Patching of Packed/Protected files...(Writing a Loader) - by R!SC
- With Loader-Source (Assembler)
Posted on Wednesday, March 13 @ 15:37:26 CET [ | ]
There are three ways to defeat packed/protected files
#1:Unpack them, then patch the 'exe
#2:Writing a loader, that waits for the program to unpack, then patches the
#3:Patching the packed file to patch itself when unpacked :)
In my eyes, they are like patching a reg code(#1), ripping a reg code(#2), and
writing a
keygen(#3), well, i never knew how to write a loader, so i decided to reverse
engineer another
crackers(Hayras's) loader/memory patcher, and re-write it in win32asm. It seemed
like a good
idea at the time :) and proves to be very useful indeed, more leet than ripping
a reg code, as
you may see....
Target Program: NeoTrace v1.22
Protection: Packed with Neolite & a little NAG when u want to exit
Ok, as i dont really like tutorials on cracking as such, and to make a long
story short, run
NeoTrace, enter softice
bpx DialogBoxParamA
Click on quit, BOOM, back into softice...hit F11, click on the OK button BOOM?,
in softice
again, note the cmp eax, 01, and eax is zero? the jnz 40A67F gets taken if eax
was not '1', ok,
for killing this, we skip the call to DialogBoxParamA, so in softice, bpx DialogBoxParamA
hit F11 when it breaks, click 'OK', use ctrl + cursor up to move up a few lines...
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A60F 8B0DF4404200 mov ecx, dword
ptr [004240F4]
:0040A615 8B15543F4200 mov edx, dword
ptr [00423F54]
:0040A61B 6A00
push 00000000
:0040A61D 68E08C4000 push 00408CE0
:0040A622 51
push ecx
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_00A4
:0040A623 68A4000000 push 000000A4
:0040A628 52
push edx
* Reference To: USER32.DialogBoxParamA, Ord:008Eh
:0040A629 FF15D8B24100 Call dword ptr
:0040A62F 83F801
cmp eax, 00000001
:0040A632 754B
jne 0040A67F
See the first push? at 40A61B? Thats the first paramater for the function, so
we want to jump
from there to 40A67F, where we would be if OK was pressed? in softice, type
in 'a 40A61B', then
'jmp 40A67F', write dowm the codes for the jump instruction (EB62), and the
address of it
(40A61B). Just a quick test that it works...
Run NeoTrace again, bpx getwindowtexta, type in an address to trace, click on
the trace button,
hi softice :), Hit F11, make sure your inside of Neotrace, then type in 'e 40a61b
eb,62' to do
our patch. 'bc *','x', click on quit, no NAG! kewl...
Right oh, easy crack, lets see a loader for it then :)
;-=-Loader.asm-=-=-cut & paste me :)=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; based on original loader.exe by Hayras [tNO '98] used in
; Hayras's Neolite v1.22 memory patcher.
; Special thanks to TNO for graciously allowing me to use this
; source on behalf of Hayras, who has now retired from the scene.
; Yes, Hayras's loader reversed by R!SC, then totally re-written
; & released to the public, so everyone can learn this shit :)
; Requires Tasm 5.0 & import32.lib to compile
; tasm32 /ml loader.asm
; tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c loader,loader,, import32.lib
; replace with whatever...
; (c)1999 R!SC (see what i do instead of cracking...duh) yey Prophecy!
.Model Flat ,StdCall
;Define the needed external functions and constants here.
Extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
Extrn WaitForInputIdle:PROC
Extrn WriteProcessMemory:PROC
Extrn ReadProcessMemory:PROC
Extrn CreateProcessA:PROC
Extrn CloseHandle:PROC
Extrn ExitProcess:PROC
;-=-Normal data-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
1999 ',0
CSiR_Error db 'Error!!!',0
CSiR_Error1 db 'Something fucked up...',0
OpenERR_txt db 'CreateProcess Error :(',0
ReadERR_txt db 'ReadProcessMemory Error :(',0
WriteERR_txt db 'WriteProcessMemory Error :P',0
VersionERR_txt db 'Incorrect Version of application :(',0
CSiR_ProcessInfo dd 4 dup (0) ;process
CSiR_StartupInfo db 48h dup (0) ;startup info
for the process were opening
CSiR_RPBuffer db 10h dup (0) ;read buffer,
for checking data
;-=-Patch datas-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
CSiR_AppName db 'NEOTRACE.EXE',0
fuck dd 40a61bh
; address to read data from for version checking
sizeof dd 10
; in the new process
checkbytes db 06ah,0,068h,0e0h,08ch ; the bytes to check
db 040h,0,051h,068h,0a4h
; if there not there, we have the wrong version??
patch_data_1 db 0ebh,62h
patch_size_1 dd 2
patch_addr_1 dd 40a61bh
push offset CSiR_Tag
mov dword ptr [CSiR_StartupInfo],44h ; (the size
in bytes of the structure)
push offset CSiR_ProcessInfo
push offset CSiR_StartupInfo
; Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
push 0
push 0
push 20h
; Creation flags
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push offset CSiR_AppName
; Pointer to name of executable mod
call CreateProcessA
test eax,eax
jz OpenERR
push LARGE-1
; Timeout (in milliseconds, -1 = infinate)
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo]
call WaitForInputIdle
push 0
; BytesRead
push dword ptr [sizeof]
; Length
push offset CSiR_RPBuffer
; Destination (to read them to)
push dword ptr [fuck]
; Source
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ;
Process whose memory we are to read
call ReadProcessMemory
test eax,eax
jz ReadERR
;int 03 ;-)
lea esi, CSiR_RPBuffer
lea edi, checkbytes
mov ecx, 10
rep cmpsb
jnz VersionERR
push 0
; Pointer to byteswritten
(i like null though)
push dword ptr [patch_size_1]
; Length
push offset patch_data_1
; Source
push dword ptr [patch_addr_1]
; Destination
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ;
Process whose memory we are to patch
call WriteProcessMemory
; Call Kernel32!WriteProcessMenory
test eax,eax
jz WriteERR
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo]
call CloseHandle
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo+4]
call CloseHandle
Push LARGE-1
Call ExitProcess
lea eax, VersionERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, ReadERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, OpenERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, WriteERR_txt
push 0
push offset CSiR_Error
; Title
push eax
; Message
push 0
call MessageBoxA
jmp Close_This_app
End Main
This basically loads the 'exe, the WaitForInputIdle function waits until the
given process is
waiting for user input with no input pending, then patches the memory, then
carrys on running
the process :)
Its pretty easy code to follow, and with just alterations of the 'patch datas'
section, can be
fixed to patch almost any program :)
If you fancy reversing a patch for neotrace, to make the packed version patch
itself, get mine
from, if you fancy reversing Hayras's loader yourself,
availble from
I know that WaitForInputIdle is not the best way to tell when a program has
depacked/deprotected itself, and if your having problems with it patching the
memory after it
should have done, you can change the timeout value.
With this loader, i have patched neolite & pecrypt so far, i know others
will work, but i havent
tested them yet...
love R!SC
;-=-Loader.asm-=-=-cut & paste me :)=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
; based on original loader.exe by Hayras [tNO '98] used in
; Hayras's Neolite v1.22 memory patcher.
; Special thanks to TNO for graciously allowing me to use this
; source on behalf of Hayras, who has now retired from the scene.
; Yes, Hayras's loader reversed by R!SC, then totally re-written
; & released to the public, so everyone can learn this shit :)
; Requires Tasm 5.0 & import32.lib to compile
; tasm32 /ml loader.asm
; tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c loader,loader,, import32.lib
; replace with whatever...
; (c)1999 R!SC (see what i do instead of cracking...duh) yey Prophecy!
.Model Flat ,StdCall
;Define the needed external functions and constants here.
Extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
Extrn WaitForInputIdle:PROC
Extrn WriteProcessMemory:PROC
Extrn ReadProcessMemory:PROC
Extrn CreateProcessA:PROC
Extrn CloseHandle:PROC
Extrn ExitProcess:PROC
;-=-Normal data-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
1999 ',0
CSiR_Error db 'Error!!!',0
CSiR_Error1 db 'Something fucked up...',0
OpenERR_txt db 'CreateProcess Error :(',0
ReadERR_txt db 'ReadProcessMemory Error :(',0
WriteERR_txt db 'WriteProcessMemory Error :P',0
VersionERR_txt db 'Incorrect Version of application :(',0
CSiR_ProcessInfo dd 4 dup (0) ;process
CSiR_StartupInfo db 48h dup (0) ;startup info
for the process were opening
CSiR_RPBuffer db 10h dup (0) ;read buffer,
for checking data
;-=-Patch datas-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
CSiR_AppName db 'NEOTRACE.EXE',0
fuck dd 40a61bh
; address to read data from for version checking
sizeof dd 10
; in the new process
checkbytes db 06ah,0,068h,0e0h,08ch ; the bytes to check
db 040h,0,051h,068h,0a4h
; if there not there, we have the wrong version??
patch_data_1 db 0ebh,62h
patch_size_1 dd 2
patch_addr_1 dd 40a61bh
push offset CSiR_Tag
mov dword ptr [CSiR_StartupInfo],44h ; (the size
in bytes of the structure)
push offset CSiR_ProcessInfo
push offset CSiR_StartupInfo
; Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
push 0
push 0
push 20h
; Creation flags
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push offset CSiR_AppName
; Pointer to name of executable mod
call CreateProcessA
test eax,eax
jz OpenERR
push LARGE-1
; Timeout (in milliseconds, -1 = infinate)
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo]
call WaitForInputIdle
push 0
; BytesRead
push dword ptr [sizeof]
; Length
push offset CSiR_RPBuffer
; Destination (to read them to)
push dword ptr [fuck]
; Source
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ;
Process whose memory we are to read
call ReadProcessMemory
test eax,eax
jz ReadERR
;int 03 ;-)
lea esi, CSiR_RPBuffer
lea edi, checkbytes
mov ecx, 10
rep cmpsb
jnz VersionERR
push 0
; Pointer to byteswritten
(i like null though)
push dword ptr [patch_size_1]
; Length
push offset patch_data_1
; Source
push dword ptr [patch_addr_1]
; Destination
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ;
Process whose memory we are to patch
call WriteProcessMemory
; Call Kernel32!WriteProcessMenory
test eax,eax
jz WriteERR
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo]
call CloseHandle
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo+4]
call CloseHandle
Push LARGE-1
Call ExitProcess
lea eax, VersionERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, ReadERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, OpenERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, WriteERR_txt
push 0
push offset CSiR_Error
; Title
push eax
; Message
push 0
call MessageBoxA
jmp Close_This_app
End Main
- 标 题:转:Patching of Packed/Protected files...(Writing a Loader) (13千字)
- 作 者:dm955
- 时 间:2002-3-14 3:04:21
- 链 接: