目标:apis32 v 2.5,
另一个目标:WMV to AVI MPEG DVD WMV Converter 1.4.8

1.Brief Introduction to RSA

   取自RSA-Tool 2Help

  1.1. About RSA

   RSA is a Public Key  Cryptosystem developed in 1977 by Ronald  Rivest,Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman.Since 09-20-2000 the U.S. Patent #4,405,829 on this Algorithm EXPIRED!That means that the Algorithm is Public  Domain now and can be used by everyone for free, even in commercial software.

1.2. Parameters

 P = 1st large prime number

Q = 2nd large prime number  (sizes of P and Q should not differ too much!)

 E = Public Exponent (a random number  which must fulfill :

               GCD(E,  (P-1)*(Q-1))==1)

 N = Public Modulus, the product of P and Q: N=P*Q

 D = Private Exponent: D=E^(-1) mod ((P-1)*(Q-1))


  Parameters N and E are public whereas D is -private- and must NEVER be published! P and Q are not longer needed after keygeneration and should be destroyed.

To obtain D from the public key (N, E) one needs to try splitting N in its both prime factors P and Q. For a large Modulus N  (512 bit and more) with carefully chosen primefactors P and Q this is a very difficult problem.

All the security of the RSA encryption scheme relies on that integer factorization problem (tough there's no mathematical proof for it).To find out more read here:



1.3. Encryption

   To encrypt a messageblock (M) (which must be < N), compute:

 Ciphertext = C = M^E mod N.

 Note:  If the  entire message  (M) is  > N  it must  be split into smaller

 blocks with size < N


1.4. Decryption

 To decrypt a given Ciphertext (C) to retrieve the Plaintext (M) as result,

compute: M=C^D mod N. The ' ^ ' sign in the above equations means 'power of', not XOR !

Note that the RSA scheme does also work the other way round:

 C=M^D mod N and M=C^E mod N. It's on you how you implement it. Just ALWAYS

 make SURE that you -NEVER- publish the private exponent D, P and/or Q !

2.Make a keygen for apis32 v2.5

2.1 Tools used

Dynamic DebuggerOllyDBG v1.10 fly修改版


2.2 Trace registration code checking routine



PUSHFW pushes the bottom 16 bits of the flags register (or the whole flags register, on processors below a 386) onto the stack.

PUSHAD pushes, in succession, EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP, ESI and EDI on the stack, decrementing the stack pointer by a total of 32. The value of SP or ESP pushed is its original value, as it had before the instruction was executed.






光标停留在popad那一行,F2下断点,再F9运行,中断在popadF7单步,执行jmp 00406360,后到达程序入口点:


然后用OllyDUMP插件Dump出程序,Rebuild import选项中选method 2dump出的程序保存为aris32_unpacked.exe,运行,OK


载入apis32,下硬件断点:HR esp,(esp=0012FFC4)

F9运行,中断在:004195D2   - E9 89CDFEFF       jmp apis32.00406360,这时注意观察:





Hardware breakpoints or BPM(Breakpoint on Memory) use the Debug Reg-

isters. In the archi-tectural x86 (+386) 4 debug registers(DR0-DR3) exists in the processor. Sowe can only set 4 BPM. The DR4 and DR5 are reserved registers, the DR6register is for the debugger and the DR7 register still using for the type of

break for the DR0-DR3 registers.













00401711   |.  E8 2A390000     call aris32_u.00405040






断在00405040,执行call 00405370后,发现,eax0A,这是输入的假注册码:“1234567890”的长度。




004050DA   |.  BE 41B74000     mov esi,aris32_u.0040B741            ;  ASCII "234567890abcdef"

004050DF   |.  BF 54B74000     mov edi,aris32_u.0040B754            ;  ASCII "123456780abcdef"


004050E4   |>  57              /push edi

004050E5   |.  E8 E6010000     |call aris32_u.004052D0  =è见下面

004050EA   |.  8ACB            |mov cl,bl        bl是计数器,初值为0

004050EC   |.  83C4 04         |add esp,4

004050EF   |.  80C1 50         |add cl,50

004050F2   |.  83C7 02         |add edi,2          ;指针后移

004050F5   |.  32C1            |xor al,cl          ;与返回结果Xor

004050F7   |.  FEC3            |inc bl

004050F9   |.  8846 FF         |mov byte ptr ds:[esi-1],al  ;保存运算结果

004050FC   |.  C606 00         |mov byte ptr ds:[esi],0

004050FF   |.  46              |inc esi

00405100   |.  80FB 08         |cmp bl,8

00405103   |.^ 72 DF           \jb short aris32_u.004050E4



004052D0   /$  8B4C24 04    mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4]       ;  aris32_u.0040B754

004052D4   |.  8A01         mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx]

004052D6   |.  3C 39         cmp al,39                       <=9?

004052D8   |.  7E 04         jle short aris32_u.004052DE

004052DA   |.  04 C9         add al,0C9                    41hC910A

004052DC   |.  EB 02         jmp short aris32_u.004052E0

004052DE   |>  04 D0        add al,0D0                    39D0109

004052E0   |>  8A49 01       mov cl,byte ptr ds:[ecx+1]

004052E3   |.  80F9 39        cmp cl,39

004052E6   |.  7E 09          jle short aris32_u.004052F1        ;<=9?

004052E8   |.  C0E0 04       shl al,4                   ;左移4

004052EB   |.  80E9 37       sub cl,37                

004052EE   |.  0AC1         or al,cl                   ;合并为一个字节

004052F0   |.  C3            retn

004052F1   |>  C0E0 04        shl al,4

004052F4   |.  80E9 30         sub cl,30

004052F7   |.  0AC1           or al,cl

004052F9   \.  C3             retn






00405300   /$  53              push ebx

00405301   |.  55              push ebp

00405302   |.  8B6C24 10       mov ebp,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]

00405306   |.  56              push esi

00405307   |.  57              push edi

00405308   |.  8B7C24 14       mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]

0040530C   |.  33C9            xor ecx,ecx

0040530E   |.  2BFD            sub edi,ebp

00405310   |.  897C24 18       mov dword ptr ss:[esp+18],edi

00405314   |.  EB 04           jmp short aris32_u.0040531A

00405316   |>  8B7C24 18       /mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]

0040531A   |>  8D3429           lea esi,dword ptr ds:[ecx+ebp]

0040531D   |.  33D2            |xor edx,edx

0040531F   |.  B8 01000000     |mov eax,1

00405324   |.  C74424 14 07000>|mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14],7 //这是循环计数器

0040532C   |.  8A1437          |mov dl,byte ptr ds:[edi+esi]


0040532F   |.  8BFA            |mov edi,edx

00405331   |>  8BD7            |/mov edx,edi

00405333   |.  0FAFC2          ||imul eax,edx

00405336   |.  3D 99880000     ||cmp eax,8899

0040533B   |.  7E 0A           ||jle short aris32_u.00405347

0040533D   |.  99              ||cdq

0040533E   |.  BB 99880000     ||mov ebx,8899

00405343   |.  F7FB            ||idiv ebx

00405345   |.  8BC2            ||mov eax,edx      //Mod 8899,取余数

00405347   |>  8B5424 14       ||mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+14]

0040534B   |.  4A              ||dec edx

0040534C   |.  895424 14       ||mov dword ptr ss:[esp+14],edx

00405350   |.^ 75 DF           |\jnz short aris32_u.00405331

00405352   |.  99              |cdq

00405353   |.  BF BB000000     |mov edi,0BB

00405358   |.  F7FF            |idiv edi

0040535A   |.  41              |inc ecx

0040535B   |.  83F9 08         |cmp ecx,8

0040535E   |.  8816            |mov byte ptr ds:[esi],dl  //mod 0BB,保存余数

00405360   |.  C60429 00       |mov byte ptr ds:[ecx+ebp],0

00405364   |.^ 7C B0           \jl short aris32_u.00405316

00405366   |.  5F              pop edi

00405367   |.  5E              pop esi

00405368   |.  5D              pop ebp

00405369   |.  5B              pop ebx

0040536A   \.  C3              retn



0040514B   |.  80F9 08         cmp cl,8                         ;  cl是用户名长度

0040514E   |.  884C24 10       mov byte ptr ss:[esp+10],cl

00405152   |.  73 30           jnb short aris32_u.00405184       ;长度<8时,补到8

00405154   |.  8B5424 10       mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]

00405158   |.  BF C0C34000     mov edi,aris32_u.0040C3C0         ;  ASCII "winndy"

0040515D   |.  81E2 FF000000   and edx,0FF

00405163   |.  83C9 FF         or ecx,FFFFFFFF

00405166   |.  81C2 5EB74000   add edx,aris32_u.0040B75E          ;  ASCII "winndy"

0040516C   |.  F2:AE           repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]

0040516E   |.  F7D1            not ecx

00405170   |.  2BF9            sub edi,ecx

00405172   |.  8BC1            mov eax,ecx

00405174   |.  8BF7            mov esi,edi

00405176   |.  8BFA            mov edi,edx

00405178   |.  C1E9 02         shr ecx,2

0040517B   |.  F3:A5           rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword pt>

0040517D   |.  8BC8            mov ecx,eax

0040517F   |.  83E1 03         and ecx,3

00405182   |.  F3:A4           rep movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr >

00405184   |>  C605 66B74000 0>mov byte ptr ds:[40B766],0     ;用户名长度补足8位了

0040518B   |.  B9 54B74000     mov ecx,aris32_u.0040B754    ecx指向注册码变换二来的8bytes

00405190   |.  BE 08000000     mov esi,8

00405195   |>  8A01            /mov al,byte ptr ds:[ecx]

00405197   |.  3C 20           |cmp al,20

00405199   |.  73 0E           |jnb short aris32_u.004051A9

0040519B   |.  33D2            |xor edx,edx                 ;标志直接清0

0040519D   |.  25 FF000000     |and eax,0FF

004051A2   |.  8A51 0A         |mov dl,byte ptr ds:[ecx+A]     ecx+A指向用户名

004051A5   |.  0BD0            |or edx,eax

004051A7   |.  EB 0C           |jmp short aris32_u.004051B5

004051A9   |>  33D2            |xor edx,edx               ;

004051AB   |.  25 FF000000     |and eax,0FF

004051B0   |.  8A51 0A         |mov dl,byte ptr ds:[ecx+A]

004051B3   |.  33D0            |xor edx,eax                       

 ;  比较,如果edxeax,会置edx为零

004051B5   |>  03EA            |add ebp,edx                       

 ;  ebp保存比较结果,如果每次edx都为0,则ebp最终也为0

004051B7   |.  41              |inc ecx

004051B8   |.  4E              |dec esi

004051B9   |.^ 75 DA           \jnz short aris32_u.00405195

004051BB   |.  33C0            xor eax,eax

004051BD   |.  5F              pop edi

004051BE   |.  85ED            test ebp,ebp                         ;  ebp0吗?

004051C0   |.  5E              pop esi

004051C1   |.  5D              pop ebp

004051C2   |.  0F94C0          sete al          ;置注册码比较成功标志

004051C5   |.  5B              pop ebx

004051C6   |.  59              pop ecx

004051C7   \.  C3              retn



2.3 algorithm summary







6.取出一个byte,记为mnn×mn的初值为1,如果n大于8899H,则mod 8899H,余数赋给n。这样循环其次7次。

7.byte Mod 0BBh,保存余数。





2.4 write a keygen :Searching Table









2.5 write a keygen :RSA


参考了 ArchFire/ATA @2002-12-14在看雪的文章:《Api32 keygen: learn how to use RSA》。



   第6步:C=((M^7) mod 8899) mod 0bb=(M^7) mod 0bb, 因为 8899 mod 0bb=0


f=(p-1)*(q-1)= 10*0a=0a0,从程序知e7,下面就找d,使得:(d*e) mod f=1

即为求e的模逆(mod f).这需要有数论的知识,






M=(C^17) mod 0BBh



2.6 Some Questions and Assignment



7B6F1011-4E6B5B6A  ==RSA算法求得











F0 xor 57A7 A7――>28(


7B6F1011-4E6B5BF0      7B6F1011-4E6B5Bz   






3.Make a keygen for WMV to AVI MPEG DVD WMV Converter v1.4.8

3.1 Tools used

Dynamic DebuggerOllyDBG v1.10 fly修改版

Other RSA-Tool 2 v17 by tE! [TMG]

          PPSIQS V1.1 by Satoshi Tomabechi 2001

PPSIQS V1.1 download URLhttp://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~KC2H-MSM/cn/

3.2Trace registration code checking routine

载入WMV to AVI MPEG DVD WMV Converter.exe,这个程序是没有加壳的。









0041CA4F处下断,然后F7跟进call 00401AA5






00401AA5    $ /E9 76A70100     jmp WMV_to_A.0041C220


0041C220    > \6A F>push -1

0041C222    .  68 1>push WMV_to_A.00431D19               ;  SE handler installation

0041C227    .  64:A>mov eax,dword ptr fs:[0]

0041C22D    .  50   push eax

0041C22E    .  64:8>mov dword ptr fs:[0],esp

0041C235    .  81EC>sub esp,94

0041C23B    .  8B84>mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+A4]

0041C242    .  53   push ebx

0041C243    .  56   push esi

0041C244    .  50   push eax

0041C245    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]

0041C249    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+60],CD49046B

0041C251    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+64],829A80CB

0041C259    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+68],3F5157C0

0041C261    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+6C],B50C6384

0041C269    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+70],AA56D550

0041C271    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+74],B05ADF71

0041C279    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+78],7B2E3CD4

0041C281    .  C744>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+7C],CFB69AC3



D esp+60


0012C 634  6B 04 49 CD CB 80 9A 82  k


0012C63C  C0 57 51 3F 84 63 0C B5  Q?.

0012C644  50 D5 56 AA 71 DF 5A B0  P誚猶遉

0012C64C  D4 3C 2E 7B C3 9A B6 CF  ?.{脷断









0041C289    .  E8 E>call <jmp.&MFC42.#537>     ;  kernel32.lstrlenA;MSVCRT.memcpy

0041C28E    .  8B8C>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+B0]

0041C295    .  C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+A4],0

0041C2A0    .  51   push ecx

0041C2A1    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]

0041C2A5    .  E8 C>call <jmp.&MFC42.#537>

0041C2AA    .  8B54>mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]

0041C2AE    .  8B35>mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT._mbsc>;  msvcrt._mbscmp

0041C2B4    .  68 6>push WMV_to_A.0043FC60               ; /s2 = ""

0041C2B9    .  52   push edx                             ; |s1

0041C2BA    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+AC],1           ; |

0041C2C2    .  FFD6 call esi                             ; \_mbscmp

0041C2C4    .  83C4>add esp,8

0041C2C7    .  85C0 test eax,eax

0041C2C9    .  0F84>je WMV_to_A.0041C4DE                 ;  不跳

0041C2CF    .  8B44>mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]

0041C2D3    .  68 6>push WMV_to_A.0043FC60

0041C2D8    .  50   push eax

0041C2D9    .  FFD6 call esi                             ;  msvcrt._mbscmp

0041C2DB    .  83C4>add esp,8

0041C2DE    .  85C0 test eax,eax

0041C2E0    .  0F84>je WMV_to_A.0041C4DE                 ;  不跳

0041C2E6    .  57   push edi

0041C2E7    .  6A 0>push 0

0041C2E9    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+44]

0041C2ED    .  E8 8>call WMV_to_A.00401974

0041C2F2    .  6A 0>push 0

0041C2F4    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]

0041C2F8    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+AC],2

0041C300    .  E8 6>call WMV_to_A.00401974

0041C305    .  B3 0>mov bl,3

0041C307    .  68 0>push 10001


;注意这一句,这也是RSA的一个特征,E = Public  ExponentE一般等于10001H


0041C30C    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+5C]

0041C310    .  889C>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+AC],bl

0041C317    .  E8 5>call WMV_to_A.00401974               ;  BigCreate

0041C31C    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+58]

0041C320    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A8],4

0041C328    .  51   push ecx

0041C329    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]

0041C32D    .  E8 4>call WMV_to_A.00402072

0041C332    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+58]

0041C336    .  889C>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A8],bl

0041C33D    .  E8 5>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C342    .  8D54>lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+60]

0041C346    .  6A 0>push 8

0041C348    .  52   push edx

0041C349    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]

0041C34D    .  E8 9>call WMV_to_A.00401AEB               ;  -----

0041C352    .  B9 0>mov ecx,8

0041C357    .  33C0 xor eax,eax

0041C359    .  8D7C>lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]

0041C35D    .  8D54>lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+2C]

0041C361    .  F3:A>rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]

0041C363    .  8D44>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]

0041C367    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0041C36B    .  50   push eax

0041C36C    .  51   push ecx

0041C36D    .  8D44>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0041C371    .  52   push edx

0041C372    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0041C376    .  50   push eax

0041C377    .  8D54>lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0041C37B    .  51   push ecx

0041C37C    .  8D44>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0041C380    .  52   push edx

0041C381    .  8B54>mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+24]

0041C385    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+30]

0041C389    .  50   push eax

0041C38A    .  51   push ecx

0041C38B    .  68 B>push WMV_to_A.0043EDB0               ; |format = "%08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX"






0041C390    .  52   push edx                             ; |s

0041C391    .  FF15>call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT.sscanf>] ; \sscanf

0041C397    .  8B44>mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+50]        ;  注册码第五段,

0041C39B    .  8B4C>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]        ;  第四段,

0041C39F    .  8B7C>mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]        ;  第三段,

0041C3A3    .  8B54>mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+44]        ;  第二段,

0041C3A7    .  03C1 add eax,ecx

0041C3A9    .  8B4C>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+5C]        ;  第八段

0041C3AD    .  03C7 add eax,edi

0041C3AF    .  8B7C>mov edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+58]        ;  第七段

0041C3B3    .  03C2 add eax,edx

0041C3B5    .  8B54>mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+54]        ;  6

0041C3B9    .  33C8 xor ecx,eax

0041C3BB    .  8B44>mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]        ;  第一段,eax12345678

0041C3BF    .  83C4>add esp,28                         ;调整堆栈

0041C3C2    .  03D0 add edx,eax

0041C3C4    .  894C>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+34],ecx         ;结果保存之




0041C3C8    .  33FA xor edi,edx

0041C3CA    .  6A 0>push 0                             ;堆栈调整,esp4

0041C3CC    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]

0041C3D0    .  897C>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+34],edi          ;结果保存之




0012C718  78 56 34 12 EF CD AB 90  xV4锿珢

0012C720  78 56 34 12 EF CD AB 90  xV4锿珢

0012C728  78 56 34 12 EF CD AB 90  xV4锿珢

0012C730  1F 72 D4 B0 21 85 6B D5  ­r!



Code(8)= (code(5)+code(4)+code(3)+code(2)) Xor code(8)

code(7) =(code(1)+code(6)) xor code(7)



0041C3D4    .  E8 9>call WMV_to_A.00401974

0041C3D9    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]

0041C3DD    .  6A 0>push 8

0041C3DF    .  51   push ecx

0041C3E0    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+40]

0041C3E4    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+B0],5

0041C3EC    .  E8 F>call WMV_to_A.00401AEB               ; BigCreate

0041C3F1    .  8D54>lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+38]

0041C3F5    .  8D44>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+50]

0041C3F9    .  52   push edx

0041C3FA    .  50   push eax

0041C3FB    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+48]

0041C3FF    .  E8 2>call WMV_to_A.00401E33               ;  这个call可以不理

0041C404    .  B9 0>mov ecx,8

0041C409    .  33C0 xor eax,eax

0041C40B    .  8D7C>lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+18]

0041C40F    .  6A 0>push 8

0041C411    .  F3:A>rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]          ; 0012C718起始处的数据块清0

0041C413    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C]

0041C417    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+AC],6

0041C41F    .  51   push ecx

0041C420    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+58]

0041C424    .  E8 0>call WMV_to_A.0040202C         DeRSA




D 0012C718

0012C718  43 CA 85 DB E3 C4 39 C3  C蕝坫?

0012C720  42 CE 4B 65 67 3C A3 C5  Beg<

0012C728  05 0D 29 7E 07 06 81 1F  .)~?

0012C730  D8 1D 83 37 33 4A F9 80  ??3J



0041C429    .  B9 0>mov ecx,8                            ;  0012C718

0041C42E    .  33C0 xor eax,eax

0041C430    .  8DBC>lea edi,dword ptr ss:[esp+80]

0041C437    .  F3:A>rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]

0041C439    .  5F   pop edi

0041C43A    >  8A54>mov dl,byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+17]      ;  esp+14=0012C718

0041C43E    .  8A4C>mov cl,byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+16]      ;  esp+7C=0012C780

0041C442    .  8854>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+7C],dl

0041C446    .  8B54>mov edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+eax+14]

0041C44A    .  884C>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+7D],cl

0041C44E    .  8A4C>mov cl,byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+14]

0041C452    .  C1EA>shr edx,8

0041C455    .  8854>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+7E],dl

0041C459    .  884C>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+eax+7F],cl

0041C45D    .  83C0>add eax,4

0041C460    .  83F8>cmp eax,20

0041C463    .^ 7C D>jl short WMV_to_A.0041C43A           ;  Big Endian 变换




0012C718  43 CA 85 DB E3 C4 39 C3  C蕝坫?

0012C720  42 CE 4B 65 67 3C A3 C5  Beg<

0012C728  05 0D 29 7E 07 06 81 1F  .)~?

0012C730  D8 1D 83 37 33 4A F9 80  ??3J



0012C780  DB 85 CA 43 C3 39 C4 E3  蹍蔆?

0012C788  65 4B CE 42 C5 A3 3C 67  eK蜝牛<g

0012C790  7E 29 0D 05 1F 81 06 07  ~).­?

0012C798  37 83 1D D8 80 F9 4A 33  7?貈鵍3


0041C465    .  8D54>lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+7C]        ;  0012C780

0041C469    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]

0041C46D    .  52   push edx

0041C46E    .  E8 0>call <jmp.&MFC42.#537>    ;  kernel32.lstrlenA;MSVCRT.memcpy

0041C473    .  8B44>mov eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]        ;  eax是由注册码经RSA解密得来的字符串

0041C477    .  8B4C>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]         ;  ecx指向用户名


D ecx

003A6620  77 69 6E 6E 64 79 00 BA  winndy.

003A6628  0D F0 AD BA 0D F0 AD BA  .?

003A6630  0D F0 AD BA 0D F0 AD BA  .?

003A6638  0D F0 AD BA 0D F0 AD BA  .?


0041C47B    .  50   push eax

0041C47C    .  51   push ecx

0041C47D    .  FFD6 call esi                             ;  msvcrt._mbscmp




0041C47F    .  83C4>add esp,8

0041C482    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+10]

0041C486    .  85C0 test eax,eax

0041C488    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],6

0041C490    .  0F84>je WMV_to_A.0041C51C                 ;  要跳

0041C496    .  E8 A>call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>

0041C49B    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]

0041C49F    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],5

0041C4A7    .  E8 E>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C4AC    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]

0041C4B0    .  889C>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],bl

0041C4B7    .  E8 D>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C4BC    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+44]

0041C4C0    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],8

0041C4C8    .  E8 C>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C4CD    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]

0041C4D1    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],1

0041C4D9    .  E8 B>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C4DE    >  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]

0041C4E2    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],0

0041C4EA    .  E8 5>call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>

0041C4EF    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]

0041C4F3    .  C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+A4],-1

0041C4FE    .  E8 4>call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>

0041C503    .  5E   pop esi

0041C504    .  33C0 xor eax,eax                          ;  flag

0041C506    .  5B   pop ebx

0041C507    .  8B8C>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+94]

0041C50E    .  64:8>mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx

0041C515    .  81C4>add esp,0A0

0041C51B    .  C3   retn

0041C51C    >  E8 2>call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>

0041C521    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+4C]

0041C525    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],5

0041C52D    .  E8 6>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C532    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+34]

0041C536    .  889C>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],bl

0041C53D    .  E8 5>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C542    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+44]

0041C546    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],9

0041C54E    .  E8 4>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C553    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+3C]

0041C557    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],1

0041C55F    .  E8 3>call WMV_to_A.00401F96

0041C564    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+8]

0041C568    .  C684>mov byte ptr ss:[esp+A4],0

0041C570    .  E8 D>call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>

0041C575    .  8D4C>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+C]

0041C579    .  C784>mov dword ptr ss:[esp+A4],-1

0041C584    .  E8 C>call <jmp.&MFC42.#800>

0041C589    .  8B8C>mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+9C]

0041C590    .  5E   pop esi

0041C591    .  B8 0>mov eax,1                            ;  flag

0041C596    .  5B   pop ebx

0041C597    .  64:8>mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx

0041C59E    .  81C4>add esp,0A0

0041C5A4    .  C3   retn


3.3 algorithm summary









3.4 write a keygen :RSA

最难的就是大数N的分解,Np*q, RSA-Tool分解太慢,最好的工具是PPSIQS V1.1 by Satoshi Tomabechi 2001


经过1个小时多一点(P4 1.7G),分解完毕,结果保存在SIQS.LOG中,得到

93951393961625247111454448822519571285412527322314031847324223587660098765931 = P39 * P39

P39 = 304268020309461933344817079717793018591

P39 = 308778404861838864852708240341186890741


打开RSA-Tool ,将它们转为十六进制数:











利用C=M^D mod N 便可以计算注册码了。





然后调用C=M^D mod N,计算注册码CC的第7段和第8段再经过Xor处理,再用格式化字符串输出,即为注册码:


注册机采用了biglib v.0.01e by fleur。感谢作者!



3.5 Some Questions and Assignment



   还有一个任务,请尝试用其他语言写出注册机。另外,网上有个miracl库,全称是MIRACL - Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C Library



  本文介绍了用RSA算法保护的软件的破解方法。从简单的RSA8到复杂的RSA256,并且给出了RSA8的穷举方法。还介绍了RSA-Tool 2 by te! [TMG]的使用方法,以及利用ppsiqs v1.1分解大数。还介绍了OllyDBG动态调试工具的基本使用方法。为了补充数论的知识,还给出了一个手动求模逆的例题。







GCD (a, b) = GCD (b, a % b)


int Euclid_Algorithm (int m, int n)
        int temp = m;

        if (!m || !n) return 0;
        if (m < n)    {m = n; n = temp;}

        while (1) {
                if (!(m = m % n)) return n;
                if (!(n = n % m)) return m;


k*k-1=1(mod 26)

k-1k的模逆, 可以用扩展的Euclid算法求出来。


ax = 1 (mod 26) 其中x = a-1

相当于 ax + by = 1b = 26,求满足条件的一组x, y。当然我们只要x就好.

现在考虑一般的 ax + by = 1 如何求解。

因为满足条件的x, y存在的条件是GCD(a, b) = 1.

然后有 ax + by = GCD (a, b)

而同时有 bx' + (a % b)y' = GCD (b, a % b)

Euclid定理GCD (a, b) = GCD (b, a % b)

所以, ax + by = bx' + (a % b)y'= bx' + (a - [a/b]*b)y'= bx' + ay' - [a/b]*b y'= ay' + b(x' - [a/b]y')

对应, x = y'y = x' - [a/b]y'[a/b]a/b再取整。

特别的, b = 0的时候, GCD (a, b) = a = a * 1 + b * 0

x = 1, y = 0





sscanf <stdio.h>

int sscanf(

   const char *buffer,

   const char *format [,

   argument ] ...





Stored data


Format-control string. For more information, see Format Specifications.


Optional arguments

Return Value

Each of these functions returns the number of fields successfully converted and assigned; the return value does not include fields that were read but not assigned. A return value of 0 indicates that no fields were assigned. The return value is EOF for an error or if the end of the string is reached before the first conversion.


The sscanf function reads data from buffer into the location given by each argument. Every argument must be a pointer to a variable with a type that corresponds to a type specifier in format. The format argument controls the interpretation of the input fields and has the same form and function as the format argument for the scanf function. If copying takes place between strings that overlap, the behavior is undefined.


Format Specification Fields: scanf and wscanf Functions

A format specification has the following form:


%[*] [width] [{h | l | I64 | L}]type


The format argument specifies the interpretation of the input and can contain one or more of the following:


White-space characters: blank (' '); tab ('\t'); or newline ('\n'). A white-space character causes scanf to read, but not store, all consecutive white-space characters in the input up to the next non–white-space character. One white-space character in the format matches any number (including 0) and combination of white-space characters in the input.

Non–white-space characters, except for the percent sign (%). A non–white-space character causes scanf to read, but not store, a matching non–white-space character. If the next character in stdin does not match, scanf terminates.

Format specifications, introduced by the percent sign (%). A format specification causes scanf to read and convert characters in the input into values of a specified type. The value is assigned to an argument in the argument list.

The format is read from left to right. Characters outside format specifications are expected to match the sequence of characters in stdin; the matching characters in stdin are scanned but not stored. If a character in stdin conflicts with the format specification, scanf terminates, and the character is left in stdin as if it had not been read.


When the first format specification is encountered, the value of the first input field is converted according to this specification and stored in the location that is specified by the first argument. The second format specification causes the second input field to be converted and stored in the second argument, and so on through the end of the format string.


An input field is defined as all characters up to the first white-space character (space, tab, or newline), or up to the first character that cannot be converted according to the format specification, or until the field width (if specified) is reached. If there are too many arguments for the given specifications, the extra arguments are evaluated but ignored. The results are unpredictable if there are not enough arguments for the format specification.


Each field of the format specification is a single character or a number signifying a particular format option. The type character, which appears after the last optional format field, determines whether the input field is interpreted as a character, a string, or a number.


The simplest format specification contains only the percent sign and a type character (for example, %s). If a percent sign (%) is followed by a character that has no meaning as a format-control character, that character and the following characters (up to the next percent sign) are treated as an ordinary sequence of characters, that is, a sequence of characters that must match the input. For example, to specify that a percent-sign character is to be input, use %%.

An asterisk (*) following the percent sign suppresses assignment of the next input field, which is interpreted as a field of the specified type. The field is scanned but not stored

―――By windyFCG】【DFCG】【PYG
