Armadillo 1.xx - 2.xx这个版本的壳大概已经不多贱了吧,下载了各国外的软件居然是用它加壳的,正好让我这个菜鸟练练。我这次脱壳是参看了leo_cyl1的“Armadillo 2.52加壳原理分析和改进的脱壳方法”一文,fly兄的“壹次脱壳法——Armadillo 双进程标准壳 快速脱壳”一文,weiyi75兄的“爱的中体验之Armadillo3.x双进程之Mr.Captor”一文(初学破解,weiyi75是谁,我不知道,呵呵,真想认识一下)。
软件名称:iRider.exe 2.20BETA
加壳方式:Armadillo 1.xx - 2.xx
破解工具:OllyDBG1.10 fly修改版,ImportREC1.6
004A50B9 i>/$ 55 push ebp //OD载入,停在这里,下断点bp OpenMuteA,F9运行
004A50BA |. 8BEC mov ebp,esp
004A50BC |. 6A FF push -1
004A50BE |. 68 68D24B00 push iRider.004BD268
004A50C3 |. 68 004B4A00 push iRider.004A4B00 ; SE handler installation
004A50C8 |. 64:A1 00000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]
004A50CE |. 50 push eax
004A50CF |. 64:8925 00000000 mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp
77E62391 k>- E9 E8EBFDFF jmp kernel32.77E40F7E //到这,看堆栈
77E62396 837D 10 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp+10],0
77E6239A 56 push esi
77E6239B 0F84 C2E30100 je kernel32.77E80763
77E623A1 64:A1 18000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[18]
77E623A7 FF75 10 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]
77E623AA 8DB0 F80B0000 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+BF8]
77E623B0 8D45 F8 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
77E623B3 50 push eax
0012F5B8 0049E90C /CALL 到 OpenMutexA 来自 iRider.0049E906
0012F5BC 001F0001 |Access = 1F0001
0012F5C0 00000000 |Inheritable = FALSE
0012F5C4 0012FBF8 \MutexName = "AD4::DA9B953645" //注意
0012F5C8 0012FF2C
Ctrl+G 401000
00401000 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
00401002 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
00401004 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
00401006 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
00401008 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
0040100A 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
0040100C 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
0040100E 0000 add byte ptr ds:[eax],al
00401000 60 PUSHAD
00401001 9C PUSHFD
00401002 68 DCFB1200 PUSH 12FBF8 //堆栈内容
00401007 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX
00401009 50 PUSH EAX
0040100A 50 PUSH EAX
0040100B E8 687BA677 CALL KERNEL32.CreateMutexA
00401010 9D POPFD
00401011 61 POPAD
00401012 - E9 75C7A677 JMP KERNEL32.OpenMutexA
F9,运行,再次中断在这里,此时Ctrl+G 401000 撤销刚才的修改
77E62391 k>- E9 E8EBFDFF jmp kernel32.77E40F7E
77E62396 837D 10 00 cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp+10],0
77E6239A 56 push esi
77E6239B 0F84 C2E30100 je kernel32.77E80763
77E623A1 64:A1 18000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[18]
77E623A7 FF75 10 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]
77E623AA 8DB0 F80B0000 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[eax+BF8]
77E623B0 8D45 F8 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
77E4169E k> 55 push ebp //中断,F9运行
77E4169F 8BEC mov ebp,esp
77E416A1 FF75 14 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+14]
77E416A4 FF75 10 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]
77E416A7 FF75 0C push dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
77E416AA FF75 08 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
77E416AD 6A FF push -1
77E416AF E8 A4BB0100 call kernel32.VirtualProtectEx
77E416B4 5D pop ebp
77E416B5 C2 1000 retn 10
0012DEE4 003E30D2 /CALL 到 VirtualProtect 来自 003E30D0
0012DEE8 00400000 |Address = iRider.00400000
0012DEEC 00000040 |Size = 40 (64.)
0012DEF0 00000004 |NewProtect = PAGE_READWRITE //注意观看
0012DEF4 0012DF10 \pOldProtect = 0012DF10
003E30D2 8B45 F4 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-C] ; iRider.00400000
003E30D5 8D4D FC lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
003E30D8 2BDF sub ebx,edi
003E30DA 51 push ecx
003E30DB 0158 3C add dword ptr ds:[eax+3C],ebx //这里是修改文件头,修改ebx为0
003E30DE FF75 FC push dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
003E30E1 6A 40 push 40
003E30E3 50 push eax
003E30FF 8D4D F8 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
003E3102 E8 F9DEFEFF call 003D1000
003E3107 83E0 03 and eax,3
003E310A 8D4D F8 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-8]
003E310D 40 inc eax
003E310E 66:0147 06 add word ptr ds:[edi+6],ax //这里修改块数,改ax为0
003E3112 E8 E9DEFEFF call 003D1000
003E3C42 3348 44 xor ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+44]
003E3C45 6A 00 push 0
003E3C47 3348 08 xor ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+8]
003E3C4A 03F9 add edi,ecx
003E3C4C E8 D791FFFF call 003DCE28
003E3C51 50 push eax
003E3C52 FFD7 call edi ; iRider.0043FE5B //oep
003E3C54 8BD8 mov ebx,eax
脱壳后,用ImproREC试着修复,当然不成功了,随便着一个未修复的指针,然后用OD重新载入程序,直接d ******,其他步骤同上,观察数据窗口,看IAT何时被恢复,记下按F9的次数n,从头再来,按n-1次F9,然后下断点bp GetModuleHandleA ,F9运行
003D4B74 8B4D 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
003D4B77 3BC8 cmp ecx,eax
003D4B79 75 07 jnz short 003D4B82
003D4B7B B8 18D33E00 mov eax,3ED318
003D4B80 EB 30 jmp short 003D4BB2
003D4B82 393D D8D73E00 cmp dword ptr ds:[3ED7D8],edi
003D4B88 B8 D8D73E00 mov eax,3ED7D8
003D4B8D 74 0C je short 003D4B9B
003D4B8F 3B48 08 cmp ecx,dword ptr ds:[eax+8]
003D4B92 EB 1B je short 003D4BAF //Magic Jump,nop it
003D4B94 83C0 0C add eax,0C
003D4B97 3938 cmp dword ptr ds:[eax],edi
003D4B99 ^ 75 F4 jnz short 003D4B8F
003D4B9B FF75 0C push dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
003D4B9E FF75 08 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
003D4BA1 E8 41000000 call 003D4BE7
从ImprotREC中找到最后一个指针的地址,记住它,在OD中对它下内存访问断点,F9,中断后Ctrl+G 3D4B92,撤销刚才的修改,F9,正常运行程序。ImprotREC恢复,全部指针有效,fix it。
fix后的程序不能正常运行,程序提示“Registration error 86. Please contact iRider support.”,注意是程序提示,不是系统的提示,好办,W32dasm分析,找到改字符串,发现有很多,统统改掉。下面是其中的几处
0042EA76 FF15 94424700 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.GetEnv>; kernel32.GetEnvironmentVariableA
0042EA7C 85C0 test eax,eax
0042EA7E EB 1C jnz short dump_.0042EA9C //改为jmp
0042EA80 33DB xor ebx,ebx
0042EA82 68 00200000 push 2000
0042EA87 53 push ebx
0042EA88 68 A4C84800 push dump_.0048C8A4 ; ASCII "Registration error 86. Please contact iRider support."
0042EA8D 53 push ebx
0042EA8E FF15 04474700 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.MessageB>; USER32.MessageBoxA
0042EA94 6A 56 push 56
0042EA96 FF15 D4434700 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.ExitPr>; kernel32.ExitProcess
0042EA9C 8D4C24 10 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]
0042EAA0 E8 ED2C0200 call dump_.00451792
0042EAA5 E8 56040000 call dump_.0042EF00 //这里还有出错,进去后还要改
0042EAAA E8 C1D7FDFF call dump_.0040C270
0042EAE7 /75 1A jnz short dump_.0042EB03 //这里jmp
0042EAE9 |68 00200000 push 2000
0042EAEE |53 push ebx
0042EAEF |68 44C84800 push dump_.0048C844 ; ASCII "Registration error 87. Please contact iRider support."
0042EAF4 |53 push ebx
0042EAF5 |FF15 04474700 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.MessageB>; USER32.MessageBoxA
0042EAFB |6A 57 push 57
0042EAFD |FF15 D4434700 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.ExitPr>; kernel32.ExitProcess
0042EB03 \83F8 02 cmp eax,2
0042EB06 75 10 jnz short dump_.0042EB18
0042EB08 E8 13D7FDFF call dump_.0040C220
0040C120 51 push ecx
0040C121 56 push esi
0040C122 8D4424 04 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]
0040C126 68 24C84800 push dump_2.0048C824
0040C12B 50 push eax
0040C12C E8 BFACFFFF call dump_2.00406DF0
0040C131 8B4C24 0C mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0040C135 83C4 08 add esp,8
0040C138 51 push ecx
0040C139 FF15 D0434700 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.LoadLi>; kernel32.LoadLibraryA
0040C13F 8BF0 mov esi,eax
0040C141 85F6 test esi,esi
0040C143 75 1A jnz short dump_2.0040C15F //jmp
0040C145 68 00200000 push 2000
0040C14A 50 push eax
0040C14B 68 ECC74800 push dump_2.0048C7EC ; ASCII "Registration error 88. Please contact iRider support."
0040C150 50 push eax
0040C151 FF15 04474700 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.MessageB>; USER32.MessageBoxA
0040C18B 52 push edx
0040C18C 50 push eax
0040C18D FF15 C0424700 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.GetPro>; kernel32.GetProcAddress
0040C193 8BF0 mov esi,eax
0040C195 85F6 test esi,esi
0040C197 75 1A jnz short dump_2.0040C1B3 //jmp
0040C199 68 00200000 push 2000
0040C19E 50 push eax
0040C19F 68 3CC74800 push dump_2.0048C73C ; ASCII "Registration error 89. Please contact iRider support."
0040C1A4 50 push eax
0040C1A5 FF15 04474700 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.MessageB>; USER32.MessageBoxA
0040C1AB 6A 59 push 59
0040C1AD FF15 D4434700 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.ExitPr>; kernel32.ExitProcess
0040C1B3 8D4C24 0C lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]
0040C1B7 E8 D6550400 call dump_2.00451792
0040C1BC 8BC6 mov eax,esi
0040C1BE 5E pop esi
0040C1BF C3 retn
0040C1C0 81EC 04040000 sub esp,404
0040C1C6 8D4424 00 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp]
0040C1CA 68 B4C44800 push dump_2.0048C4B4
0040C1CF 50 push eax
0040C1D0 E8 1BACFFFF call dump_2.00406DF0
0040C1D5 8B5424 08 mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]
0040C1D9 83C4 08 add esp,8
0040C1DC 8D4C24 04 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]
0040C1E0 68 00040000 push 400
0040C1E5 51 push ecx
0040C1E6 52 push edx
0040C1E7 FF15 94424700 call dword ptr ds:[<&kernel32.GetEnv>; kernel32.GetEnvironmentVariableA
0040C1ED 85C0 test eax,eax
0040C1EF 75 1A jnz short dump_2.0040C20B //jmp
0040C1F1 68 00200000 push 2000
0040C1F6 50 push eax
0040C1F7 68 A4C84800 push dump_2.0048C8A4 ; ASCII "Registration error 86. Please contact iRider support."
::0041A7E1:: E8 DA19FFFF CALL 0040C1C0 \:JMPUP
::0041A7E6:: E8 3519FFFF CALL 0040C120 \:JMPUP
::0041A7EB:: 8BF0 MOV ESI, EAX
::0041A7ED:: 68 7CC84800 PUSH 48C87C \->: ?莭聗?苮??利启?泅婪鲤??荔苐
::0041A7F2:: 56 PUSH ESI
::0041A7F3:: E8 7819FFFF CALL 0040C170 \:JMPUP
::0041A7F8:: 83C4 08 ADD ESP, 8
::0041A7FB:: FFD0 CALL EAX //这里出错,数据在壳中,nop试试
::0041A7FD:: 56 PUSH ESI
::0041A7FE:: FF15 B8424700 CALL [4742B8] >>>: KERNEL32.DLL:释放dll
::0041A804:: E8 671AFFFF CALL 0040C270 \:JMPUP
0041A4FD FFD7 call edi
0041A4FF 83F8 03 cmp eax,3 //用户名位数>3
0041A502 76 51 jbe short dump_3.0041A555
0041A504 8D8424 3C080000 lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+83C]
0041A50B 68 00040000 push 400
0041A510 50 push eax
0041A511 68 2E040000 push 42E
0041A516 56 push esi
0041A517 FFD7 call edi
0041A519 83F8 10 cmp eax,10 //注册码位数>16
0041A51C 76 37 jbe short dump_3.0041A555
0041A51E 8D8C24 3C080000 lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+83C]
0041A525 8D5424 3C lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]
0041A529 51 push ecx //试练码入栈
0041A52A 52 push edx //用户名入栈
0041A52B FFD3 call ebx //关键,担着部分在壳里,没办法nop掉
0041A52D 84C0 test al,al
0041A52F /74 13 je short dump_3.0041A544 //nop
0041A531 6A 00 push 0
0041A533 68 BCCC4800 push dump_3.0048CCBC ; ASCII "Register"
0041A538 68 08C74800 push dump_3.0048C708 ; ASCII "Thank you. Your name and key have been accepted."
0041A53D 56 push esi
0041A53E FF15 04474700 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.MessageB>; USER32.MessageBoxA
0041A544 68 2D040000 push 42D
0041A549 56 push esi
0041A54A FF15 0C474700 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.EndDialo>; USER32.EndDialog
0041A550 E9 13020000 jmp dump_3.0041A768
0041A555 6A 01 push 1
0041A557 68 BCCC4800 push dump_3.0048CCBC ; ASCII "Register"
0041A55C 68 70C64800 push dump_3.0048C670 ; ASCII "Sorry, this name and/or key is not valid. Please enter the correct name and key exactly as provided to you. You can use Copy and Paste to avoid typing."
0041A561 56 push esi
0041A562 FF15 04474700 call dword ptr ds:[<&user32.MessageB>; USER32.MessageBoxA