp _openfile+0EEh (0040938e)
00409359 mov dword ptr [modeflag],0
00409360 mov eax,dword ptr [streamflag]
00409363 or al,1
00409365 mov dword ptr [streamflag],eax
00409368 jmp _openfile+0F5h (00409395)
0040936A mov dword ptr [modeflag],301h
00409371 mov ecx,dword ptr [streamflag]
00409374 or ecx,2
00409377 mov dword ptr [streamflag],ecx
0040937A jmp _openfile+0F5h (00409395)
0040937C mov dword ptr [modeflag],109h
00409383 mov edx,dword ptr [streamflag]
00409386 or edx,2
00409389 mov dword ptr [streamflag],edx
0040938C jmp _openfile+0F5h (00409395)
0040938E xor eax,eax
00409390 jmp $L1486+0A0h (004095b6)
00409395 mov dword ptr [whileflag],1
//这里开始进入迷茫区,是一个大的循环.(不要放弃!!核心部分即将出现!! )
0040939C mov eax,dword ptr [mode]
0040939F add eax,1
004093A2 mov dword ptr [mode],eax
004093A5 mov ecx,dword ptr [mode]
004093A8 movsx edx,byte ptr [ecx]
004093AB test edx,edx
004093AD je $L1486+29h (0040953f)
004093B3 cmp dword ptr [whileflag],0
004093B7 je $L1486+29h (0040953f)
004093BD mov eax,dword ptr [mode]
004093C0 movsx ecx,byte ptr [eax]
004093C3 mov dword ptr [ebp-24h],ecx
004093C6 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-24h]
004093C9 sub edx,2Bh
004093CC mov dword ptr [ebp-24h],edx
004093CF cmp dword ptr [ebp-24h],49h
004093D3 ja $L1486+1Dh (00409533)
004093D9 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-24h]
004093DC xor eax,eax
004093DE mov al,byte ptr (004095e5)[ecx]
004093E4 jmp dword ptr [eax*4+4095BDh]
004093EB mov edx,dword ptr [modeflag]
004093EE and edx,2
004093F1 test edx,edx
004093F3 je $L1462+13h (004093fe)
004093F5 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
004093FC jmp $L1462+35h (00409420)
004093FE mov eax,dword ptr [modeflag]
00409401 or al,2
00409403 mov dword ptr [modeflag],eax
00409406 mov ecx,dword ptr [modeflag]
00409409 and ecx,0FEh
0040940C mov dword ptr [modeflag],ecx
0040940F mov edx,dword ptr [streamflag]
00409412 or dl,80h
00409415 mov dword ptr [streamflag],edx
00409418 mov eax,dword ptr [streamflag]
0040941B and al,0FCh
0040941D mov dword ptr [streamflag],eax
00409420 jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
00409425 mov ecx,dword ptr [modeflag]
00409428 and ecx,0C000h
0040942E test ecx,ecx
00409430 je $L1465+16h (0040943b)
00409432 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
00409439 jmp $L1465+1Fh (00409444)
0040943B mov edx,dword ptr [modeflag]
0040943E or dh,80h
00409441 mov dword ptr [modeflag],edx
00409444 jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
00409449 mov eax,dword ptr [modeflag]
0040944C and eax,0C000h
00409451 test eax,eax
00409453 je $L1468+15h (0040945e)
00409455 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
0040945C jmp $L1468+1Eh (00409467)
0040945E mov ecx,dword ptr [modeflag]
00409461 or ch,40h
00409464 mov dword ptr [modeflag],ecx
00409467 jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
0040946C cmp dword ptr [commodeset],0
00409470 je $L1471+0Fh (0040947b)
00409472 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
00409479 jmp $L1471+1Fh (0040948b)
0040947B mov dword ptr [commodeset],1
00409482 mov edx,dword ptr [streamflag]
00409485 or dh,40h
00409488 mov dword ptr [streamflag],edx
0040948B jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
00409490 cmp dword ptr [commodeset],0
00409494 je $L1474+0Fh (0040949f)
00409496 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
0040949D jmp $L1474+1Fh (004094af)
0040949F mov dword ptr [commodeset],1
004094A6 mov eax,dword ptr [streamflag]
004094A9 and ah,0BFh
004094AC mov dword ptr [streamflag],eax
004094AF jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
004094B4 cmp dword ptr [scanset],0
004094B8 je $L1477+0Fh (004094c3)
004094BA mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
004094C1 jmp $L1477+1Fh (004094d3)
004094C3 mov dword ptr [scanset],1
004094CA mov ecx,dword ptr [modeflag]
004094CD or ecx,20h
004094D0 mov dword ptr [modeflag],ecx
004094D3 jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
004094D5 cmp dword ptr [scanset],0
004094D9 je $L1480+0Fh (004094e4)
004094DB mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
004094E2 jmp $L1480+1Fh (004094f4)
004094E4 mov dword ptr [scanset],1
004094EB mov edx,dword ptr [modeflag]
004094EE or edx,10h
004094F1 mov dword ptr [modeflag],edx
004094F4 jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
004094F6 mov eax,dword ptr [modeflag]
004094F9 and eax,1000h
004094FE test eax,eax
00409500 je $L1483+15h (0040950b)
00409502 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
00409509 jmp $L1483+1Eh (00409514)
0040950B mov ecx,dword ptr [modeflag]
0040950E or ch,10h
00409511 mov dword ptr [modeflag],ecx
00409514 jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
00409516 mov edx,dword ptr [modeflag]
00409519 and edx,40h
0040951C test edx,edx
0040951E je $L1486+13h (00409529)
00409520 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
00409527 jmp $L1486+1Bh (00409531)
00409529 mov eax,dword ptr [modeflag]
0040952C or al,40h
0040952E mov dword ptr [modeflag],eax
00409531 jmp $L1486+24h (0040953a)
00409533 mov dword ptr [whileflag],0
0040953A jmp _openfile+0FCh (0040939c) //大循环到此为止
0040953F push 1A4h
00409544 mov ecx,dword ptr [shflag]
00409547 push ecx
00409548 mov edx,dword ptr [modeflag]
0040954B push edx
0040954C mov eax,dword ptr [filename]
0040954F push eax
00409550 call _sopen (0040f6e0)
//int _sopen( const char *filename, int oflag, int shflag [, int pmode ] );
//Each of these functions returns a file handle for the opened file. A return value of –1 indicates an error.具体资料参见MSDN
00409555 add esp,10h
00409558 mov dword ptr [filedes],eax
0040955B cmp dword ptr [filedes],0//在此处判断_sopen产生的文件句柄
0040955F jge $L1486+4Fh (00409565)//从这里开始VC和OD有了截然不同的命运
00409561 xor eax,eax
00409563 jmp $L1486+0A0h (004095b6) //跳转到返回代码处
//1.dword ptr [__cflush (0042ba50)]----->ECX--->+1--->dword ptr [__cflush (0042ba50)];
00409565 mov ecx,dword ptr [__cflush (0042ba50)] //VC的命运(成功)
0040956B add ecx,1
0040956E mov dword ptr [__cflush (0042ba50)],ecx
//2.dword ptr [str]---->EDX---->dword ptr [stream]---->EAX;流文件中的指针重定位
00409574 mov edx,dword ptr [str]
00409577 mov dword ptr [stream],edx
0040957A mov eax,dword ptr [stream]
//3.dword ptr [streamflag]--->ECX--->dword ptr [EAX+0Ch];设置标志位(DWORD)
0040957D mov ecx,dword ptr [streamflag]
00409580 mov dword ptr [eax+0Ch],ecx
00409583 mov edx,dword ptr [stream]
00409586 mov dword ptr [edx+4],0
0040958D mov eax,dword ptr [stream]
00409590 mov dword ptr [eax],0
00409596 mov ecx,dword ptr [stream]
00409599 mov dword ptr [ecx+8],0
004095A0 mov edx,dword ptr [stream]
004095A3 mov dword ptr [edx+1Ch],0
004095AA mov eax,dword ptr [stream]
004095AD mov ecx,dword ptr [filedes]
004095B0 mov dword ptr [eax+10h],ecx
004095B3 mov eax,dword ptr [stream] //用EAX保存返回值,即文件句柄
0042AE40 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
0042AE46 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
0042AE4C 01 00 00 00 03 00 ......
0042AE52 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
0042AE58 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
0042AE5E 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
0042AE64 00 00 00 00 00 00
streamflag:01 00 00 00
filedes:03 00 00 00
004095B6 pop edi
004095B7 pop esi
004095B8 pop ebx
004095B9 mov esp,ebp
004095BB pop ebp
004095BC ret
分析流程:fopen( )--> _fsopen( ) -->_openfile( ) -->_sopen( )
2._sopen()函数体的分析和_fsopen( )模块中的迷茫区
_sopen()返回的file handle不同,OD的返回的结果表明要打开的文件资源("zhang.pdf")没有被找到而且程序已经给这个文件准备好要分配的句柄(0x0042AE40),而事实上这个文件确实存在.哎~~,这不是很明显的事,用0D调试程序相当于直接执行debug文件夹的fread_fwrite.exe,要不试试会出现什么问题---呵呵,当然是"OPEN--WRONG!"