// 说明:输入注册名:tHinkIng
// 19:13 2003-5-9
* Reference To: USER32.GetDlgItemTextA,
:00404FEB E807600100
Call 0041AFF7
Possible Ref to Menu: PROFMINEMENU1, Item: "-嘯E]"
:00404FF0 6A0A
push 0000000A
:00404FF2 6818EE4100
push 0041EE18
Possible Reference to Dialog: DIALOG_ABOUT1, CONTROL_ID:0066, "Bojan Urosevic"
* Possible Reference
to String Resource ID=00102: "m筨"
6A66 push
:00404FF9 53
push ebx
* Reference To: USER32.GetDlgItemTextA,
:00404FFA E8F85F0100
Call 0041AFF7
:00404FFF 6818EE4100
push 0041EE18;[0041EE18] =
:00405004 68C8ED4100 push
0041EDC8;[0041EDC8] = tHinkIng
:00405009 E849060000
call 00405657;注册码验证模块,跟入!
:0040500E 83C408
add esp, 00000008
A222EE4100 mov byte ptr [0041EE22],
:00405016 84C0
test al, al
:00405018 7411
je 0040502B
:0040501A C60574C0410000
mov byte ptr [0041C074], 00
:00405021 6A00
push 00000000
53 push
* Reference To: USER32.EndDialog, Ord:0000h
:00405024 E8EC5F0100
Call 0041B015
:00405029 EB13
jmp 0040503E
Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00401821 , :00405009
55 push
:00405658 8BEC
mov ebp, esp
:0040565A 83C4E4
add esp, FFFFFFE4
:0040565D 53
push ebx
:0040565E 56
:0040565F 57
push edi
:00405660 8B5D0C
mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+0C];ebx = 14259775
8B4D08 mov ecx,
dword ptr [ebp+08];ecx = tHinkIng
:00405666 33C0
xor eax, eax;eax = 0
2 3 4
5 6 7
数字:1 4
2 5 9 7 7
ebp-18 ebp-14 ebp-10 ebp-C ebp-8 ebp-4
Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
0FBE1403 movsx edx, byte
ptr [ebx+eax];edx = '1' = 31
:0040566C 83C2D0
add edx, FFFFFFD0;将对应的字符数字转换为数字
895485E4 mov dword ptr
[ebp+4*eax-1C], edx;edx = 1
:00405673 837C85E400
cmp dword ptr [ebp+4*eax-1C], 00000000;判断edx是否小于0
7C07 jl 00405681
837C85E409 cmp dword ptr [ebp+4*eax-1C],
:0040567F 7E23
jle 004056A4
Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"-------"
:00405681 682DC44100
push 0041C42D
:00405686 51
push ecx
:00405687 E8F4F00000
call 00414780
:0040568C 83C408
add esp, 00000008
Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"-------"
:0040568F 6835C44100
push 0041C435
:00405694 53
push ebx
:00405695 E8E6F00000
call 00414780
:0040569A 83C408
add esp, 00000008
33C0 xor
eax, eax
:0040569F E9A5000000 jmp
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional
Jump at Address:
:004056A4 40
inc eax;eax++
83F807 cmp eax,
:004056A8 7CBE
jl 00405668;仅仅取注册码的前7位
:004056AA 6945F4E8030000
imul eax, dword ptr [ebp-0C], 000003E8;eax
= 9 * 3E8 = 2328
:004056B1 6B55EC64
imul edx, dword ptr [ebp-14], 00000064;edx = 2 * 64 = C8
03C2 add
eax, edx;eax = eax + edx = 2328 + C8 = 23F0
:004056B7 8B55FC
mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-04];edx
= 7
:004056BA 03D2
add edx, edx;edx = edx + edx = E
:004056BC 8D1492
lea edx, dword ptr [edx+4*edx];edx
= 5*edx = 46
:004056BF 03C2
add eax, edx;eax = eax + edx = 23F0 + 46 = 2436
0345E4 add eax,
dword ptr [ebp-1C];eax = eax + 1 = 2437
:004056C4 6BF00D
imul esi, eax, 0000000D;esi
= eax * D = 2437 * D = 1D6CB
:004056C7 8BC6
mov eax, esi;eax = esi = 1D6CB
BEC5000000 mov esi, 000000C5;esi
= C5
:004056CE 99
cdq;edx = 0
:004056CF F7FE
idiv esi;eax = eax/esi = 1D6CB/C5 = 263
edx = 9C
:004056D1 8BF2
mov esi, edx;esi = edx = 9C
:004056D3 33FF
xor edi, edi;edi =
:004056D5 33C0
xor eax, eax;eax = 0
说明:esi = ([1]+[3]*64+[5]*3E8+[7]*A)*D/C5的余数
= 9C
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump
at Address:
:004056D7 803C0100
cmp byte ptr [ecx+eax], 00
:004056DB 740C
je 004056E9
0FBE1401 movsx edx, byte
ptr [ecx+eax];edx = 74
:004056E1 03FA
add edi, edx;edi = edi + edx = 74
40 inc
:004056E4 83F850
cmp eax, 00000050;取注册名前50个
:004056E7 7CEE
jl 004056D7
Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
8BC6 mov
eax, esi;eax = esi = 9C edi = 31C
:004056EB 51
push ecx;ecx为注册名位置,入栈
说明:edi = 注册名所有ASCII码的和 = 31C
* Possible Ref to Menu: PROFMINEMENU1,
Item: "-嘯E]"
:004056EC B90A000000
mov ecx, 0000000A;ecx = A
99 cdq;edx
= 0
:004056F2 F7F9
idiv ecx;eax = eax/ecx = 9C/A = F edx = 6
59 pop
:004056F5 03C7
add eax, edi;eax = eax + edi = F + 31C = 32B
BF64000000 mov edi, 00000064;edi
= 64
:004056FC 99
cdq;edx = 0
:004056FD F7FF
idiv edi;eax = eax/edi = 32B/64 = 8 edx
= B
:004056FF 8BFA
mov edi, edx;edi = edx = B
:00405701 8BC6
mov eax, esi;eax = esi = 9C
说明:edi = (31C(edi) + 9C(esi)/A)/64的余数 = B
* Possible Ref
to Menu: PROFMINEMENU1, Item: "-嘯E]"
:00405703 BE0A000000 mov
esi, 0000000A;esi = A
:00405708 99
cdq;edx = 0
:00405709 F7FE
idiv esi;eax = eax/esi
= 9C/A = F edx = 6
:0040570B 8BC7
mov eax, edi;eax = edi = B
03C0 add
eax, eax;eax = eax + eax = 16
:0040570F 8D0480
lea eax, dword ptr [eax+4*eax];eax = 5*eax
= 6E
:00405712 03D0
add edx, eax;edx = edx + eax = 6 + 6E = 74
:00405714 8BF2
mov esi,
edx;esi = edx = 74
:00405716 6B45F064
imul eax, dword ptr [ebp-10], 00000064;eax = 5*64 = 1F4
8B55E8 mov edx,
dword ptr [ebp-18];edx = 4
:0040571D 03D2
add edx, edx;edx = edx + edx = 8
8D1492 lea edx,
dword ptr [edx+4*edx];edx = 5*edx = 28
:00405722 03C2
add eax, edx;eax = eax + edx
= 1F4 + 28 = 21C
:00405724 0345F8
add eax, dword ptr [ebp-08];eax = eax + 7 = 223
3BC6 cmp
eax, esi
:00405729 741E
je 00405749
说明:esi = B(edi)*A+9C(esi)/A的余数
= 74
eax = [2]*A+[4]*64+[6] = 223
Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"-------"
:0040572B 683DC44100
push 0041C43D
:00405730 51
push ecx
:00405731 E84AF00000
call 00414780
:00405736 83C408
add esp, 00000008
Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"-------"
:00405739 6845C44100
push 0041C445
:0040573E 53
push ebx
:0040573F E83CF00000
call 00414780
:00405744 83C408
add esp, 00000008
33C0 xor
eax, eax
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional
Jump at Addresses:
|:0040569F(U), :00405729(C)
:00405749 5F
pop edi
5E pop
:0040574B 5B
pop ebx
:0040574C 8BE5
mov esp, ebp
:0040574E 5D
pop ebp
:0040574F C3