远程控制程式,http://hbsafe.yeah.net 可控制鼠标、键盘、屏幕、硬盘、可远程提取密码、。。。
call 00426E28
call 00407DD4
00462FC1 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
00462FC4 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
00462FC7 8D55F4 lea edx, [ebp-$0C]
* Reference to control Edit1 : TEdit
00462FCA 8B83EC020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02EC]
* Reference to: controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):System.String;
00462FD0 E8533EFCFF call 00426E28
00462FD5 8B45F4 mov eax, [ebp-$0C]
* Reference to: sysutils.StrToInt(System.AnsiString):System.Integer;
00462FD8 E8F74DFAFF call 00407DD4
00462FDD 8BF0 mov esi, eax 把第1个框内的数值放入esi
00462FDF 8D55F0 lea edx, [ebp-$10]
* Reference to control Edit2 : TEdit
00462FE2 8B83F0020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F0]
* Reference to: controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):System.String;
00462FE8 E83B3EFCFF call 00426E28
00462FED 8B45F0 mov eax, [ebp-$10]
* Reference to: sysutils.StrToInt(System.AnsiString):System.Integer;
00462FF0 E8DF4DFAFF call 00407DD4
00462FF5 03F0 add esi, eax 把第2个框内的数值加入esi
00462FF7 8D55EC lea edx, [ebp-$14]
* Reference to control Edit3 : TEdit
00462FFA 8B83F4020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F4]
* Reference to: controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):System.String;
00463000 E8233EFCFF call 00426E28
00463005 8B45EC mov eax, [ebp-$14]
* Reference to: sysutils.StrToInt(System.AnsiString):System.Integer;
00463008 E8C74DFAFF call 00407DD4
0046300D 8BF8 mov edi, eax 把第3个框内的数值放入edi
0046300F 8D55E8 lea edx, [ebp-$18]
* Reference to control Edit4 : TEdit
00463012 8B8300030000 mov eax, [ebx+$0300]
* Reference to: controls.TControl.GetText(TControl):System.String;
00463018 E80B3EFCFF call 00426E28
0046301D 8B45E8 mov eax, [ebp-$18]
* Reference to: sysutils.StrToInt(System.AnsiString):System.Integer;
00463020 E8AF4DFAFF call 00407DD4
00463025 0FAFF8 imul edi, eax 第3个框的数值和第4个框的数值相乘
00463028 03F7 add esi, edi 加上第1、2框内数值之和
0046302A 81FED0070000 cmp esi, $000007D0 比较是否等于十进制的2000
00463030 0F85C7000000 jnz 004630FD 等于则通过
最简单的注册码就是 2000 0 0 0
0x02 0x6Fh 0x6B 0x00 0x00 0x00