\*** Armadillo-手动脱变种的壳***///
***** 原著crUsAdEr**翻译FTBirthday ****
这篇教程的目标是讨论Armadillo 2.61的保护机制以及如何手动地脱去armadillo的保护层! 希望以此能够展示出,被越来越依赖于工具的cracker们,遗忘的手动脱壳技术的威力.
IDA 4.15
Soft Ice on Win2k/SP3
LordPE Deluxe
脱壳对象: Get Right 5.0 beta 1
下载连接: GetRight5.0beta
Armadillo 2.61只是附加了一些新特性,使得逆向工程变得更有趣.Armadillo调试由它自身保护的软件, 这一点使得我们这些crackers在跟踪调试目标时,遇到了很大的困难.但是好的一方面是Armadillo自身的代码并没有被以任何方式加上花指令或者加密,所以我们可以用IDA反汇编保护层,以供研究之用.
i) 这篇tutorial中的所有代码片断都是从IDA反汇编得到的,包括IAT redirection 部分,其他部分也可以在相同的地址在IDA反汇编代码中被找到,只要你获得的是相同版本的Getright.exe.
ii) 贯穿这篇essay,我以ebp+someName的形式使用变量名,以使得读者在softice中跟踪调试时易于理解,你需要键入实际值,例如"ebp+FFFFFAE0"
iii) Armadillo保护的程序开启了两个进程,保护壳调试被保护的目标,所以我有必要说明,调试器为"server" 被调试软件为"Client"
iv) 同样要注意的是IAT redirection在WIN9x平台上是不同于winNT/2k/XP的,所以这篇essay仅仅讨论IAT redirection在win2k平台,当然你可以在win9x平台上以类似的方法找到 IAT redirection routine!
(最后,请在Fravia board上阅读关于Armadillo保护的理论和方法,还要确信你已经牢固的理解了PE文件格式,因为那是重建PE映象的基础!)
第一步. 打败 copy-mem II
好了, 我希望你已经知道什么是copy-mem II和它能做什么. 标准的流程, 下bpx SetProcessWorkingSetSize去找OEP
一旦softice中断了,检查softice是否在Get Right的领空,如果不在则按F5直到softice在Get Right 的领空中断.然后按F12辅之以F10跟踪过去一些指令,直到你看到一个"call edi"指令,停在那儿,然后写下edi的值.那就是OEP.移除所有断点,然后"bpx WriteProcessMemory".按F5,一旦softice中断按F12 两次你将会在通常所谓的Armadillo的decrypting routine, 这个你在先前的Armadillo版本中已经见过的.
005E03FF 6A 00 push 0 ; 标志(flag)表明Decrypt 如果是0
; 如果 flag 是 1 则 encrypt
005E0401 8B 4D 0C mov ecx, [ebp+key_address]
005E0404 51 push ecx
005E0405 8B 55 08 mov edx, [ebp+block_no]
005E0408 52 push edx
005E0409 E8 76 01 00 00 call Decrypt_Encrypt ;<--这里对异常页解码call Decrypt_Encrypt
005E040E 83 C4 0C add esp, 0Ch ;==YOU SHOULD LAND HERE!!!!
试着在这些指令间循环以迫使它decrypt所有的code section然后你将会得到一堆垃圾,因为现在每1000h bytes 的memory block都有一个不同的decrypt key.所以我们将必须去找出decrypt key的产生routine.
0044E421 A1 88 9A 45 00 mov eax, ds:block_count ;<==注意!!! ds:block_count
0044E426 83 C0 01 add eax, 1 ; 已经decrypted memory block数量加1
0044E429 A3 88 9A 45 00 mov ds:block_count, eax ; in process counter
0044E470 mov edx, ds:block_count ; compare number if decrypted blocks
0044E476 3B 15 70 66 45 00 cmp edx, ds:max_number_of_decrypted_block ; with maximum no. allowed
0044E47C 0F 8E FA 00 00 00 jle ok ; <=则继续解密块
正如你能猜到的,Armadillo 储存了已经decrypted的memory block数量,以确保在任何时刻,并非所有的blocks 都被同时decrypted到内存中.如果你"bpm max_number_of_decrypted_block",你将会看到Armadillo通过把text code section size除以1000h (number of memory blocks)然后再除以2,来获得此值.这里你有两种方法, 给跳转打补丁以确保它始终跳转或者我们可以改变value at ds:max_number_of_decrypted_block 为1000h, 某些很大的值!!!!
做完这些后,按F12我们将在Armadillo"server"的调试循环(Debug loop)中了.
0044D697 LOOP: ; Start looping here to force
0044D697 8B 8D 2C FA FF FF mov ecx, [ebp+mem_block] ; decrypt the whole code section
0044D69D 3B 0D 84 9A 45 00 cmp ecx, ds:text_section_size
0044D6A3 0F 8D C7 00 00 00 jge continue_1 ;change to "jmp eip", infinite loop whenfinished
0044D6A9 8B 95 9C FA FF FF mov edx, [ebp+trap_flag_not_set_flag]
0044D6AF 81 E2 FF 00 00 00 and edx, 0FFh ;armadillo set trap flag at the beginning of(可以decrypt时edx被置0了)
0044D6B5 85 D2 test edx, edx ;its debug loop to check if it is being traced(edx=edx and 0FFh=000h)
0044D6B7 0F 84 A9 00 00 00 jz continue_ok ; and it is checking for the flag now!
0044D6BD 6A 00 push 0 ; instruct to decrypt code
0044D6BF 8B B5 2C FA FF mov esi, [ebp+mem_block]
0044D6C5 C1 E6 04 shl esi, 4
0044D6C8 8B 85 2C FA FF FF mov eax, [ebp+mem_block]
----------SNIP--------------- ; Decrypt key Generation
0044D73F 83 E7 0F and edi, 0Fh ; codes removed but u can refer to IDA
0044D742 03 F7 add esi, edi ; disassembly
0044D744 8B 15 74 9A 45 00 mov edx, ds:key_address_table
0044D74A 8D 04 B2 lea eax, [edx+esi*4]
0044D74D 50 push eax
0044D74E 8B 8D 2C FA FF FF mov ecx, [ebp+mem_block]
0044D754 51 push ecx
0044D755 E8 86 0B 00 00 call Decrypt_codes ; push crypt_flag
0044D755 ; push key_add
0044D755 ; push mem_address
0044D75A 83 C4 0C add esp, 0Ch ;==YOU SHOULD LAND HERE!!!!
0044D75D 25 FF 00 00 00 and eax, 0FFh
0044D762 85 C0 test eax, eax ;here patch to increment the mem block
0044D762 ;value to force decrypting the next block
0044D764 74 0A jz short bad_jump ;then jump to LOOP 0067B0E8
现在我们知道Armadillo如何为每个memory block generates keys,然后把它传递Decrypt_codes routine. 同样的, 我们可以理解为什么当我们单步跟踪调试"server-debugger"code时Armadillo会悄无声息的退出了.这里,我们应该使得包含key generation routine的大loop去强迫armadillo decrypt整个code section. 在地址44D75D处,do
下命令a eip
inc dword ptr [ebp+mem_block]
jmp LOOP:44D697 ;跳回循环头
然后我们edit在"ebp+mem_block"处的值为0 (告诉Armadillo从第一个memory block开始decrypting), 并且设置end point at 44D6A3 通过改变那儿的指针为"jge 46D6A3".这儿Armadillo在检查mem block 是否超过了code section,我们简单的设了一个无限循环在那儿.让程序运行, 等一会儿以后启动LordPE 去make a full image dump. 如果LordPE 报告"Can't grab memory"那么你可能做错了什么,Armadillo 没有完全decrypted the code section. 完成这一步, 我们进入下一阶段rebuild IAT.
第二步.Rebuild Import data
用LordPE打开packed file然后研究section header, 你将会发现import data应该在section .idata! 为什么?因为名字name已经告诉了... 你可以再确认一下,用Hex Workshop打开file然后去那个 section offset,你将会看到scattering(分散的) words like "kernel32.dll" and "user32.dll" 等等... Import data 应该就在那儿!
我们的任务是找到API redirection routine, 研究它然后based on this routine去rebuild our Import.
为了找到IAT redirection routine,使用"addr"command of softice to 进入被保护(client) program的领空, 然后
bpm IAT_address W(一旦中断,disable 这个断点)
bpx GetProcAddress(一旦中断,disable 这个断点)
F12 两次,我们现在应该在这儿.
10006622 39 3D E8 C7 01 10 cmp dll_handle_table, edi ; check if pointer is 0 because edi = 0 here
10006628 B8 E8 C7 01 10 mov eax, offset dll_handle_table ; here is the Table listing
1000662D 74 0C jz short no_special_IAT ; special DLL and their handles
1000662F ; the APIs in these DLL will be redirected
1000662F loop:
1000662F 3B 48 08 cmp ecx, [eax+8] ; is dll handle same as handle listed
10006632 74 1B jz short special_dll
10006634 83 C0 0C add eax, 0Ch ; next dll on the table
10006637 39 38 cmp [eax], edi
10006639 75 F4 jnz short loop
1000663B no_special_IAT: ; Get API address normally, no redirection!!!
1000663B push dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ; lpProcName
1000663E FF 75 08 push [ebp+dll_handle] ; int
10006641 E8 41 00 00 00 call GetProcAddr
10006646 59 pop ecx ;==WE SHOULD LAND HERE!!!!
10006647 59 pop ecx
1000664F; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000664F special_dll:
1000664F 8B 40 04 mov eax, [eax+4] ; get Special IAT table
10006652 3B C7 cmp eax, edi ; if eax = 0
10006654 74 E5 jz short no_special_IAT
10006656 39 78 08 cmp [eax+8], edi
10006659 8B F0 mov esi, eax ; esi points to start of special API
1000665B 74 DE jz short no_special_IAT ; name table?these APIs will be redirected
1000665D API_name_check_loop:
1000665D 66 3B DF cmp bx, di
10006660 74 06 jz short loc_10006668
10006662 66 3B 5E 04 cmp bx, [esi+4]
10006666 EB 0E jmp short loc_10006676
10006668 loc_10006668:
10006668 FF 36 push dword ptr [esi] ; The API name in special API table
1000666A FF 75 0C push dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ; our API name
1000666D E8 8E 2B 01 00 call StringCompare
10006672 59 pop ecx
10006673 59 pop ecx
10006674 85 C0 test eax, eax ; if API name is found on the table
10006676 ; jump to Redirect_API_now
10006676 loc_10006676:
10006676 74 0A jz short Redirect_API_now
10006678 83 C6 10 add esi, 10h ; if not, update pointer on table to next API
1000667B 39 7E 08 cmp [esi+8], edi ; Is there anymore API on the table?
1000667E 75 DD jnz short API_name_check_loop ; if Yes then loop back to check this API
10006680 EB B9 jmp short no_special_IAT ; else go ahead and find API address normally
10006682; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10006682 Redirect_API_now:
10006682 8B 46 08 mov eax, [esi+8] ; eax = redirected API address
10006685 EB C1 jmp short end_routine 00A4A496 load_next_dl_import:
1001C7E8 18 C8 01 10 dd offset strKernel32_dll ; "kernel32.dll"
1001C7EC A8 C4 01 10 dd offset kernel32_API_table
1001C7F0 00 00 00 00 kernel32_handle dd 0
1001C7F4 0C C8 01 10 dd offset strUser32_dll ; "user32.dll"
1001C7F8 C8 C7 01 10 dd offset User32_API_table
1001C7FC 00 00 00 00 User32_handle dd 0
1001C4A8 1C CB 01 10 dd offset strExitprocess ; "ExitProcess"
1001C4AC 00 00 00 00 dd 0
1001C4B0 77 6C 00 10 dd offset Fake_ExitProcess ; if string compare is same, this
1001C4B4 00 00 00 00 dd ExitProcess_Address ; Fake_ExitProcess routine is used!!!
1001C4B8 08 CB 01 10 dd offset strTerminateprocess ; "TerminateProcess"
1001C4BC 00 00 00 00 dd 0
1001C4C0 CA 6C 00 10 dd offset Fake_TerminateProcess
1001C4C4 00 00 00 00 dd TerminateProcess_Address
1001C4C8 FC CA 01 10 dd offset strExitthread ; "ExitThread"
1001C4CC 00 00 00 00 dd 0
1001C4D0 00 6D 00 10 dd offset Fake_ExitThread
1001C4D4 00 00 00 00 dd ExitThread_Address
在这一点上,如果你很懒,你可以简单地对dll_handle_table检测部分的代码打补丁,以跳过它.然后我们的 IAT就永远不会被redirected了,我们可以简单地启动Imprec或者Revirgin选择running process 去re-build IAT... 但是我们是在手动地做一切,不是吗:)所以让我们继续trace.如果你按F12 one more time,你将会在Import loading loop之中!
10010DED FF B5 70 FD FF FF push [ebp+API_name]
10010DF3 FF B5 94 FD FF FF push [ebp+dll_handle]
10010DF9 E8 FA 57 FF FF call Get_API_address
10010DFE 89 85 78 FD FF FF mov [ebp+API_add], eax <== WE SHOULD LAND HERE!!!!
10010E04 83 BD 78 FD FF FF 00 cmp [ebp+API_add], 0
10010E0B 75 38 jnz short API_add_found
10010E45 API_add_found :
10010E45 8B 85 80 FD FF FF mov eax, [ebp+IAT_add]
10010E4B 8B 8D 78 FD FF FF mov ecx, [ebp+API_add]
10010E51 89 08 mov [eax], ecx <==HERE is where first thunk is updated!!!
10010E53 8B 85 80 FD FF FF mov eax, [ebp+IAT_add]
10010E59 83 C0 04 add eax, 4
10010E5C 89 85 80 FD FF FF mov [ebp+IAT_add], eax
我的注释已经说过,设一个breakpoint在Call Get_API_Address然后trace around the loop去找它的hang. 然后你将会看到[ebp+API_name]存储了pointer to Import ASCIIs 紧接着这个pointer,你将会看到一长窜API和DLL名"WOW"这就是我们要找的Import ASCII :)吗,转储整个Table然后你会看到dump看起来如下:
PlaySoundA 0000KE
ExitProcess 00T
ErminateProcess 00 ExitThread 00 HeapReAlloc
研究这张表,我们将会看到它由一个DLL开始,然后RVA of first thunk corresponding with 那个 DLL, 然后从那个DLL Import的个数和从那个 DLL 所有Imports ASCII列表. 例如,WIMM.dll first thunk从001D519C开始, (记住字节是反转的)那儿有一个从这个DLL的import form 它是PlaySoundA. Kernel32.dll first thunk从1D4B74开始,那儿有9Fh Imports from kernel32.dll...等等
更进一步,如果当你在指令10010E51处通过"d eax"来看first thunk,你将会注意到First Thunk 没有被Armadillo touched !那意味着我们知道了original location of ASCII entries of API, 但是看一下those location我们只看到了很多0:(...所以Import ASCII被删除了,但是嘿,至少我们知道了each entry of Import ASCII被存储在何处.
所以我们现在要做我们必须得做的?我们需要rebuild Import Table,换句话说就是copy Import ASCII to location where they should be. Time for some patching on the fly! 设一个断点"bpm 10010DF3 x" 然后重启程序. 一旦中断.
a eip
mov ecx, [ebp+IAT_add]; get the RVA of Import ASCII
add ecx, 400002h ; calculate VA of Import ASCII by adding image base and 2 is size of HINT
push ecx
call lstrcpy
jmp API_add_found
啊哈,我希望你理解了那些补丁代码的作用.下一个任务是阻止Armadillo破坏我们的First Thunk, 简单的NOP 10010E51处的指令.最后,按F12让Armadillo为你rebuilt IAT... 一旦softice再次中断dump整个.idata segment.
当然你将会注意到the Import Directory丢失了,所以你的任务就是rebuild this directory. 我们应该把它当作留给读者的练习吗.如果你很想知道Import by ordinal因为我们不能复制Import ASCII 象import by name一样,别担心! Import by ordinal is handled 独立地被 Armadillo (如果你在softice窗口中翻页代码一至两页,你将看到all Get_API_address 都在那儿被called as well to handle ordinal cases. 然而,正如我说过的,我们的First Thunk是完整的所以Ordinals 已经被存储在First Thunk中了只要我们NOP了10010E51处的代码, 我们的Import by ordinals are preserved!
请注意:Another more generic approach would be coding a small utility that reads the Import ASCII dump and insert Import ASCII into our exe dump file and rebuild the Import Directory.这将会在当前任何Armadillo保护目标上都有用!!!
3.新的 int3 trick
现在启动exe and BOOM, 你将会从Windows得到一个消息说int3 occurs 但是没有被 handled. 那是最新的trick, Armadillo用来阻止被转储. 是时候重新进入softice和IDA去跟随了,仅仅去看Debug loop "server" 你将会看到 int3 handling routine.
0044DAAC 8B 85 38 FA FF FF mov eax, [ebp+lpDebugEvent]
0044DAB2 81 78 0C 03 00 00 80 cmp dword ptr [eax+0Ch], 80000003h ; INT 3 exception code
0044DAB9 0F 85 96 03 00 00 jnz loc_44DE55
0044DABF INT3_occur:
0044DABF 33 C9 xor ecx, ecx
0044DAC1 8A 0D 6E 9A 45 00 mov cl, ds:int3_feature_installed
从这儿开始我们的追求去kill int3.从这个point开始tracing,你将会看到"server"从"client" memory space读了a block of data然后将其分成四块tables然后将这tables decrypt到4块独立的虚拟内存空间中去.然后"server"使用GetThreadContext去检测"client"中eip的location.这个eip is one byte after the location int3 exception occurs! Trace on and we'll see that armadillo performs binary search on Table_1 to find the position of eip. 一旦 eip location in Table_1 found, 我们到达这里:
005DFDD5 8D 95 28 F7 FF FF lea edx, [ebp+Context]
005DFDDB 52 push edx
005DFDDC A1 58 BA 5E 00 mov eax, ds:table_2
005DFDE1 03 85 20 F7 FF FF add eax, [ebp+relative_location] ; location in table_1 where eip is found
005DFDE7 8A 08 mov cl, [eax]
005DFDE9 51 push ecx
005DFDEA E8 24 12 00 00 call Get_Jump_Type?; determine which kind of Jump it is
005DFDEF 83 C4 08 add esp, 8
005DFDF2 25 FF 00 00 00 and eax, 0FFh
005DFDF7 85 C0 test eax, eax
005DFDF9 74 1C jz short it_is_NOT_a_jump ;if al = 1 then it is a jump
005DFDFB 8B 95 20 F7 FF FF mov edx, [ebp+relative_location]; if al = 0 then it is not a jump
005DFE01 A1 48 BA 5E 00 mov eax, ds:Table_4
005DFE06 8B 8D E0 F7 FF FF mov ecx, [ebp+Context.Eip]; add eip with corresponding value in Table_3
005DFE0C 03 0C 90 add ecx, [eax+edx*4]?;?relative location = location of eip
005DFE0F 89 8D E0 F7 FF FF mov [ebp+Context.Eip], ecx ;?in Table 1
005DFE15 EB 1E jmp short Update_eip
005DFE17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
005DFE17 it_is_NOT_a_jump:
005DFE17 8B 15 5C BA 5E 00 mov edx, ds:Table_3
005DFE1D 03 95 20 F7 FF FF add edx, [ebp+relative_location] ;set edx to corresponding value in Table_4
005DFE23 33 C0 xor eax, eax
005DFE25 8A 02 mov al, [edx] ; get distance eip to be moved by
005DFE27 8B 8D E0 F7 FF FF mov ecx, [ebp+Context.Eip]
005DFE2D 03 C8 add ecx, eax
005DFE2F 89 8D E0 F7 FF FF mov [ebp+Context.Eip], ecx; update eip
005DFE35 Update_eip:
005DFE35 8D 95 28 F7 FF FF lea edx, [ebp+Context]
005DFE3B 52 push edx; lpContext
005DFE3C 8B 85 F4 F9 FF FF mov eax, [ebp+hThread]
005DFE42 50 push eax; hThread
005DFE43 FF 15 80 80 5E 00 call ds:SetThreadContext; SetThreadContext:
基本上,Armadillo已经在original exe中通过int3来replaced一些跳转(条件跳转和无条件跳转) 然后产生4 tables存储了那些跳转的信息包括位置,距离. 所有的都在packing time完成.正如你能看到的, 当int3在"client"进程中发生时,"server"会检查int3发生处的eip值,向上看Table_1, 一旦被发现,"server"会在table_2中检查相符合的值,那指的是在这个eip处是何种跳转.然后"server" 会检查eflags register 在"Client"领空(在call Get_Jump_type中routine)去看是否"client"应该jump或不跳. 如果jump然后 "Client"的eip会被移入Table_4中相应(jump distance)的值,如果不跳然后"Client"的eip会被移入 table_3中相应(length of jump instruction)的值.看一下Get_Jump_Type routine.
005E1046 jump type 9:
005E1046 B0 01 mov al, 1 ;al always 1 => always jump no matter what
005E1048 E9 AF 01 00 00 jmp end ;==>> JMP
005E104D jump type E:
005E104D 8B 55 0C mov edx, [ebp+context]
005E1050 8B 82 C0 00 00 00 mov eax, [edx+0C0h] ; get eflags register
005E1056 83 E0 41 and eax, 41h; check Zero and Carry flag
005E1059 F7 D8 neg eax ; eax is negative if either flag set
005E105B 1B C0 sbb eax, eax; eax = -1 if either flag is set
; eax = 0 if neither flag is set
005E105D 40 inc eax ; al = 1 when neither flag set
005E105E E9 99 01 00 00 jmp loc_5E11FC?; ==> jump when CF=0 and ZF=0 => JA
005E108C jump type 4: ; CODE XREF: Get_Jump_Type+2Cj
005E108C 8B 55 0C mov edx, [ebp+context]
005E108F 8B 82 C0 00 00 00 mov eax, [edx+0C0h] ; get eflags register
005E1095 25 80 00 00 00 and eax, 80h; check Sign Flag
005E109A F7 D8 neg eax
005E109C 1B C0 sbb eax, eax
005E109E 40 inc eax ; eax = 0 is S flag set, else eax = 1
005E109F 8B 4D 0C mov ecx, [ebp+context]
005E10A2 8B 91 C0 00 00 00 mov edx, [ecx+0C0h] ; get eflags
005E10A8 81 E2 00 08 00 00 and edx, 800h ; check Overflow flag
005E10AE F7 DA neg edx
005E10B0 1B D2 sbb edx, edx
005E10B2 42 inc edx ; edx = 0 if O flag set, else edx = 1
005E10B3 33 C9 xor ecx, ecx
005E10B5 3B C2 cmp eax, edx; compare eax with edx
005E10B7 0F 95 C1 setnz cl; al = 1 if not equal
005E10BA 8A C1 mov al, cl
005E10BC E9 3B 01 00 00 jmp end ; jump if SF != OF==>> JL
好的,总共那儿有11h种jump.最后,fix那些int3就是我们的任务.所以我编了一小段代码去scan through Table_1,检测每一个virtual address entry in table_1 在我们转储的文件中, 如果opcode是"CC" 那它就out int3,检测Table_2中相应的值以决定它是那种跳转(JNZ or JZ or JMP等等). 然后它检测table_3 去看how long the jump instruction should be 然后写入指定的正确的jump opcodes到我们的exe dump 文件中. 最后,它检测Table_4中相应的值,那个值是distance how far the jump is 然后再次update在 exe中的值.因此,运行被保护的程序, dump the 4 tables into 4 separate files, (确信 that Table_1 size is same as table_4 size and is 4 times the table_2 and 3 size. Why?). 我已经免费附加了这个小程序的masm源代码,以供你做参考.
4.The 最后的,决定性的 Touch
在fixing int3之后,转储的文件仍旧拒绝运行, 以很吵的beeping 退出.这个使我一时很受挫很迷惑...tracing doesn't seem to get me anywhere, 我又重新检查了一遍我的int3 patching routine,和IAT... 所有的东西看起来都很正常.我已经想尽办法,突然间我想到, 嘿,那些Beep sound并未在我运行original exe时出现, voila, bpx MessageBeep然后按F12我们到了这儿...
00438E03 68 C4 0E 5C 00 push offset strDellatsnisyad ; "DELLATSNISYAD" <==WHAT A STRING!!!
00438E08 8D 4D E4 lea ecx, [ebp-1Ch]
00438E0B 89 46 6C mov [esi+6Ch], eax
00438E0E E8 F4 42 10 00 call 4CString@@QAEABV0@PBD@Z ; CString::operator=(char const *)
00438E13 8D 4D E4 lea ecx, [ebp-1Ch]
00438E16 E8 91 46 10 00 call MakeReverse@CString@@QAEXXZ ; The name says it all :>
00438E1B 8B 7D E4 mov edi, [ebp-1Ch]
00438E1E B8 FF 00 00 00 mov eax, 0FFh
00438E23 50 push eax ; nSize
00438E24 50 push eax
00438E25 8D 4D E8 lea ecx, [ebp-18h]
00438E28 E8 84 45 10 00 call GetBuffer@CString@@QAEPADH@Z ; CString::GetBuffer(int)
00438E2D 50 push eax ; lpBuffer
00438E2E 57 push edi ; lpName
00438E2F FF 15 8C 4C 5D 00 call ds:GetEnvironmentVariableA ; GetEnvironmentVariableA:
00438E35 85 C0 test eax, eax ; check how many days installed :)
00438E37 6A FF push 0FFFFFFFFh
00438E39 8D 4D E8 lea ecx, [ebp-18h]
00438E3C 75 36 jnz short GOOD_JUMP ; if variable not found, BEEP n exit
00438E3E E8 BD 45 10 00 call ReleaseBuffer@CString@@QAEXH@Z ; CString::ReleaseBuffer(int)
00438E43 6A 01 push 1 ; uType
00438E45 FF 15 64 50 5D 00 call ds:MessageBeep ; MessageBeep:
00438E4B 53 push ebx ;<== LAND HERE
所以我们的任务就是去为program的conditional jump打补丁, 就像试图去恢复一个download你将会收到另一个beep :)... 哈 太好,我们只需要用IDA, click on GetEnvironmentalVarableA and 检查所有参考, 什么地方called去检测Armadillo全局变量像DAYSINSTALLED,等等.注意那些检测后面通常紧跟着一个MessageBeep你会很快找到那些check.
现在Get Right就像一个婴儿一样运行:)... 虽然我发现下载很慢.我个人不推荐你去使用这个下载引擎:),所以一旦你crack它,请立即卸载它!
5. 尾声
这就是它, phew. 好长的一篇tutorial!我希望你觉得它有帮助.我已经尽我所能详细解释,但是我相信我不可能解释清楚每一个细节问题或者这篇tutorial太长了以至于任何人读它都会觉得很枯躁. 所以你发现任何有不清楚的部分,在fravia board上发一个消息给我,我会作出适当的修正.
针对狂热爱好者:如果你注意到IAT redirection routine是在一些隐藏的memory space, 你可以试着scrolling up到beginning of this memory section然后你将会看到一个PE header! Check out the image size in the header,设置一个bpm在image的尾部(以确保整个image被装载到内存) 然后重新运行Get Right,一旦softice中断,检测整个image是否被装载到内存?转储它并重命名为rma.dll 你将会得到一个virgin dll它export functions like "LoadProgramInfo", "NukeNow", "CheckNetLicense", "ArmAccess" and "RunUserProgram". 希望无限了:)???
如果离开了Fravia Message Board上人们的帮助,这篇tutorial不可能诞生. 所以感谢飞向Fravia board和mirc上所有的朋友.
特别感谢Woody和March^drn (get well soon :)
最后编辑: 7 Nov 2002