软件名称:ezConverter 2.0.746(Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0)
使用工具:olldbg 1.09c
打开OLLDBG选择debug->select import libraries将MFC42.lib文件载入 ,破解此软件必须使用!
再载入ezConverter.exe文件,在CPU窗口点右键快捷菜单,选择search for-->Name(label) in current module或直接按ctrl+N。找到MFC42.#1199_AfxMessageBox和MFC.#1200_AfxMessageBox,在这两项上点右键选择set breakpoint on every reference,将每个引用这两个函数的语句都设断点,这两个函数就是显示提示窗口的。 按F9运行程序:很快就在00405791处中断:
00405791 . E8 7>call 提示未注册信息
00405796 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
0040579A . C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+AC4], -1
004057A5 . E8 E>call
004057AA > 8BCE mov ecx, esi EZCONVER.004136E0
004057AC . E8 5>call EZCONVER.00405A10
004057B1 . 57 push edi
004057B2 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+7C]
004056AF . 8BF1 mov esi, ecx 先设个断点
004056B1 . 57 push edi
004056B2 . E8 7>call
004056B7 . 83C4>add esp, 4
004056BA . E8 6>call ;初始化运行环境
004056BF . 8BCE mov ecx, esi EZCONVER.004136E0
004056C1 . E8 5>call ;初始化运行环境
004056C6 . 8D86>lea eax, dword ptr ds:[esi+C4]
004056CC . 50 push eax /Buffer = 006CDB08
004056CD . 68 F>push 0FF |BufSize = FF (255.)
004056D2 . FF15>call near dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetCurr>; \GetCurrentDirectoryA
004056D8 . 8BCE mov ecx, esi EZCONVER.004136E0
004056DA . E8 4>call EZCONVER.00405E20 处理注册码的调用,F7跟进去
004056DF . 84C0 test al, al
004056E1 . 0F85>jnz EZCONVER.004057AA ;关键的跳转,一定要跳走
004056E7 . 57 push edi /Arg1 = 00000000
004056E8 . 8BCE mov ecx, esi |EZCONVER.004136E0
004056EA . E8 6>call EZCONVER.00406450 \EZCONVER.00406450
004056EF . B9 1>mov ecx, 1E
004056F4 . 2BC8 sub ecx, eax
004056F6 . 83F9>cmp ecx, -64
004056F9 . 898E>mov dword ptr ds:[esi+1C4], ecx
004056FF . 0F8C>jl EZCONVER.004058BE
00405705 . 83F9>cmp ecx, 1
00405708 . 7D 5>jge short EZCONVER.0040575D
0040570A . 57 push edi
0040570B . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040570F . E8 2>call EZCONVER.0040CF40
00405714 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00405718 . 89BC>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+AC4], edi
0040571F . E8 3>call
00405724 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+74]
00405728 . C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+AC4], 2
00405733 . E8 5>call
00405738 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+70]
0040573C . C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+AC4], 1
00405744 . E8 4>call
00405749 . C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+AC4], -1
00405754 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00405758 . E9 5>jmp EZCONVER.004058B9
0040575D > 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
00405761 . E8 4>call
00405766 . 8B8E>mov ecx, dword ptr ds:[esi+1C4]
0040576C . 8D54>lea edx, dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
00405770 . 51 push ecx
00405771 . 68 9>push 92
00405776 . 52 push edx
00405777 . C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+AD0], 3
00405782 . E8 9>call
00405787 . 8B44>mov eax, dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
0040578B . 83C4>add esp, 0C
0040578E . 57 push edi
0040578F . 57 push edi
00405790 . 50 push eax
00405791 . E8 7>call 提示未注册信息
00405796 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
0040579A . C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+AC4], -1
004057A5 . E8 E>call
004057AA > 8BCE mov ecx, esi EZCONVER.004136E0
004057AC . E8 5>call EZCONVER.00405A10
004057B1 . 57 push edi
004057B2 . 8D4C>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+7C]
转到004056AF处先设个断点,然后按ctrl+f2重新载入程序,再次运行在004056AF处停下来。用F8运行到004056DA后,再用F7跟进去(建议在004056DA处设个断点)。 跟进去后再用F8单步走,在00405EA8处得知软件的注册信息保存在erf.dat文件中。
00405E9C |. C7>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+130], 0
00405EA7 |. 51 push ecx EZCONVER.004136E0
00405EA8 |. 68>push EZCONVER.004133CC ASCII "%s\\erf.dat"
00405EAD |. 52 push edx KERNEL32.BFFC9490
00405EAE |. E8>call
00405F93 |. 8D>lea edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+40] ;发现了用户名
00405F97 |. 8B>mov ecx, ebp
00405F99 |. 33>xor eax, eax
00405F9B |. F2>repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00405F9D |. F7>not ecx
00405F9F |. 49 dec ecx ;得到用户名的长度
00405FA0 |. 83>cmp ecx, 1 如果是空的
00405FA3 |. 0F>jb EZCONVER.00406165 跳走就完完了
00405FA9 |. 8D>lea edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+64] ;注册码
00405FAD |. 8B>mov ecx, ebp
00405FAF |. F2>repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00405FB1 |. F7>not ecx
00405FB3 |. 49 dec ecx
00405FB4 |. 83>cmp ecx, 1
00405FB7 |. 0F>jb EZCONVER.00406165 跳走就完了
00405FBD |. 8D>lea edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
00405FC1 |. 8B>mov ecx, ebp KERNEL32.BFF70000
00405FC3 |. F2>repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00405FC5 |. 8B>mov ebx, dword ptr ds:[<&USER32.Char>; 将用户名转为大写
00405FCB |. 8B>mov esi, ebp KERNEL32.BFF70000
00405FCD |. F7>not ecx
00405FCF |. 49 dec ecx
00405FD0 |. 8B>mov edi, ecx
00405FD2 |. 8D>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+40]
00405FD6 |. 51 push ecx /StringOrChar = "."
00405FD7 |. FF>call near ebx \CharUpperA
00405FD9 |. 33>xor ecx, ecx
00405FDB |. 85>test edi, edi
00405FDD |. 7E>jle short EZCONVER.0040604A 可能要进行运算
00405FDF |> 8B>/mov eax, ecx
00405FE1 |. BD>|mov ebp, 3
00405FE6 |. 99 |cdq
00405FE7 |. F7>|idiv ebp KERNEL32.BFF70000
00405FE9 |. 46 |inc esi
00405FEA |. 85>|test edx, edx Switch (cases 0..2)
00405FEC |. 75>|jnz short EZCONVER.00406005
00405FEE |. 8A>|mov al, byte ptr ss:[esp+ecx+40] Case 0 of switch 00405FEA
00405FF2 |. 0F>|movsx edx, al
00405FF5 |. 83>|sub edx, 5
00405FF8 |. 83>|cmp edx, 41
00405FFB |. 7E>|jle short EZCONVER.00406001
00405FFD |. 2C>|sub al, 5
00405FFF |. EB>|jmp short EZCONVER.0040603B
00406001 |> 04>|add al, 5
00406003 |. EB>|jmp short EZCONVER.0040603B
00406005 |> 83>|cmp edx, 1
00406008 |. 75>|jnz short EZCONVER.00406021
0040600A |. 8A>|mov al, byte ptr ss:[esp+ecx+40] Case 1 of switch 00405FEA
0040600E |. 0F>|movsx edx, al
00406011 |. 83>|add edx, 7
00406014 |. 83>|cmp edx, 5A
00406017 |. 7D>|jge short EZCONVER.0040601D
00406019 |. 04>|add al, 7
0040601B |. EB>|jmp short EZCONVER.0040603B
0040601D |> 2C>|sub al, 7
0040601F |. EB>|jmp short EZCONVER.0040603B
00406021 |> 83>|cmp edx, 2
00406024 |. 75>|jnz short EZCONVER.00406042
00406026 |. 8A>|mov al, byte ptr ss:[esp+ecx+40] Case 2 of switch 00405FEA
0040602A |. 0F>|movsx edx, al
0040602D |. 83>|sub edx, 9
00406030 |. 83>|cmp edx, 41
00406033 |. 7E>|jle short EZCONVER.00406039
00406035 |. 2C>|sub al, 9
00406037 |. EB>|jmp short EZCONVER.0040603B
00406039 |> 04>|add al, 9
0040603B |> 88>|mov byte ptr ss:[esp+esi+88], al
00406042 |> 41 |inc ecx Default case of switch 00405FEA
00406043 |. 3B>|cmp ecx, edi
00406045 |.^ 7C>\jl short EZCONVER.00405FDF
00406047 |. 83>or ebp, FFFFFFFF
0040604A |> DD>fld qword ptr ds:[40FE00] ;浮点运算
00406050 |. 33>xor eax, eax
00406052 |. 85>test esi, esi
00406054 |. 7E>jle short EZCONVER.0040606D
00406056 |> 0F>/movsx ecx, byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+88]
0040605E |. 89>|mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14], ecx
00406062 |. 40 |inc eax
00406063 |. DB>|fild dword ptr ss:[esp+14] ;浮点运算
00406067 |. 3B>|cmp eax, esi
00406069 |. DE>|faddp st(1), st ;浮点运算
0040606B |.^ 7C>\jl short EZCONVER.00406056
0040606D |> D9>fld st ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
0040606F |. D9>fsin ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406071 |. D9>fcos ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406073 |. D9>fsin ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406075 |. D9>fcos ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406077 |. D9>fsin ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406079 |. DD>fst qword ptr ss:[esp+14] ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
0040607D |. DC>fcomp qword ptr ds:[40FE00] ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406083 |. DF>fstsw ax
00406085 |. F6>test ah, 1
00406088 |. 74>je short EZCONVER.004060AD
0040608A |> DC>/fmul qword ptr ds:[40FDF8] ;浮点运算
00406090 |. D9>|fld st
00406092 |. D9>|fsin ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406094 |. D9>|fcos ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406096 |. D9>|fsin ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
00406098 |. D9>|fcos ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
0040609A |. D9>|fsin ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
0040609C |. DD>|fst qword ptr ss:[esp+14] ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
004060A0 |. DC>|fcomp qword ptr ds:[40FE00] ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
004060A6 |. DF>|fstsw ax ;浮点运算,完全是无聊的举动
004060A8 |. F6>|test ah, 1
004060AB |.^ 75>\jnz short EZCONVER.0040608A
004060AD |> \8B>mov edx, dword ptr ss:[esp+18]
004060B1 |. 8B>mov eax, dword ptr ss:[esp+14]
004060B5 |. 52 push edx
004060B6 |. 50 push eax / <%.14f> = 0.0
004060B7 |. 8D>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+E0] |
004060BE |. 68>push EZCONVER.004133C4 |format = "%.14f"
004060C3 |. 51 push ecx |s = 0000000E
004060C4 |. DD>fstp st |
004060C6 |. FF>call near dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT.spri>; \sprintf
004060CC |. 8D>lea edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+E8]
004060D3 |. 8B>mov ecx, ebp
004060D5 |. 33>xor eax, eax
004060D7 |. 83>add esp, 10
004060DA |. 33>xor edx, edx
004060DC |. F2>repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
004060DE |. F7>not ecx
004060E0 |. 49 dec ecx
004060E1 |. 83>sub ecx, 2
004060E4 |. 74>je short EZCONVER.0040610D
004060E6 |> 8A>/mov al, byte ptr ss:[esp+edx+DA]
004060ED |. 8D>|lea edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+D8]
004060F4 |. 04>|add al, 41
004060F6 |. 8B>|mov ecx, ebp
004060F8 |. 88>|mov byte ptr ss:[esp+edx+88], al
004060FF |. 33>|xor eax, eax
00406101 |. 42 |inc edx
00406102 |. F2>|repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00406104 |. F7>|not ecx
00406106 |. 83>|add ecx, -3
00406109 |. 3B>|cmp edx, ecx
0040610B |.^ 72>\jb short EZCONVER.004060E6
运行到0040610D时,请注意dword ptr ss:[esp+88]中的值。在CPU窗口下的小窗口中显示:
stack address=006AF1FC 在这一行上点右键,选择follow address in dump。在内存窗口中将显示:
wszysyvzusurvx ;很怀疑这个字符串是正确的注册码。
0040610D |> \8D>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+88] 可能是正确的注册码
00406114 |. C6>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+esi+88], 0
0040611C |. 51 push ecx
0040611D |. FF>call near ebx ;转换成大写字母
0040611F |. 8D>lea edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+64] 这里是自己输入的注册码
00406123 |. 8B>mov ecx, ebp
00406125 |. 33>xor eax, eax
00406127 |. 8D>lea esi, dword ptr ss:[esp+88]
0040612E |. F2>repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00406130 |. F7>not ecx
00406132 |. 49 dec ecx
00406133 |. 8D>lea edi, dword ptr ss:[esp+64]
00406137 |. 33>xor edx, edx
00406139 |. 89>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+130], ebp
经过上面的变换"wszysyvzusurvx"就成了"WSZYS vzusurvx"了。中间不是空格,而是二进制0x00。
再用F8走到 00406140 这里是很关键的一个串比较语句!!!而到了00406146这个跳转语句更是关键,一定不能跳。如果想暴破就将这条语句改为nop就可以了。具体方法就不说了
00406140 |. F3>repe cmps byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr> ;关键的比较
00406142 |. 8D>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00406146 75>jnz short EZCONVER.00406170 关键关键!万万跳不得
00406148 |. E8>call
0040614D |. B0>mov al, 1
0040614F |. 8B>mov ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+128]
00406156 |. 64>mov dword ptr fs:[0], ecx
0040615D |. 5F pop edi
0040615E |. 5E pop esi
0040615F |. 5D pop ebp
00406160 |. 5B pop ebx
00406161 |. 8B>mov esp, ebp
00406163 |. 5D pop ebp
00406164 |. C3 retn
00406165 |> 89>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+130], ebp
0040616C |> 8D>lea ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
00406170 |> E8>call ;进来就完蛋了
00406175 |> 8B>mov ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+128]
0040617C |. 5F pop edi
0040617D |. 32>xor al, al
0040617F |. 64>mov dword ptr fs:[0], ecx
00406186 |. 5E pop esi
00406187 |. 5D pop ebp
00406188 |. 5B pop ebx
00406189 |. 8B>mov esp, ebp
0040618B |. 5D pop ebp
0040618C \. C3 retn
"WSZYS vzusurvx"就是正确的注册码!