- 标 题:这个软件:http://www.psb.sz.js.cn/images/dir/3/CSharpEdSetup.exe 我研究了好久都没破成功
- 作 者:1212
- 时 间:2000-12-7 13:33:19
- 链 接:http://bbs.pediy.com
struct RegInfo
DWORD UserNameLength;
char UserName[USER_NAME_LENGTH]; //包括末尾的'\0'字符
DWORD RegCodeLength;
char RegCode[REG_CODE_LENGTH];
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"CSharpEd.bin"
:00406D45 689C244F00 push 004F249C
:00406D4A 8D4C2410 lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
:00406D4E 50
push eax
:00406D4F 51
push ecx
:00406D50 C744243000000000 mov [esp+30], 00000000
:00406D58 E80E760800 call 0048E36B
:00406D5D 8D4C2410 lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
:00406D61 C644242402 mov [esp+24],
:00406D66 E86B730800 call 0048E0D6
:00406D6B 8B54240C mov
edx, dword ptr [esp+0C]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"S3"
:00406D6F 6898244F00 push 004F2498
:00406D74 8D442408 lea
eax, dword ptr [esp+08]
:00406D78 52
push edx
:00406D79 50
push eax
:00406D7A E8814B0100 call 0041B900
:00406D7F 83C40C
add esp, 0000000C
:00406D82 8B4C2404 mov
ecx, dword ptr [esp+04]
:00406D86 C644242403 mov [esp+24],
:00406D8B 8B41F8
mov eax, dword ptr [ecx-08]
:00406D8E 85C0
test eax, eax
:00406D90 751A
jne 00406DAC
:00406D92 E8F9180000 call 00408690
:00406D97 8B501C
mov edx, dword ptr [eax+1C]
:00406D9A 6A00
push 00000000
:00406D9C 6A00
push 00000000
:00406D9E 6A10
push 00000010
:00406DA0 52
push edx
* Reference To: USER32.PostMessageA, Ord:01DEh
:00406DA1 FF1544774C00 Call dword ptr
:00406DA7 E9CD000000 jmp 00406E79
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00406DAC 8D442404 lea
eax, dword ptr [esp+04]
:00406DB0 56
push esi
:00406DB1 50
push eax
:00406DB2 8D4C2410 lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Antechinus C# Editor Licensed "
->"by "
:00406DB6 6874244F00 push 004F2474
:00406DBB 51
push ecx
:00406DBC E81E760800 call 0048E3DF
跟进上面判断注册码的地方,用ReadFile设断点,最终会看见计算注册码的地方,拷下来就可以做一个keyfile maker了。
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041BB45 0FBE1431 movsx
edx, byte ptr [ecx+esi]
:0041BB49 03C2
add eax, edx
:0041BB4B 41
inc ecx
:0041BB4C 3BCF
cmp ecx, edi
:0041BB4E 7CF5
jl 0041BB45
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041BB50 99
:0041BB51 F7FF
idiv edi
:0041BB53 53
push ebx
:0041BB54 55
push ebp
:0041BB55 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BB59 8BE8
mov ebp, eax
:0041BB5B 55
push ebp
:0041BB5C 6A00
push 00000000
:0041BB5E E8B92A0700 call 0048E61C
:0041BB63 8BC7
mov eax, edi
:0041BB65 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BB69 99
:0041BB6A 2BC2
sub eax, edx
:0041BB6C D1F8
sar eax, 1
:0041BB6E 8D1C30
lea ebx, dword ptr [eax+esi]
:0041BB71 0FBE0430 movsx
eax, byte ptr [eax+esi]
:0041BB75 03C5
add eax, ebp
:0041BB77 99
:0041BB78 2BC2
sub eax, edx
:0041BB7A D1F8
sar eax, 1
:0041BB7C 50
push eax
:0041BB7D 6A01
push 00000001
:0041BB7F E8982A0700 call 0048E61C
:0041BB84 8A4437FD mov
al, byte ptr [edi+esi-03]
:0041BB88 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BB8C 50
push eax
:0041BB8D 6A02
push 00000002
:0041BB8F E8882A0700 call 0048E61C
:0041BB94 0FBE4E05 movsx
ecx, byte ptr [esi+05]
:0041BB98 0FBE5604 movsx
edx, byte ptr [esi+04]
:0041BB9C 0FBE4603 movsx
eax, byte ptr [esi+03]
:0041BBA0 03CA
add ecx, edx
:0041BBA2 03C8
add ecx, eax
:0041BBA4 B856555555 mov eax,
:0041BBA9 F7E9
imul ecx
:0041BBAB 8BCA
mov ecx, edx
:0041BBAD C1E91F
shr ecx, 1F
:0041BBB0 8D440A03 lea
eax, dword ptr [edx+ecx+03]
:0041BBB4 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BBB8 89442410 mov
dword ptr [esp+10], eax
:0041BBBC 0420
add al, 20
:0041BBBE 50
push eax
:0041BBBF 6A03
push 00000003
:0041BBC1 E8562A0700 call 0048E61C
:0041BBC6 8B542410 mov
edx, dword ptr [esp+10]
:0041BBCA 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BBCE 8D042A
lea eax, dword ptr [edx+ebp]
:0041BBD1 99
:0041BBD2 2BC2
sub eax, edx
:0041BBD4 D1F8
sar eax, 1
:0041BBD6 2C1C
sub al, 1C
:0041BBD8 50
push eax
:0041BBD9 6A04
push 00000004
:0041BBDB E83C2A0700 call 0048E61C
:0041BBE0 8A4437FE mov
al, byte ptr [edi+esi-02]
:0041BBE4 8D6C37FE lea
ebp, dword ptr [edi+esi-02]
:0041BBE8 0420
add al, 20
:0041BBEA 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BBEE 50
push eax
:0041BBEF 6A05
push 00000005
:0041BBF1 E8262A0700 call 0048E61C
:0041BBF6 8A4B02
mov cl, byte ptr [ebx+02]
:0041BBF9 80C103
add cl, 03
:0041BBFC 51
push ecx
:0041BBFD 6A06
push 00000006
:0041BBFF 8D4C2434 lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+34]
:0041BC03 E8142A0700 call 0048E61C
:0041BC08 0FBE4C37FF movsx ecx,
byte ptr [edi+esi-01]
:0041BC0D 0FBE5602 movsx
edx, byte ptr [esi+02]
:0041BC11 0FBE4601 movsx
eax, byte ptr [esi+01]
:0041BC15 03CA
add ecx, edx
:0041BC17 0FBE5500 movsx
edx, byte ptr [ebp+00]
:0041BC1B 03C8
add ecx, eax
:0041BC1D 0FBE06
movsx eax, byte ptr [esi]
:0041BC20 03CA
add ecx, edx
:0041BC22 03C8
add ecx, eax
:0041BC24 B867666666 mov eax,
:0041BC29 F7E9
imul ecx
:0041BC2B D1FA
sar edx, 1
:0041BC2D 8BCA
mov ecx, edx
:0041BC2F C1E91F
shr ecx, 1F
:0041BC32 03D1
add edx, ecx
:0041BC34 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BC38 80EA03
sub dl, 03
:0041BC3B 52
push edx
:0041BC3C 6A07
push 00000007
:0041BC3E E8D9290700 call 0048E61C
:0041BC43 33DB
xor ebx, ebx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041BC45 8B54242C mov
edx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
:0041BC49 8A0413
mov al, byte ptr [ebx+edx]
:0041BC4C 3C5B
cmp al, 5B
:0041BC4E 7C08
jl 0041BC58
:0041BC50 3C60
cmp al, 60
:0041BC52 7F04
jg 0041BC58
:0041BC54 2C2A
sub al, 2A
:0041BC56 EB0E
jmp 0041BC66
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0041BC4E(C), :0041BC52(C)
:0041BC58 3C41
cmp al, 41
:0041BC5A 7C04
jl 0041BC60
:0041BC5C 3C7A
cmp al, 7A
:0041BC5E 7E11
jle 0041BC71
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041BC60 8AC3
mov al, bl
:0041BC62 D0E0
shl al, 1
:0041BC64 045D
add al, 5D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041BC66 50
push eax
:0041BC67 53
push ebx
:0041BC68 8D4C2434 lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+34]
:0041BC6C E8AB290700 call 0048E61C
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041BC71 43
inc ebx
:0041BC72 83FB08
cmp ebx, 00000008
:0041BC75 7CCE
jl 0041BC45
:0041BC77 8B742428 mov
esi, dword ptr [esp+28]
:0041BC7B 8D4C242C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C] //计算出来的注册码
:0041BC7F 51
push ecx
:0041BC80 8BCE
mov ecx, esi
:0041BC82 E8C4210700 call 0048DE4B
:0041B86C E85F020000 call 0041BAD0
:0041B871 8B44241C mov
eax, dword ptr [esp+1C]
:0041B875 83C408
add esp, 00000008
:0041B878 8D74245C lea
esi, dword ptr [esp+5C]
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041B87C 8A10
mov dl, byte ptr [eax] //正确的注册码
:0041B87E 8A1E
mov bl, byte ptr [esi] //假注册码
:0041B880 8ACA
mov cl, dl
:0041B882 3AD3
cmp dl, bl
:0041B884 751E
jne 0041B8A4
:0041B886 84C9
test cl, cl
:0041B888 7416
je 0041B8A0
:0041B88A 8A5001
mov dl, byte ptr [eax+01]
:0041B88D 8A5E01
mov bl, byte ptr [esi+01]
:0041B890 8ACA
mov cl, dl
:0041B892 3AD3
cmp dl, bl
:0041B894 750E
jne 0041B8A4
:0041B896 83C002
add eax, 00000002
:0041B899 83C602
add esi, 00000002
:0041B89C 84C9
test cl, cl
:0041B89E 75DC
jne 0041B87C
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0041B8A0 33C0
xor eax, eax
:0041B8A2 EB05
jmp 0041B8A9
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00406534 , :0040B7DB , :0040BA5E
:00409160 A0A9A24F00 mov al,
byte ptr [004FA2A9]
:00409165 C3
:0040B7DB E880D9FFFF call 00409160
:0040B7E0 84C0
test al, al
:0040B7E2 751E
jne 0040B802
:0040B7E4 6AFF
:0040B7E6 6A00
push 00000000
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00223: "Working with projects is
only available to registered users"
:0040B7E8 68DF000000 push 000000DF