• 标 题:S-DEMO2 注册分析 (14千字)
  • 作 者:jmzz003
  • 时 间:2002-6-25 21:52:49
  • 链 接:http://bbs.pediy.com


1:  use w32dasm to find "Register failure!"

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040374A 6A00              push 00000000

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Register Failure!"
:0040374C 689CD24100          push 0041D29C
:00403751 8BCD              mov ecx, ebp

2:  goto 00403682 ,look up

:00403672 51              push ecx
:00403673 52              push edx
:00403674 B9C0E74200          mov ecx, 0042E7C0
:00403679 E8D24C0000          call 00408350      ====> track into
:0040367E 85C0              test eax, eax
:00403680 6A00              push 00000000
:00403682 0F84C2000000          je 0040374A
:00403688 8D8C24A8000000      lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+000000A8]

* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00403679  , :004044DB  , :00404F7B
:00408350 81EC34010000          sub esp, 00000134
:00408356 53              push ebx
:00408357 55              push ebp
:00408358 56              push esi
:00408359 8BF1              mov esi, ecx
:0040835B 57              push edi
:0040835C 89742410          mov dword ptr [esp+10], esi

* Reference To: MFC42.Ordinal:0490, Ord:0490h
:00408360 E8A9960000          Call 00411A0E
:00408365 8B8C2448010000      mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+00000148]
:0040836C 8B4004          mov eax, dword ptr [eax+04]

* Reference To: MSVCRT.sprintf, Ord:02B2h
:0040836F 8B2DC0934100          mov ebp, dword ptr [004193C0]
:00408375 81C6D4000000          add esi, 000000D4
:0040837B 56              push esi
:0040837C 51              push ecx
:0040837D 8D942484000000      lea edx, dword ptr [esp+00000084]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%s%s"
:00408384 68C0D44100          push 0041D4C0
:00408389 52              push edx
:0040838A 89442424          mov dword ptr [esp+24], eax
:0040838E FFD5              call ebp
// strcat(Name,ID)

:00408390 8B9C245C010000      mov ebx, dword ptr [esp+0000015C]
:00408397 83C9FF          or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:0040839A 8BFB              mov edi, ebx
:0040839C 33C0              xor eax, eax
:0040839E F2              repnz
:0040839F AE              scasb
:004083A0 F7D1              not ecx
:004083A2 2BF9              sub edi, ecx
:004083A4 8D542428          lea edx, dword ptr [esp+28]
:004083A8 8BC1              mov eax, ecx
:004083AA 8BF7              mov esi, edi
:004083AC 8BFA              mov edi, edx
:004083AE C1E902          shr ecx, 02
:004083B1 F3              repz
:004083B2 A5              movsd
:004083B3 8BC8              mov ecx, eax
:004083B5 83E103          and ecx, 00000003
:004083B8 F3              repz
:004083B9 A4              movsb
:004083BA 8D8C248C000000      lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000008C]
:004083C1 51              push ecx
:004083C2 53              push ebx
:004083C3 E848FCFFFF          call 00408010  ===> important ,track into
:004083C8 83C418          add esp, 00000018

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Clayman"
:004083CB BFD0D14100          mov edi, 0041D1D0
:004083D0 8BF3              mov esi, ebx
// strcmp(pCode,"Clayman")

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004083D2 8A16              mov dl, byte ptr [esi]
:004083D4 8A0F              mov cl, byte ptr [edi]
:004083D6 8AC2              mov al, dl
:004083D8 3AD1              cmp dl, cl
:004083DA 751E              jne 004083FA
:004083DC 84C0              test al, al
:004083DE 7416              je 004083F6
:004083E0 8A4E01          mov cl, byte ptr [esi+01]
:004083E3 8A5701          mov dl, byte ptr [edi+01]
:004083E6 8AC1              mov al, cl
:004083E8 3ACA              cmp cl, dl
:004083EA 750E              jne 004083FA
:004083EC 83C602          add esi, 00000002
:004083EF 83C702          add edi, 00000002
:004083F2 84C0              test al, al
:004083F4 75DC              jne 004083D2

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004083F6 33C0              xor eax, eax
:004083F8 EB05              jmp 004083FF

4: main code
// str[] = "FZRHK01WGTPQSAVC";
// "Guest"
// Code[]
// pCode[]  // must be "Clayman"
// sCode[18]

* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:

|:00407F39  , :00407F95  , :004083C3     , :00408428  , :0040862A
:00408010 81ECCC000000          sub esp, 000000CC
:00408016 8B9424D0000000      mov edx, dword ptr [esp+000000D0]
:0040801D 53              push ebx
:0040801E 55              push ebp
:0040801F 56              push esi
:00408020 57              push edi

:00408021 8BFA              mov edi, edx
:00408023 83C9FF          or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00408026 33C0              xor eax, eax
:00408028 F2              repnz
:00408029 AE              scasb
:0040802A F7D1              not ecx
//  set code's len to ECX
//  ECX = CodeLen + 1

:0040802C 2BF9              sub edi, ecx
:0040802E 8D5C2414          lea ebx, dword ptr [esp+14]
:00408032 8BC1              mov eax, ecx
:00408034 8BF7              mov esi, edi
:00408036 8BFB              mov edi, ebx
:00408038 C1E902          shr ecx, 02
:0040803B F3              repz
:0040803C A5              movsd
:0040803D 8BC8              mov ecx, eax
:0040803F 33C0              xor eax, eax
:00408041 83E103          and ecx, 00000003
:00408044 F3              repz
:00408045 A4              movsb
// copy code to EDI = 0x0068dc78

:00408046 8D7C2414          lea edi, dword ptr [esp+14]
:0040804A 83C9FF          or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:0040804D F2              repnz
:0040804E AE              scasb
:0040804F F7D1              not ecx
:00408051 49              dec ecx
:00408052 8BF1              mov esi, ecx
// set code's len to ESI

:00408054 8A4C2414          mov cl, byte ptr [esp+14]
// set code's first char to CL

:00408058 89742410          mov dword ptr [esp+10], esi

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040805C 388828D54100          cmp byte ptr [eax+0041D528], cl
:00408062 7433              je 00408097          // must jmp (eax<0x10)
:00408064 40              inc eax
:00408065 83F810          cmp eax, 00000010
:00408068 7CF2              jl 0040805C
// set index of code first char in the str to EAX (EAX < 0x10)
// sCode[0] = a random char of str[]

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"!@#@#SDFG^*&"
:0040806A BF68D54100          mov edi, 0041D568
:0040806F 83C9FF          or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00408072 33C0              xor eax, eax
:00408074 F2              repnz
:00408075 AE              scasb
:00408076 F7D1              not ecx
:00408078 2BF9              sub edi, ecx
:0040807A 8BC1              mov eax, ecx
:0040807C 8BF7              mov esi, edi
:0040807E 8BFA              mov edi, edx
:00408080 C1E902          shr ecx, 02
:00408083 F3              repz
:00408084 A5              movsd
:00408085 8BC8              mov ecx, eax
:00408087 83E103          and ecx, 00000003
:0040808A F3              repz
:0040808B A4              movsb
:0040808C 5F              pop edi
:0040808D 5E              pop esi
:0040808E 5D              pop ebp
:0040808F 5B              pop ebx
:00408090 81C4CC000000          add esp, 000000CC
:00408096 C3              ret

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408097 83F810          cmp eax, 00000010
:0040809A 7DCE              jge 0040806A

:0040809C 8B9C24E4000000      mov ebx, dword ptr [esp+000000E4]
:004080A3 BD0F000000          mov ebp, 0000000F
:004080A8 2BE8              sub ebp, eax
// set EBP = 0X0F - IdxCodeFirstCharInStr(EAX)

:004080AA 8BFB              mov edi, ebx
:004080AC 83C9FF          or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:004080AF 33C0              xor eax, eax
:004080B1 F2              repnz
:004080B2 AE              scasb
:004080B3 F7D1              not ecx
:004080B5 49              dec ecx
// set NameIdLen to ECX

:004080B6 33D2              xor edx, edx
:004080B8 8BC1              mov eax, ecx
:004080BA B907000000          mov ecx, 00000007
:004080BF F7F1              div ecx
:004080C1 8BCA              mov ecx, edx
// set (NameIdLen % 7) to ECX

:004080C3 85C9              test ecx, ecx
:004080C5 752B              jne 004080F2
//  if((NameIdLen % 7) == 0)
//    {
//  sorry, I don't see these code during I tracked!
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Guest"
:004080C7 BF20D54100          mov edi, 0041D520
:004080CC 83C9FF          or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:004080CF 33C0              xor eax, eax
:004080D1 F2              repnz
:004080D2 AE              scasb
:004080D3 F7D1              not ecx
:004080D5 2BF9              sub edi, ecx
:004080D7 8BD1              mov edx, ecx
:004080D9 8BF7              mov esi, edi
:004080DB 8BFB              mov edi, ebx
:004080DD C1E902          shr ecx, 02
:004080E0 F3              repz
:004080E1 A5              movsd
:004080E2 8BCA              mov ecx, edx
:004080E4 83E103          and ecx, 00000003
:004080E7 F3              repz
:004080E8 A4              movsb
// copy "Guest" to  EBX

:004080E9 8B742410          mov esi, dword ptr [esp+10]
:004080ED B905000000          mov ecx, 00000005
//  }

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004080F2 8BC5              mov eax, ebp
// set    (0X0F - IdxCodeFirstCharInStr) to EAX

:004080F4 99              cdq
:004080F5 F7F9              idiv ecx
// EDX = EAX % ECX
// ECX = (NameIdLen % 7) ? (NameIdLen % 7) : 5 ;
// EBX = (NameIdLen % 7) ? NameId : "Guest"
// SET    (0X0F - IdxCodeFirstCharInStr) % ECX to EDX

:004080F7 0FBE041A          movsx eax, byte ptr [edx+ebx]

:004080FB 250F000080          and eax, 8000000F
:00408100 7905              jns 00408107
:00408102 48              dec eax
:00408103 83C8F0          or eax, FFFFFFF0
:00408106 40              inc eax
//  ???
// support portion of chinese  or bug

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408107 8A8828D54100          mov cl, byte ptr [eax+0041D528]
:0040810D 8A442415          mov al, byte ptr [esp+15]
:00408111 3AC8              cmp cl, al
:00408113 740A              je 0040811F      // must jmp
// sCode[1] = str[eax]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"99#SDFG^*&"
:00408115 BF5CD54100          mov edi, 0041D55C
:0040811A E9C5000000          jmp 004081E4

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040811F 8D46FD          lea eax, dword ptr [esi-03]
// eax = CodeLen - 3

:00408122 33FF              xor edi, edi
:00408124 99              cdq
:00408125 2BC2              sub eax, edx
:00408127 D1F8              sar eax, 1
:00408129 85C0              test eax, eax
:0040812B 0F8E8F000000          jle 004081C0

:00408131 8D742416          lea esi, dword ptr [esp+16]
// ESI = &Code[2];

// for(;;)    //  004081B6
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408135 8A5601          mov dl, byte ptr [esi+01]
// DL = Code[2+2*EAX+1]

:00408138 33C9              xor ecx, ecx

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040813A 389128D54100          cmp byte ptr [ecx+0041D528], dl
:00408140 741C              je 0040815E        // must jmp (ecx <0x10)
:00408142 41              inc ecx
:00408143 83F910          cmp ecx, 00000010
:00408146 7CF2              jl 0040813A

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408148 32D2              xor dl, dl

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:00408173(C), :0040817A(U)
:0040814A 8A1E              mov bl, byte ptr [esi]
// BL = Code[2+2*EAX+1]

:0040814C 33C9              xor ecx, ecx

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040814E 389928D54100          cmp byte ptr [ecx+0041D528], bl
:00408154 7426              je 0040817C      // must jmp (ecx<0x10)
:00408156 41              inc ecx
:00408157 83F910          cmp ecx, 00000010
:0040815A 7CF2              jl 0040814E
:0040815C EB3A              jmp 00408198

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040815E 83F910          cmp ecx, 00000010
:00408161 7DE5              jge 00408148
:00408163 2BCD              sub ecx, ebp
:00408165 81C1803E0000          add ecx, 00003E80
:0040816B 8BD1              mov edx, ecx
:0040816D 81E20F000080          and edx, 8000000F
//  edx = (ecx - ebp + 0x3e80) & 0x0f

:00408173 79D5              jns 0040814A
:00408175 4A              dec edx
:00408176 83CAF0          or edx, FFFFFFF0
:00408179 42              inc edx
:0040817A EBCE              jmp 0040814A

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040817C 83F910          cmp ecx, 00000010
:0040817F 7D17              jge 00408198
:00408181 2BCD              sub ecx, ebp
:00408183 81C1803E0000          add ecx, 00003E80
:00408189 81E10F000080          and ecx, 8000000F
// ecx = (ecx - ebp + 0x3e80) & 0x0f

:0040818F 7909              jns 0040819A
:00408191 49              dec ecx
:00408192 83C9F0          or ecx, FFFFFFF0
:00408195 41              inc ecx
:00408196 EB02              jmp 0040819A

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040815C(U), :0040817F(C)
:00408198 32C9              xor cl, cl

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040818F(C), :00408196(U)
:0040819A 8AD9              mov bl, cl
:0040819C 83C602          add esi, 00000002
:0040819F C0E304          shl bl, 04
:004081A2 02DA              add bl, dl
:004081A4 8B9424E0000000      mov edx, dword ptr [esp+000000E0]
:004081AB 0FBEC9          movsx ecx, cl
:004081AE 881C17          mov byte ptr [edi+edx], bl
// pCode[edx] = (CL << 4) + DL
// pCode must be "Clayman".

:004081B1 03E9              add ebp, ecx
// important
// ebp += ecx

:004081B3 47              inc edi
:004081B4 3BF8              cmp edi, eax
:004081B6 0F8C79FFFFFF          jl 00408135

:004081BC 8B742410          mov esi, dword ptr [esp+10]

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004081C0 8D542EFD          lea edx, dword ptr [esi+ebp-03]
:004081C4 81E20F000080          and edx, 8000000F
// edx =  (esi + ebp - 3) & 0x8000000f

:004081CA 7905              jns 004081D1
:004081CC 4A              dec edx
:004081CD 83CAF0          or edx, FFFFFFF0
:004081D0 42              inc edx

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004081D1 8A4C3413          mov cl, byte ptr [esp+esi+13]
:004081D5 8A9A28D54100          mov bl, byte ptr [edx+0041D528]
:004081DB 3ACB              cmp cl, bl
:004081DD 7432              je 00408211     // must jmp
// sCode last char
// sCode[16] = str[edx]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"45#SDFG^*&"
:004081DF BF50D54100          mov edi, 0041D550

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004081E4 83C9FF          or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:004081E7 33C0              xor eax, eax
:004081E9 F2              repnz
:004081EA AE              scasb
:004081EB F7D1              not ecx
:004081ED 2BF9              sub edi, ecx
:004081EF 8BD1              mov edx, ecx
:004081F1 8BF7              mov esi, edi
:004081F3 8BBC24E0000000      mov edi, dword ptr [esp+000000E0]
:004081FA C1E902          shr ecx, 02
:004081FD F3              repz
:004081FE A5              movsd
:004081FF 8BCA              mov ecx, edx
:00408201 83E103          and ecx, 00000003
:00408204 F3              repz
:00408205 A4              movsb
:00408206 5F              pop edi
:00408207 5E              pop esi
:00408208 5D              pop ebp
:00408209 5B              pop ebx
:0040820A 81C4CC000000          add esp, 000000CC
:00408210 C3              ret

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408211 8B8C24E0000000      mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+000000E0]
:00408218 5F              pop edi
:00408219 5E              pop esi
:0040821A 5D              pop ebp
:0040821B C6040800          mov byte ptr [eax+ecx], 00
// pCode[strlen(pCode)] = '\0'

:0040821F 5B              pop ebx
:00408220 81C4CC000000          add esp, 000000CC
:00408226 C3              ret

  • 标 题:S-DEMO2 KEY MAKE (MODIFY A BUG) (2千字)
  • 作 者:jmzz003
  • 时 间:2002-6-25 21:50:47
  • 链 接:http://bbs.pediy.com

//  Write by JMZZ  2002.06.24 (my Birthday)
//  Modify a bug  2002.06.25
//  I don't see those code from 004080C7 to 004080ED
//    during I tracked with SoftIce, sorry!
//  A Name can have 16 Codes.
//  Note: I don't test

//  The length of Name
//  CODE : 1 + 1 + 2 * sizeof(str4) + 1
//  The length of Code must be 17.
//  The first char is a char in the str1.
//  The second char is controled by NameID or str2.
//  The middle chars make pCode, pCode must be equal to str4.
//  The last char is controled by the total index(offset).

#include  "stdio.h"
#include  "string.h"

typedef  unsigned char     BYTE ;
typedef  unsigned long     DWORD;

int main(void)
    BYTE  str1[]="FZRHK01WGTPQSAVC";
    BYTE  str2[]="Guest";
    BYTE  str3[]="WARE\0\0\0\0Guest\0\0\0";
    BYTE  str4[]="Clayman";

    BYTE  Name[20] ="\0";
    BYTE  sCode[18]="\0";
    BYTE  Id[12] ="\0";
    BYTE  NameId[100];
    BYTE  c;
    DWORD NameIdLen , Index , i, j, k, jEbx, jEdx;

    printf("Input Name:");
    printf("Input ID:");
    NameIdLen = strlen(Name) + 11;  // IdLen = 11

      sCode[0] = str1[k];
      Index= 15 - k;
      i = NameIdLen % 7;
//    if( i != 0)
//     sCode[1]=str1[NameId[Index % i]&0x0f];
//    else
//     sCode[1]=str1[str2[Index % 5]&0x0f];

      if( i != 0)
      c = NameId[Index % i];
      if((c & 0x80)==0x80)    // support chinese
        c = (((c & 0x8f - 1) | 0xf0) +1 ) & 0x0f;
        if((c+1)%3 == 0)
         sCode[0] = '\0';
        // portion of sCode will be error!
        // I don't know this,if you know ,please tell me!
        // Email: leopard003@163.com
        sCode[1] = str3[c];
      sCode[1]=str1[str2[Index % 5]&0x0f];

      for(i=0;i< 7; i+=1)  //  7 = (CodeLen-3)/2  // CodeLen = 17
     jEbx = (str4[i] & 0xf0)>>4;
     j    =(- 0x80 + Index + jEbx) & 0x0f ;
     sCode[2+2*i] = str1[j];

     jEdx = str4[i] & 0x0f;
     j    =(- 0x80 + Index + jEdx) & 0x0f ;
     sCode[2+2*i+1] = str1[j];

     Index += jEbx;
      sCode[2 + 2*i] = str1[(Index+17-3)&0x0f];
      printf("Code= %s\n",sCode);
      for(i=0;i<17;i+=1) sCode[i]='\0';

    return 0;